Chapter 4

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"Hey cutie" Lucy smiled at Lauren while leaning on the lockers with her left shoulder.

"Oh hi Lucy" Lauren smiled back.

"So uhmm.. "

Lauren closed her locker and looked at Lucy with curiousity in her green eyes. "Yes?"

"Do you want to go out? With me?" Lucy asked while she stood up straight hoping that Lauren would say yes.

"Uhh sure.. " Lauren smiled.

"Really? Oh my god"

"Yeah.. just call me when" Lauren smiled before walking towards her class.

Lauren fixed her backpack and thought about what Taylor said to her the other day.

just try.. it won't hurt. Right?

Lauren thought.


"Okay class...please walk straight to the library with your partners. Do your research and come back here in 30 minutes" Mrs. Sanchez announced while the class stood up and gathered their stuff.

Lauren saw Dinah walking towards her and gave a small wave.

"What's up?" Lauren asked while holding her book and pen.

"Can I be your partner? Mila is supposed to be my partner but she's still not showing up in school" Dinah asked and Lauren nodded.

"Of course.." Lauren smiled.

"Oh goodie.." Dinah clapped her hands making Lauren roll her eyes at the childish gesture.

"So is your friend okay?" Lauren asked while they walk towards the next building.

"I texted her earlier she said that she's fine... she'll meet us at the party on Friday" Dinah answered.

"She'll attend the party but not her classes.. wow" Lauren replied.

"There's a lot going on with her right now... she'll come around" Dinah sighed.

So mysterious. Lauren thought


"What are we doing again?" Dinah asked as they sat on the floor leaning on the bookshelf.

"Research" Lauren answered.

"And why are we sitting on the floor? There's chairs and tables there" Dinah said while pointing at the study area.

"So I can concentrate more" Lauren mumbled while reading her book.

Dinah took out her phone and raised it to take a selfie .

"What are you doing?" Lauren grabbed Dinah's hand.

"Uhh instagram... duh"

"Whatever" Lauren mumbled.

"Smile" Dinah whispered before taking the picture.

"Damn girl " Dinah grinned at their photo. "You always look this good?"

Lauren chuckled as she takes down notes "you gonna help me?"

"I'm helping you.. moral support" Dinah smiled cutely.

"I'll do this one and you're gonna read it in front of the class"

"Deal" Dinah said as she post their selfie on instagram.

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