Chapter 43

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"What are we doing?" Camila asked as she scans the parking lot.

"Getting in my car?" Zayn pointed to the car parked in front of them.

"We're leaving?" Camila frowned while Zayn chuckles

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"We're leaving?" Camila frowned while Zayn chuckles.

"We'll just grab some things.. we'll be back before you know it" Zayn smiled before getting in his car.  Camila sighed as she walks at the opposite door.

"Where are we going?" Camila turned to look at Zayn

"Grab some food" Zayn replied as he starts up the car.

They drove to nearest Mcdonald's drive thru making Camila sigh in relief.

"Why are you nervous? I'm not gonna steal you away or anything" Zayn chuckled before ordering some chicken nuggets, fries and burgers for the both of them.

"See.. told you we'll be quick"

"I thought you're gonna kidnap me" Camila chuckled.

"I'm not a kidnapper.. I don't kidnap girls for them to be with me"

"I know.. you're probably the one who'll get kidnapped"

"Why is that?" Zayn frowned.

"Because you're cute and hot" Camila replied but immediately regretting the words that came out of her mouth.

"You think I'm cute?" Zayn smiled.

"I uhh.. I" Camila stammered as she felt herself blush. Zayn has been the school's bad boy prince  since freshman year. After seeing him perform on stage, Camila easily developed a huge crush towards the bad boy but she's too shy to talk or start a conversation with him.

Zayn chuckled as he shakes his head in amusement. "You're cute"

He thinks I'm cute! Camila thought at she felt her cheeks heat up.

"Come on. Let's go back" Zayn smiled before putting their food on the backseat.


"Why are we here in the library?" Camila asked confused.

"Uhh because this is where we're supposed be?" Zayn replied.

"But food and drinks are not allowed inside" Camila frowned.

"Relax.." Zayn chuckled "we're not going INSIDE.. we'll hangout on the roof"

"Oh okay" Camila followed Zayn inside the building.

"Watch your step" Zayn said looking behind Camila as they walk up the stairs. They reached the final step and Zayn opened the door for Camila.

"Ladies first" Zayn smiled as he held the door.

"Thanks" Camila smiled before stepping out.

"Wow.." Camila inhaled the fresh air blowing on her skin.

"I know" Zayn smiled before walking towards a corner.

"Are we allowed here?" Camila asked as she walks behind Zayn.

"Maybe.." Zayn shrugged "I hang out here a lot.. it's like my favorite place to write"

"That's cool" Camila smiled.

"Here.." Zayn handed Camila her food before sitting down on the cold concrete.

"Thanks" Camila smiled sitting down next to Zayn but leaving a space between them. They talked about their likes and dislikes while they eat their food and Zayn found Camila entertaining.

"You're really cool to hangout with" Zayn smiled.

"Thanks.. uhh you too" Camila smiled back.

"I was really intimidated by you when I first saw you" Zayn chuckled.

"Why is that?"

"You always have your resting bitch face on"

"No I don't!" Camila scowled.

"There! There it is!" Zayn exclaimed as he points to Camila's face while smiling. "I was scared to talk to you 'cause I thought you might punch me in the face or something"

"T-Talk to me about what?" Camila stammered.

"Things" Zayn replied. "Like asking you out?"

Shit.. my crush is asking me out.. No Camila! You're with Lauren! YOU love her.Camila thought.



"Where'd you go?" Zayn chuckled.

"So how does it feel that you're the school's rockstar?" Camila asked trying to change the topic.

"It's fine.." Zayn shrugged.

"Fine? You're like a celebrity. Everyone wants to be your friend. Every girl wants to date you. They call you the school's bad boy prince"

"I don't really care what they think.. I appreciate them for liking my stuff but I don't let them get in my head. They labeled me as a bad boy just because of my tattoos but I'm really not one" Zayn replied.

"I know.. I realized it today" Camila smiled.

"Thanks for hanging out with me" Zayn smiled as he stares at Camila's brown orbs. "I haven't had this much fun for a long time"

"You're welcome.." Camila smiled back.

Zayn leaned in and captured Camila's lips by surprise. They kissed slowly as Zayn's hands gently cupped her cheeks pulling her closer to him.

Shit. Lauren!

Camila pushed Zayn's shoulder before getting up.

"What's wrong?" Zayn looked up at Camila with worried eyes while Camila grabs her things.

"I have to go" Camila ran towards the door leaving a confused Zayn.

"Shit..shit..shit.." Camila muttered as she runs down the stairs. "You're so stupid!"

She heard the bell rang as she walks towards the school's parking lot.

What did you do?! You let him kiss you! You're with Lauren! You ruined everything! Now you have to face the consequences. But Lauren doesn't have to know...she can't..

Her phone rang making the small brunette jump in surprise.

"Shit" Camila mumbled before answering.

"Hi baby"

"Hey.. I'm in my car. Where are you?"

"I'm on my way.. just caught up in the library" Camila sighed.

"Okay.. I'll wait for you here"


"Fuck" Camila sighed before running towards her girlfriend.

She doesn't have to know


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