Chapter 29

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School ended and Camila opened her locker before shoving some books in it.

"Hey" She looked behind her and saw Cole smiling at her.

"Hey Cole" Camila smiled back.

"I uhh wanna thank you for helping me survive my first day" Cole scratched the back of his neck.

"No problem.." Camila smiled.

"As a thank you uhh I would like to give you a ride home.. only if you want to?"

"I uhh I have a car" Camila chuckled "But thank you for the offer"

"Okay.. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow?" Cole asked and Camila nodded.

Camila saw Lauren walking on the hallway towards her and smiled.

"Hi Lauren" Camila waved but Lauren ignored her.

"You guys fighting?" Cole asked.

"I don't know.. sorry but I gotta go" Camila sighed before running after Lauren.



Oh great. Lauren thought.

After finding out that Camila has feelings for her Lauren can't help but feel happy and excited at the same time. But as time goes by she finds herself getting upset and mad that all this time Camila didn't even told her. All day all Lauren thinks about is how can Camila fall inlove with her when she's out there throwing herself on some guys who just gave her a small attention.

"Lauren!" Lauren ignored Camila as she walks towards the car.

"Son of a .... Lauren!" Camila yelled.

"What?!" Lauren yelled back as she face the small brunette.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Camila asked with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"I'm not" Lauren answered before turning her back on Camila.

"I'm not an idiot Lauren" Camila rolled her eyes "What's your problem?"

Lauren clenched her fist before facing the brunette again "YOU are my problem!"

"Wha... what the hell did I do that made you so mad?" Camila frowned.

"Don't act like you don't know Camila" Lauren chuckled sarcastically

"Know what?"

"You're inlove with me, right?"

"H-how.. w-who told..."

"It doesn't matter" Lauren cut her off. "Is it true?"

Shit.. she doesn't look pleased. Say something bitch! Camila thought

"Camila!" Lauren yelled.

"It's true! I'm inlove with you okay?! I'm inlove with you since the day I saw you and I was so stupid that I didn't realized it sooner!" Camila exclaimed as she holds back her tears. "I-I thought it was just a stupid crush"

"Is that why you always kiss me?" Lauren asked and Camila nodded.

"I didn't know that you're gay" Lauren whispered.

"I didn't know either.. but I am for you" Camila replied.

"What do you want me to do Camz?" Lauren sighed "I can't just call things off with Taylor"

"I know.. I don't want you to do anything about it. I'll be fine"

"I'm sorry" Lauren whispered.

"I'm sorry too"

"Do you need some time? You know.. to get over it?" Lauren asked and Camila shrugged.

"I honestly don't know what to do" Camila chuckled "I don't think I'll ever get over it"

"Camz.. I'll always be here for you, no matter what. You're my best friend"

"I gotta go" Camila mumbled before walking towards the other side of the parking lot. She doesn't want to hear anymore rejection. It's enough that Lauren knows she fell for her and that Lauren wasn't there to catch her.

Lauren sat on her hood and sighed as she stares up the clear blue sky.

"What do I do now?" Lauren whispered.

She stepped inside her car and pulled away from her parking spot. She drove to where Camila was parked and frowned when she saw the Cuban girl sitting on the ground with her head on her knees.

Should I walk towards her?
Leave her.. she needs to think.
Something's wrong
You rejected her.. she doesn't want to see you. Lauren was contemplating as she lay her head on the steering wheel. She looked at Camila again before sighing.

"Fuck it.." Lauren muttered as she stepped out of her car.

"Camz?" Lauren called making the brunette snap her head up. "What's wrong?"

Camila pointed to her car with a messed up tires and Lauren immediately felt her rage rise up.

"Again?!" Lauren exclaimed "Who the fuck does that?"

"I'm not in the mood to deal with it right now" Camila sighed.

"Come on.. I'll give you a ride home" Lauren sighed as she extends her hands to Camila.

"Thank you but I already called Dinah" Camila gave Lauren a weak smile before grabbing her hand.

"Hey I came as soon as you... the fuck happened to your car?!" Dinah gasped with wide eyes.

"Nothing new" Camila sighed "Let's go"


"I'm fine Lauren" Camila cut her off walking towards Dinah's car.

"What happened?" Dinah frowned.

"She knows" Lauren sighed.

"I'm fucked" Dinah sighed.

"Don't worry.. I didn't tell her it was you" Lauren squeezed Dinah's shoulder before walking to her car.


Everyone... have a nice day!

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