Chapter 7

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"I am so glad that all of those wedding events are done now. I don't have to worry about messing up someone's big day anymore," I whined as I dropped my purse on the table and crashed down onto the couch.

"Oh come on," Danny said as he followed me in with Clay on the leash. "It hasn't been that bad! Besides... I think Jules and Pen have had the best time of their lives the past few weeks! Whether you will admit it or or not, you've enjoyed it." He leaned down to unhook the leash from Clay's collar. "Plus, I think you and I have been having the time of our lives... I know I have."

He hung up the leash and moved over to sit next to me as Clay crawled up on top of his lap. I leaned into Danny and let out a sigh. "I am so thankful I don't have to wear heels or a dress for a long while now, too."

His strong arm wrapped around my shoulders as his hot lips were placed on my forehead. "You're not the average woman, Jame... And I love that about you. I'm glad that we're done now, too, though. I get a little time away from Jules and his whining." Danny chuckled, causing Clay to look up at him with his big puppy dog eyes.

I looked down at Clay and smiled as I reached to pet his head. "I've missed hanging out with you," I told him, feeling Danny nod against me. "But I think Daddy missed you more."

"I think I did. He and I need to recover from our long break from each other. Maybe he and I can go to the dog park tomorrow when you're at work," Danny said softly. "Now that I don't have to worry about Jules doing anything stupid before the wedding, I have a lot of free time."

"I'm jealous," I whined playfully. "I don't get to spend as much time with my boys now that I've got work." I pulled away from Danny and looked down at him and Clay. How on earth was my dog practically my boyfriend's soulmate? I shot Danny a pouty face as he smiled back at me, running his fingers through Clay's chocolatey fur.

"Oh come on," Danny said with a small laugh. "We'll both be here for you when you get home. Ready to cuddle, too!" Those big brown eyes were looking back at me. I couldn't help but feel like I was about to melt at them.

"Ugh," I whined again as I leaned back into Danny's warm arms. "I guess cuddling is okay... Especially with my two favorite guys. Clay..." His big puppy eyes looked up at me. "You've gotta be good for Daddy tomorrow... I don't want you giving him any troubles."

His big tongue fell from his mouth as he panted-- I took that as a yes, that he'll be good. Before I could say anything else, Danny took a shaky breath from beside me. Oh shit, a shaky breath...

"Jame, I wanted to talk to you about something," Danny said quietly, causing me to pull from his arms again, so I could look at him.

"What is it, Danny? You've got me a little nervous by your tone," I told him as I reached forward and grabbed his big hand. I swear those big brown eyes had fright in them.

He looked nervous as he stared down at our hands, which made my heart race. "I uh... I've been thinking about it a lot lately," he trailed off, looking up to meet my eyes. They looked even more nervous than his face. "I love both you and Clay... And you both spend a lot of time here."

My eyes widened as I sucked in a sharp breath. "We could spend less time here, if that's what you're getting at, Danny. We never meant to invade your personal space," I blurted out, as I held his hand a little tighter. "It was never our intention!"

The look on confusion quickly made its way to Danny's face as he shook his head at me. "What do you mean? I've invited you guys over! I've enjoyed every minute of it, Jame," he shot back. "But no... I hate every moment we are apart. I've dreaded the nights that we haven't been able to share a bed. No matter how hot it is, I love having you and your body heat next to me at night..."

I looked at him, still confused. Was he really about to ask what I thought he was asking?

"I realized it before Pen and Jules' wedding... I just... I didn't know how to ask... Would you two like to move in with me?" He let out a little breath, looking directly into my eyes.

I sat there, frozen. He just asked it. He really wanted me... Us to move in with him. He actually did. I'd never had this before... The only men I've ever live with were my father, cousin Jack, and Clay. My grip on Danny's hand became deadly tight.

Danny pulled his hand from mine and placed it so it was resting on top of mine. "Hey... It's no big deal... I-I just thought because you two are always here that you'd... Ya know... Wanna stay here permanently," Danny practically whispered, sounding defeated.

Tears began pulling from my eyes as I shook my head. "I-I... Are you sure, Danny? We're not invading your personal space," I asked again.

A small smile made its way onto his face as he shook his head. "Of course not, I love having you two around. B-But if you don't want to, you don't have to," he replied as he moved his hand up to wipe my tears.

"W-We'd love to, Danny... I-I just don't know what to say! I'm in shock," I admitted. "A-And... Isn't your rent like double what I pay now? So I can pay rent?"

Danny instantly shook his head. "There is no way I am letting you pay rent. I want you to live here with me," he said as his hand found mine again.

I didn't want to think about it... But... It'd already happened once... What if we broke up? I'd be on the streets? I've practically been there before, and I didn't want to be there again...

"I-I... Danny... What if we live together and things don't work out?" I whispered as my heart began to race. I hated the thought of us being apart again.

His dark eyebrows shot up, and his grip on my hand got tighter. "I-I... If that happens... Then... I don't care what happens or how we end, I will always make sure you've got a place to live. As long as I'm alive, you will never end up without a home, Jame-- never."

"Danny..." I whispered as I gripped his thigh. "But..."

"No, Jamie, no buts... I love you and Clay... I am in love with you and I could never not love you. I'd never let anything happen to you..." Those big brown eyes were full of content-- I trusted and believed him.

"O-Okay... We'll move in with you at the end of next month," I told him, as a small smile made its way onto my face. "Mays rent is already paid for."

"Yes," Danny practically yelled as he launched forward and tackled me down into the plush couch. Those skilled lips met mine as I brought my arms up around his neck. When we pulled back to take a breath, he rested his forehead against mine. "I'm so ready to have you here every day."

I giggled as my fingers carded through the hair at the nape of his neck. "I already am here every day," I told him.

"That's not enough. You staying here, and never staying anywhere else is what I want," he replied before smashing his lips back into mine.


Hey y'all! Thank you for reading! As I mentioned on my wall, some updates may be spaced out, just so this book can stay parallel with CrownOfThorns22 's book!

JJ :)

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now