Chapter 9

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I let out a sigh as I put my hand on my hip and took a sip of my water. "Are y'all just gonna sit there all day," I asked with an eyebrow raised as I looked to Danny and Clay, who were lying on my the bed together. "Or are you going to help me pack?"

Danny sat there with a cheeky smile on his face as he ran his fingers through Clay's fur. "I don't know. I think the two of us are pretty comfy right here," he replied with a chuckle. "And I like watching you move around."

I playfully rolled my eyes and put my water down on the bedside table. "I'll look much better when we're lying in the same bed and all my stuff is moved in," I sassed, giving him a look.

He let out a huff and playfully rolled his eyes. "Okay, I'll help... But only on one condition," he said tilting his head to the side. His brown eyes were full of amusement.

I rolled my eyes again, he couldn't have had a bigger childish smirk on his face. "We are not having sex right now," I told him. "I'm on my period still, you know that!"

"No! I know that," he quickly shot back as he shook his head. He fully sat up, causing Clay to shuffle a bit on his lap. The sheets slid down his body, revealing his muscular bare chest. "Besides, we gotta wait until we can break in our new home!"

"What new home," I asked, amused. "It's your current home and we've done it there more times than I can count! You're truly insane, Danny!"

He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Ugh... No... I just wanna pack your lingerie drawer," he said, running a hand through his dark hair. His big brown eyes were looking back at me, practically begging for me to say yes.

I scoffed. "Absolutely not," I said with wide eyes. "There is so much more to pack! And you want to pack my lingerie drawer!?" I was in shock. He was really hanging out with Julian way too much.

He began pouting at me, his brown eyes getting bigger. To make things worse, it seemed like Clay he knew exactly what was happening; he began to whine and show his big puppy eyes. "How have you turned my dog against me too," I whined.

Danny smirked for a second, but then made sure he went back to his pouty face. "But Jamie," he said through his pout. I giggled and shook my head.

"But Danny," I groaned back, "There's so much more to pack than clothes!" He and Clay only proceeded to pout at me. "Ugh! Fine! But you need to pack the stuff from the top of my closet first! We need to make progress! It's only four more days until I move in and I have work the next three days!"

He playfully rolled his eyes and let out a huff. "Ugh. Fine!" He maneuvered Clay off his lap, which caused Clay to look up at him in confusion. "I'm sorry buddy... Mama is being mean and making me pack with her. I'd love to just cuddle with you all day, though."

Clay didn't move from his spot on the bed, only looked up at Danny with big puppy eyes. "I'm sowwy," he said in a baby voice as he rubbed Clay's head. "Tonight we can snuggle."

He leaned down to grab his shirt from the ground and pulled it over his head. He slowly moved up to me, big brown eyes looking directly into mine. His large hands moved down to grasp my hips. "Are you sure I've gotta pack the stuff from your closet first," he asked, that pout still on his face.

I brought my hands up to rest flat on his chest and nodded. "Yes, we don't have much longer. We need to make sure everything is packed," I replied. "The next step would be packing all of Clay's toys."

As Danny's eyes widened, I quickly corrected myself. "I guess after you pack my drawer," I said with a roll of the eyes.

"Ugh," he grumbled before pulling away from me and moping toward the closet to pack my photo albums, extra blankets, and old school books.

We spent the next twenty minutes packing stuff in boxes, and of course, Danny rushed, wanting to get to my drawer like the horny high schooler he was. "Finally," he grunted as he slid the box of albums and blankets toward my bedroom door.

He reached over for another box and moved over to my dresser, where he sat down and pulled the bottom drawer open as he bit his lip. His eyes went wide, probably as wide as a kids eyes in a candy store. "Jesus babe! There is a lot more in here than I've ever seen you wear," he said. His big brown eyes moved from the drawer and up to me standing there in my bunny slippers, duck pajama pants, and Looney Tunes t shirt.

I shrugged and turned back to packing my summer clothing. "For some of it, I've just been waiting for the perfect occasion," I told him.

A groan left his mouth as he began putting the stuff from the top of the clothes into the box he had. "Jesus, I'm kinda disappointed! How much do you have!? You never wear any of the- Oh! Here is the one you wore for my birthday last year. Ugh! I love you with the color red."

I rolled my eyes at his commentary. "That's good to know," I joked as I leaned down to close the box that I had. Once I glanced up to him, I giggled. He was slowly looking through every single piece of clothing.

"Ugh! Jamie! A Christmas set? Can you break this out for Christmas in July," he asked, wide eyes looking over to me. "Because there is no way I can wait for Christmas!"

I rolled my eyes as I moved over to him, and got on my knees. "Ugh... Chill, Danny... You'll see all of it some day," I told him as I reached over him and began to grab the clothing and put it in the box he had.

Just as I went to grab the last one at the bottom of the drawer, he dove in for it. "Jamie!" He held it up, to look at it. "A metallic blue one piece? Th-This is amazing! Why haven't I seen this one?!" I moved to snatch it from his hands, but he moved so I fell right across his lap.

"Ugh," he whined as he continued to study it. "I mean... jesus, babe. You better break some of these out once you move in," he said.

I attempted to get up, but he just pushed me back down, playfully. He tossed it in the box and then moved back so I could get up. I didn't miss the clear bulge in his sweats. "Ugh, I shouldn't have let you pack that drawer," I told him and let out a huff.

"But babe," he whined as he threw his famous pout back on his face. "You have at least one for every night of the week! I thought you only had like two!"

"Maybe once I move in," I told him as I tilted my head to the side.

A grin made its way to his face, and the next thing I knew was I was diving toward him-- smashing my lips into his.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now