Chapter 44

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"Everyone got their tickets and passports?" Ally asked and everyone nodded.

"Cat are you sure you're okay?" Cole asked and Cat gave him a thumbs up.

"I got all kinds of pain killers and it doesn't hurt that much" Cat replied.

"Lets go to Mexico!" Dinah squealed along with Normani.

"We're going on a trip on our favorite..."

"No!" Lizie cut Cat off.

"Jeez.. why so grumpy?" Noah asked.

"Shark week" Shawn whispered to Noah earning slap from Lizie.

Lauren chuckled at her friends before looking at Camila who was sitting silently while staring at her fingers.

"Babe you okay?" Lauren asked as she crouch down in front of Camila.

"Yeah." Camila smiled standing up "let's go?"

Lauren nodded as she stands up before intertwining their fingers. Camila rested her head on Lauren's shoulder as they walk towards the boarding gate with their friends walking ahead of them.


"What's wrong? You kept looking at the window with a weird expression" Camila whispered to Lauren who can't stop shifting on her seat.

"I-I.. I hate take offs" Lauren replied.

"You're gonna be okay.. hold my hand" Camila smiled

As soon as Lauren felt Camila's warm and soft skin on her palm she immediately let out a breath of relief.

"I'm so luck I have you" Lauren smiled.

Camila smiled back but felt a wave of guilt washed over her as she remembered what happened on the library.

"We're going on a trip..." Cat started singing but Lizie cut her off again.

"Those two are kinda cute" Lauren chuckled.

"Yeah they are" Camila replied.

"You okay?" Lauren looked at her worriedly.

"I'm fine babe" Camila smiled.

"You're acting kinda different today.. what are you thinking?" Lauren asked as she stares at  Camila.

"Nothing.. just a slight headache" Camila lied.

The plane started moving making Lauren grip Camila's hand.

"Are we on the air yet?" Lauren asked with her eyes shut.

"They're just backing up the plane" Camila chuckled.

"Oh.. tell me when it's all over" Lauren replied.

Camila shook her head in amusement as she grabs the back of Lauren's neck with her free hand and pulled the greeneyed girl for a long and passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" Lauren whispered when Camila broke the kiss.

"To take your mind off of things" Camila smiled "The worst part is over"

"Oh.. I didn't even realized we took off" Lauren chuckled before pecking Camila's lips "Thanks babe"

"You guys fucking?" Billie popped her head behind their seat.

"Oh my fucking god you're here!" Lauren exclaimed as she pinch Billie's cheeks.

"Yes yes I made it.. surprise bitch" Billie chuckled. "Way to handle Lauren's fear Camzi" Billie smirked.

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