Chapter 14

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"Thanks for adopting me" Noah gave the girls a smile.

"It's fine. It's nice to have more friends" Ally smiled back while the others stuff their mouths with pizza. Dinah was sitting between Noah and Normani while Camila sits between Lauren and Ally across the table.

"Wow.. you guys can eat" Noah chuckled.

"Pizza is our life.. we always come here to eat right Pops?!" Dinah yelled at the man behind the counter.

"It's always a pleasure having you girls here" The man smiled.

"'Cause I'm blessing this place with my existence" Dinah flipped her hair to the side hitting Noah in the face.

"Uhh yeah" Noah said as he rubs his right eye.

"Don't worry that happens to everyone" Lauren gave Noah a small smile.

"So.. what do your ex-friends usually do when you hangout?" Normani asked before taking a sip of her vanilla milkshake.

"Uhh.. we sometimes just hangout in someone's house. Listen to music, smoke some.. you know and make fun of each other" Noah answered.

"You miss them?" Camila asked

"Sometimes.. but what we really do isn't really my thing" Noah shrugged.

"So how's Lucy?" Lauren asked making Camila stop eating her pizza.

"I think she's okay.. I heard her and Austin are going out now. Why do you ask?"

"Yeah.. why do you ask Lo?" Camila gave Lauren a look making Lauren swallow her food.

"N-nothing.. Just uhh curious" Lauren stammered under Camila's gaze.

"So.. where are we going next? It's Friday after all" Dinah changed the topic to ease the tension.

"Movies?" Ally suggested.

"Movies is... perfection" Lauren answered still tensed.

"Movies is perfection? Really Chandler?" Camila scoffed.

"Anyway, We have our own theater.. you girls wanna hangout at my place?" Noah asked.

"Actually, we wanna watch Captain Marvel" Ally answered.

"Oh cool.. I wanna watch it too. Can I come?" Noah asked and all the girls nodded.

"Of course!" Ally exclaimed.

"Well let's finish this up.. the movie starts in 30 minutes" Normani said with her eyes glued on her phone.

"This doesn't taste good" Noah mumbled while chewing his Hawaiian pizza. "Pineapple on pizza is just... wrong"

"Oh no" Lauren whispered.

"Shouldn't have said that" Dinah sang.

"You're screwed" Ally mumbled.

"Run" Normani whispered

"Why? What's happening?" Noah asked as he puts down his pizza looking at the girls with a puzzled expression.

His eyes landed on Camila who was glaring at him.

"Camila?" Noah asked feeling scared under Camila's stare. "You're scaring me"

"I'm so glad I broke up with you. Now, take that back" Camila said with gritted teeth.

"Girls?" Noah looked at the girls who were acting like they're busy. Normani was glued on the phone along with Ally, Dinah's busy eating and Lauren is staring out the window while humming a song. He shifted his eyes back to Camila who was still glaring at him.

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