Chapter 36

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I'm a fan of Victorious so I wrote my favorite scene here with Camren.


Lauren and Camila are walking to the parking lot with their fingers intertwined as they laugh at each other's jokes. Lauren suddenly came to a stop before looking behind her.

"What's wrong?" Camila rubbed Lauren's hand with her thumb.

"I got this feeling like someone's watching us" Lauren scanned the area before landing her eyes to the beautiful girl beside her.

"I know that feeling" Camila smiled "Come on" Camila pulled Lauren towards her car.

"Can I drive?" Lauren pouted and Camila nodded.

"Of course.. tomorrow maybe I can drive your car" Camila gave Lauren her keys.

"Whatever makes you happy" She grabs Camila's keys before running to Camila's car.

"Dork" Camila chuckled as she follows Lauren. Lauren suddenly stopped and stared at Camila's car.

"Uhh Camz?"

"What the fuck?" Camila muttered as she looks at her car.

All the tires are slashed and someone spray painted on the windshield.

"Watch your back?" Camila frowned. "What does that mean?"

"I swear to god.." Lauren muttered with gritted teeth.

"I'll call Noah" Camila sighed.

"They're taking this way too far" Camila noticed the anger in Lauren's voice. She put her arms around the greeneyed girl's neck before pecking her lips.

"It's just a car" Camila whispered on Lauren's lips.

"From now on we'll use my car, Okay?" Lauren sighed and Camila nodded.


The gang are hanging out in Shawn's café talking about the note written on Camila's car while Camila and Dinah are on the counter getting their food.

"That's fucked up" Noah leaned back "If I find out who's been messing with Camila's car I'll fuck them up"

"Awww that's so sweet" Cat cooed.

"That's cool.. Can I join you?" Lizie asked before sipping her coffee.

"Well hello there"

Everyone looked up and saw Lucy standing by their table.

"So you're with them now?" Lucy asked Noah. "You gonna trash their house too?" Lucy smirked.

"Fuck off Lucy" Ally scoffed while Lucy just rolled her eyes.

"Anyway, Hi baby" Lucy winked at Lauren who just rolled her eyes. "I miss you" She started rubbing Lauren's arm but Lauren slapped her hand away.

"Uhh.. excuse me?" Cat poked Lucy's arm.

"What?" Lucy glared at Cat.

"She has a girlfriend"

"So? I don't see her" Lucy scoffed.

"Turn around"

Lucy turned around and saw Camila standing behind her with a coffee on her hand.

"Now you see her" Camila smirked.

"I don't see much" Lucy bit back.

Camila's expression quickly changed making Lauren feel worried that in any second Camila might slap Lucy's face off.

"This is interesting" Lizie leaned back as she takes a bite of her muffin watching the girls stare down at each other.

Shit.. Lauren thought. She looked at her friends hoping that someone would intervene between the two girls shooting daggers at each other. But instead of stopping the tension everyone looked interested and just waiting for someone to swing at someone's face first.

"So I heard you guys signed up for the talent show.. a talent show for.. wannabes" Lucy smirked.

"You know you might wanna be shutting your face there" Camila replied.

"Really?" Lucy quirked an eyebrow as she takes a step closer to Camila.

"Really" Camila smirked as she stays in her ground.

Cara walked behind Camila before placing her hand on Camila's shoulder.

"Don't you fucking touch her" Lauren stood up and Cara retreated her hand.

"Let's go.. This not over Camila" Lucy rolled her eyes before walking away.

"Damn.. Camren" Dinah smirked.

"Thank you for coming. Please don't come back again!" Shawn yelled at the girls who stormed out of the café.

"You okay?" Lauren whispered to Camila who sat down beside her.

"Yeah" Camila smiled. "That was kinda hot"

"Oh really?" Lauren formed a mischievous smile.

"Okay guys stop eye fucking each other while we're here" Normani rolled her eyes making the girls chuckle.

"You guys really signed up for the talent show?" Cat asked with excitement in her voice.

"Yeah.. it was all for a bet" Noah replied.

"Me too.. This is exciting!" Cat clapped her hands excitedly.

"What about you Liz?" Noah asked .

"I didn't" Lizie replied.

"Why?" Cat pouted.

"Because I don't want to, now stop talking to me"

"You're mean" Cat sanked down on her seat.

"Shawn.. you still singing with me?" Camila asked and Shawn nodded.

"Of course.." Shawn smiled.

"Can we join the bet?" Cat asked and everyone nodded.

"What's the bet?" Lizie asked

"If we win, Lauren will take us to their beach house.. if we lose, Dinah's taking us to Barcelona" Ally replied.

"You guys are gonna lose" Lizie smirked

"And why is that?" Dinah frowned.

"Cause I wanna go to Barcelona"

"Me too" Lauren smiled at the brunette who was busy stuffing her face with waffles. She had already planned a everything when they go to Barcelona or the beach house.

"Anyway what are we gonna do to the asshole who keeps trashing little Mila's car?" Noah asked.

"I'm not little!" Camila exclaimed.

"Oh.. Oh" Cat raised her hand.

"Okay.. Cat what do you have in mind?" Ally smiled as she finds the gesture cute and respectful.

"Let's..haha..when they..haha.. You know.. haha.. I can't even speak" Cat laughed while everyone looked at her confused.

"Okay anyone else?" Ally asked.

"We can just install a hidden camera and wait for them to fuck your car up again" Lizie suggested.

"Oh.. that's even better" Cat replied.

"Okay.. I can install one" Noah raised his hand.

"So I'll get my car fixed and wait for them to fuck it up again?" Camila frowned.

"Yes" Lizie nodded.

"Okay" Camila smiled.


I wanna go to England 😔

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