Chapter 30

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Dinah keeps stealing glances at Camila who was busy staring out the car window.

"Hey.. you okay?" Dinah rubbed Camila's arm with her thumb as she drives.

"She knows.." Camila sighed.

Guilt took over Dinah's emotions making her shut her eyes for a second before speaking.

"I told her" Dinah blurted out the words.

"I figured" Camila sighed.

"I'm sorry.. it just slipped out"

"It just slipped out" Camila chuckled

"I'm sorry Chancho" Dinah sighed.

"Stop the car"

"Wha.. why?" Dinah frowned.

"Stop the car"

"No.. we're almost there" Dinah replied.

"Stop the fucking car!" Camila exclaimed startling the Polynesian girl. Dinah slowly stepped on the breaks stopping the car.


"No Dinah! I trusted you! You ruined everything! Things will never be the same again between Lauren and I.. I was fine just by loving her from a distance and you ruined it!" Camila stepped out of the car slamming the door behind her.

"I'm sorry Camila.. just get back in the car.. It's a 30 minute walk to your house" 

"I don't care just... Just leave me alone" Camila muttered before walking away.

Camila has been walking for 10 minutes replaying the confrontation that happened with Lauren. She stopped her feet from moving as she felt someone watching her. She turned around and scanned the empty streets looking for somebody but nothing. No one was there. She sighed before walking again shoving her hands on her pockets. She reached her house and sighed when she saw her father's car parked on their driveway. She stepped inside the house and saw her father sitting on the couch holding a glass of whiskey.

"Camila" Alejandro called.

"What?" Camila answered as she walks towards her father.

"I need to talk to you about something.. please sit down"

Please? That's a first. Camila thought.

"I know I haven't been a real father to you and Sofi when your mom passed away.."

"No shit.." Camila rolled her eyes as she sits at the couch across her father.

"Let me finish" Alejandro sighed "I just want you to know that I don't blame you.. Maybe at first... because I was so hurt and devastated when i lost the love of my life that I got lost too.. I sent Sofi away because I don't know how to take care of you guys when I'm always away and I have work. I thought it would be easier but it wasn't.. you hated me after I sent Sofi away you resent me for it I know.. but I realized recently that sending Sofi away is the right decision I made.. she's safe"

"What do you mean safe?" Camila frowned "Are you in trouble?"

"I uhh I'm not sure.."

"There's something you're not telling me.. I can see it in your eyes" Camila stared at her father.

Alejandro sighed before speaking up "A man named Jack was one of my investors.. 2 years ago I got a report saying his business was running low.. almost bankcrupt. Then I decided to buy his company which he agreed to. The contracts were signed and I'm officially the owner of his company. Months passed he started accusing me of stealing his company and he started giving me threats and letters saying that he'll make me pay for what I did.. that's why I'm always away. I don't want him to find our house and most importantly you.. you and Sofi are all I got.. and I'm sorry if I'm not the father you've always wanted but I... " Alejandro sighed as he tried to hold back his tears.

Camila stood up and sat down next to Alejandro "I forgive you dad.. I'm sorry too... I didn't know what was happening before but I do now. And I don't hate you.. I was just disappointed and upset that you're always away like you didn't even want to spend some time with me and Sofi"

"I was just protecting my girls.. Jack has gone crazy.. that makes him dangerous.. I want you to be careful and cautious from this day forward, okay?" Alejandro cupped Camila's cheeks.

"I promise" Camila nodded.

"Has anything weird Nd suspicious happened to you lately?" Alejandro asked and Camila shook her head no.

"Just some bullies keeps slashing my tires that's all" Camila replied.

"You're being bullied?" Alejandro frowned

"No.. just my car" Camila chuckled. "Since we're letting things out... I uhh.. I told Lauren I'm inlove with her"

"Why am I not surprised" Alejandro smiled at her daughter.

"You're okay with it?" Camila asked.

"As long as your happy" Alejandro smiled "Besides, you won't get pregnant"

"About that... Lauren is actually intersex"

"Oh.. " Alejandro leaned back surprised "Well.. I think it's great.. I still have the chance of being a grandpapa"

"Well not exactly... we're not together.. she's with someone else" Camila sighed.

"What?!" Alejandro exclaimed "she made you fall for her and now she's not there to catch you? I need to talk to that girl"

"No dad.. it's fine.. She didn't make me fall for her.. it just happened. It's all on me"

"Unrequited love" Alejandro sighed.

"Yeah" Camila sighed.

"Want a new car?" Alejandro asked making Camila laugh.

"No dad.. I'm fine." Camila chuckled.

"Come here" Alejandro wrapped his arms around his daughter before kissing her head " I love you sweetie"

"I love you too" Camila replied as she tightens her arms around her father.


Three days have passed and Camila kept ignoring Dinah and avoiding Lauren everytime they were walking on the same path or in the same room. Camila told the group why she's been distant lately and they understood that Camila needed some space. Cole and Noah have been keeping her company in the bleachers during lunchbreak but this time they finally convinced her to seat with them on their usual table in the cafeteria.

The gang sat in silence as they ate their lunch. Lauren kept stealing glances at Camila who was busy playing with her spaghetti with her fork.

"So.. Ally's birthday is coming up" Normani broke the awkward silence.

"Oh yeah.. I'm planning on having a karaoke night with you guys.. you know to warm up our voices before the talent show" Ally smiled.

"I'm in" Noah and Shawn raised their hands in unison.

"Can I come?" Cole asked Ally who nodded.

"Of course.. Everyone in this table is invited" Ally smiled.

"Cool" Lauren smiled.

"We're gonna be dancing and singing to Queen B" Normani smiled as she nudge Dinah on her shoulder.

"That would be fun" Dinah smiled weakly.

"Camila?" Ally called making Camila stop playing with her food.

"Hmmm?" Camila looked up at Ally.

"Are you in?"

"Of course.. I won't miss it for the world" Camila smiled.

"Great! I'm so excited" Ally squealed.


Since you guys can't wait.. I finished this Chapter for you..


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