Chapter 33

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Camila walked down the stairs with her keys on her hand as her eyes scans the empty living room.

"Dad?" Camila called.

"In the kitchen!" Alejandro called.

"Here.. I made you some pancakes before I go" Alejandro hands Camila a plate.

"Where are you going?" Camila asked as she lay her plate on the kitchen counter.

"Work.. I gotta fix some things in the office.. and I can't stay here longer. I can't let Jack know where you are" Alejandro sighed.

"Okay" Camila nodded "Be careful okay?"

"I will.. for you and Sofi" Alejandro walked towards Camila before placing soft kiss on her daughters forehead.

"By the way.." Alejandro looked down at Camila "It's Saturday.. where are you going?"

"Mom" Camila smiled.

"With Lauren?" Alejandro replied.

"Just me dad" Camila chuckled.

"Well then.. can I come with you? I got time" Alejandro smiled.

"I would love that" Camila wrapped her arms around her father.  "By the way.. have you been visiting mom and leaving daisies in her gravestone?"

"No.. why?" Alejandro frowned.

"Nothing.. last week I went to visit her and someone left fresh daisies there"

"Maybe it's one of our relatives" Alejandro replied.

They arrived at the deserted  cemetery where her mom was buried. Camila stepped out of the car and scanned the place full of trees as the air hits her skin.

"I love coming here.. It's very calming" Camila smiled at her dad.

They walked through the grassy place towards her mom's grave with Camila's arm wrapped around her father's. As they pass through some graves of strangers Camila smiled as she saw a beautiful blue butterfly resting on a small flower next to a gravestone. Her eyes followed the butterfly as it flies away and disappeared through the trees.

"Is that Dinah?"

Camila looked at her father before  following his gaze to a blonde girl sitting in front of her mom's grave holding a single daisy.

The daisies are from her? Camila thought as they continue to walk.

"Dinah?" Alejandro called and the Polynesian girl looked behind her shoulder before wiping her tears away.

"H-hi Mr. C" Dinah tried restraining her sniffles as she put the single flower with the others.

"What are you doing here?" Alejandro smiled .

"I.. uhh I just.." Dinah stood up.


"Hmm?" Alejandro turned to fave his daughter.

"I have to talk to Dinah.. we'll be back in a sec" Camila replied

"Okay.. I'll be right here" Alejandro nodded.

Camila walked away with Dinah following behind her in silence. She stopped under a big oak tree far enough for her father to see them. She sat down under the shade provided by the tree with Dinah following her movements.

"I'm really sorry" Dinah muttered.

"I know.. I'm sorry too" Camila sighed. "I over reacted"

"I didn't mean to tell her.. it was an accident"

"It's fine Cheechee" Camila smiled at Dinah.

"It's not fine Camila" Dinah sighed "You guys have been ignoring each other since she found out and you ignored me for days"

"It's okay.. Lauren and I talked it out last night and I'm sorry for ignoring you" Camila sighed.

"I hate it when I can't talk to my bestfriend about absolutely nothing"

"Me too.. I'm sorry" Camila replied as she looks at Dinah with her brown doe eyes.

"I'm sorry too" Dinah smiled. "Everything's good between you and Lauren?"

"Yes.." Camila grinned "Actually things are great between us.. we're kinda going out now" Camila chuckled.

"What?" Dinah asked confused "What about Taylor?"

"They broke up.. that's why Lauren wanted to talk last night. She confessed her feelings for me and my heart melted when she said those words"

"What words?" Dinah asked smiling.

"She said it was always me that she wanted from the start" Camila smiled at the ground.

"Romantic shit" Dinah groaned earning a slap on her arm.

"Kidding" Dinah laughed "So.. we good now?"

Camila nodded before hugging her bestfriend "I missed you Cheechee" she smiled as they rock their bodies from side to side.

"I missed you too dork" Dinah chuckled.

"By the way" Camila broke the hug "What are you doing here?

"Talking to your mom" Dinah smiled.

"About what?"

"It's between your mom and I Chancho" Dinah smirked while Camila roll her eyes before smiling.

"It's kinda sweet that you're still talking to my mom" Camila smiled.

"I'm still friends with your momma.. you know I love her" Dinah smiled. "So.. you and Lauren huh?"

"I know" Camila smiled shyly. "We'll come together at Ally's later"

"I bet you are" Dinah smirked.

"Not like that you ass" Camila laughed as she push Dinah by the shoulder.

"At last! My ship is sailing!" Dinah exclaimed as she held her fist up making Camila laugh.

Alejandro heard her daughter's  laughter making his heart jump in joy.

"I haven't heard that beautiful  sound in a long time" Alejandro chuckled and smiled at his wife's name. "I miss you mi amor.. and I won't let anything bad happen to our princesses"


Ta da!!

I appreciate it that you guys liked my story 😊

Thank you so much! Love you 💋

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