Chapter 40

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It's Saturday night, Lauren and Camila are cuddled up in Lauren's bed watching Serendipity on Camila's laptop. Camila was busy watching the film while Lauren was busy watching her.

"You're staring" Camila mumbled on Lauren's chest.

"How did you know?" Lauren chuckled.

"I guessed" Camila giggled. "Why are you staring?" Camila turned her head up to look at Lauren's face.

"Just.. thinking" Lauren smiled.

"About what?"


"Are you imagining things that includes me?" Camila smirked.

"Maybe.." Lauren smirked back. "I was thinking about the time when we would just make out and you seducing the fuck out of me"

"You horny babe?" Camila chuckled.

"No.. I was just thinking how things may have changed between us.. like you don't have to seduce me to get me to make out with you"

"Is that a bad thing?" Camila frowned.

"No.. no.. it's not." Lauren retorded.

"Why are you thinking about it?"

"I uhh maybe.. I miss THAT Camila" Lauren stared at Camila just waiting for her reaction.

"Don't worry" Camila smiled "She's still here" Camila slowly sat up before straddling Lauren's lap.

"W-what are you doing Camz" Lauren stammered.

"It's Karla babe" Camila smirked before crashing her lips against Lauren slowly.

"Miss me?" Camila whispered before traveling her lips on Lauren's jawline.

"Y-yes" Lauren sighed as she felt Camila's warm and soft lips on her earlobe.

"I fucking missed you too"

Camila started kissing and licking Lauren's pulse point as she slowly grinds down on Lauren's erection.


"Hmm?" Camila sucked her neck before licking the soft skin.

Shit.. that's gonna leave a mark.

"D-don't grind on me" Lauren whispered before biting her bottom lip.

"Why? I love feeling you getting hard for me" Camila husked.

"Holy shit" Lauren can't believe what Camila was saying right now. The sweet innocent Camila was gone, and in front of her was Karla.

"Fuck.. you're getting hard" Camila moaned as she felt Lauren's erection hitting her.

"Babe stop" Lauren whispered as she sat up making Camila frown.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I want your first time to be romantic and memorable for you" Lauren sighed.

"Aww that's so sweet" Camila smiled.

She's back. Lauren thought.

"I don't care where or when it's gonna happen.. as long as it's with you" Camila cupped Lauren's cheek before pecking her lips.

"Y-you want it uhh with me?" Lauren stammered while Camila chuckled at her cuteness.

"Yes.. I don't want anybody else"

"But I don't uhh know if you'll like it..I don't know if I'm good and I'm not really experienced with girls and I haven't done THAT to a girl.."

"Hey" Camila smiled "We'll work it out"

"I love you" Lauren whispered.

"I love you too" Camila smiled as she rubs Lauren's cheeks with her thumb. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah.." Lauren replied.

"I mean are you gonna be okay? You have an erection and it will hurt you if you don't find or do some kind of release"

"Wow.. you know a lot about this stuff" Lauren chuckled.

"I read a lot of books" Camila giggled.

"Thank you.. but I'll be fine. It will go away in a few minutes" Lauren replied.

"It's kinda distracting because I'm sitting on it" Camila bit her bottom lip.

"Stop biting your lip" Lauren whispered as she stares at Camila's plump lips.

"Bite it for me?" Camila smirked.

"You're so hot" Lauren crashed her lips on Camila as she pull the small brunette's body closer to her.

"Hey Lauren can I.... woah!" Billie stared at the two girls in bed with a shock expression.

"You know there's this thing called knocking" Lauren scoffed while Camila bury her face on the crook of Lauren's neck in embarrassment.

"You guys about to fuck?" Billie smirked.

"Oh my god" Camila chuckled.

"No.. get out" Lauren threw a pillow on Billie's face but the girl dodged it.

"You're lips are red, you're panting and Camila's straddling you.. I think you're about to do it" Billie teased.

"We're not.. we're just making out!" Lauren exclaimed.

"Can I watch?" Billie smirked.

"No!" Camila and Lauren answered at the same time.

"Get out Eilish!" Lauren groaned.

"Fine.. Fine.." Billie held her arms up in defeat as she close the door behind her.

"That was embarrassing" Camila giggled.

"Ohh by the way"  Billie popped her head on the door. "Take it easy on her Camzi.. it's her first time"

"Leave!" Lauren yelled. "And don't call her that!"

Billie laughed as she close the door.

"I'm so sorry" Lauren rests her forehead on Camila's shoulder.

"It's fine babe.." Camila chuckled.

They heard a sound of the door opening and saw Clara popped her head in.

"Hey sweetie.. oh god Billie was right Camila is on top of you" Clara chuckled.

"Mom!" Lauren exclaimed while Camila push herself off of Lauren.

"No.. don't stop. I just wanna give you this" Clara tossed a small box to Lauren.

"Condoms?!" Lauren looked at her mom in disbelief "We're not even.."

"It's for emergencies.. okay.. bye" Clara closed the door making Lauren sigh in frustration while Camila giggles.

"Why are you all giggly" Lauren frowned.

"Your mom saw me sitting on top of you.. and she gave you condoms" Camila giggled.

"Ugh.. My family is just embarrassing" Lauren groaned.

"They're just supportive. They love you" Camila smiled.

"I know..but I think they love you more than me" Lauren chuckled.

"I know..I'm amazing" Camila flipped her hair to the side making Lauren shake her head in amusement.

"You're unbelievable" Lauren rolled her eyes playfully.

"You love me"

"I do" Lauren smiled.


The heat is killing me 😭😭😭

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