Chapter 31

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All the teasing and foreplay are over.
Now I'm gonna give you guys what you want..

Camila has been staring at her ceiling for 30 minutes now. She sat up and looked out the window across her seeing Lauren's dark room.

She must be sleeping. Camila thought.

She jumped off her bed and walked downstairs to her father's office. She knocked slowly on the door before opening it.

"Dad?" Camila popped her head in.

Alejandro looked up from his laptop "Is there a problem honey?"

"No problem.. just wanna tell you I'm going out for some air" Camila smiled.

"Okay.. it's late. Don't be gone long" Alejandro smiled back.

"I'll be back soon. Thanks dad" 

Camila grabbed her keys and jacket before stepping out the door. She walked towards her car and saw Lauren walking up to her with her head down and hands shoved in her jacket. She looked up and stopped in her tracks as soon as she saw Camila looking at her.

"Uh hi" Lauren awkwardly waved.

"Hey" Camila smiled "Where are you going?"

"To you actually" Lauren chuckled "Can we talk?"

"Yeah.. sure"

They sat on the curb with a little space between them. Camila played with her keys waiting for Lauren to speak.

"How are you?" Lauren asked breaking the silence between them.

"I'm fine.. you?" Camila answered.

"I'm not sure" Lauren smiled.

"What's wrong?" Camila frowned.

"I just realized something and it scares me" Lauren sighed as she looked down on her hands.

"Is it about Taylor?" Camila replied.

"Yes.. actually" Lauren turned her head to look at Camila.

"I don't think I want to hear..."

"We broke up" Lauren cut her off.

"I'm sorry" Camila looked at Lauren with sympathy.

"It's fine.. we're not really official" Lauren smiled weakly. "I liked her tho"

"So what's the problem?" Camila asked.

"I like her but I'm not inlove with her.." Lauren replied "And it's weird because I can't see myself falling inlove with her"


"Because I had you" Lauren smiled at the ground.


"I'm sorry Camz..I'm sorry that I got upset when you told me that day in the parking lot" Lauren continued "I'm sorry I ignored you when I found out.. I was so confused that I don't know what I'm gonna do.. I thought I wanted Taylor because I'm with her but I don't.. I want you.. from the start. It was always you" Lauren smiled at Camila who was looking at her with wide eyes.

"Y-you want me?" Camila stammered.

"Since day one.. I'm inlove with you before Taylor and I thought you don't feel the same way 'cause you agreed to go out with Shawn so set my feelings aside" Lauren replied.

"I'm sorry that I didn't notice your feelings towards me before. I adore you Lauren, your loyalty, your honesty.. everything about you is amazing. I even fell more inlove with you that night when I cried in your arms.. you listened and you comforted me, you made me feel safe" Camila smiled as she stare at Lauren's emerald eyes.

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