Chapter 26

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Happy Thursday!

"Why'd I have to take you this morning," I whined as I slid into the driver's seat of Danny's car. My eyes fell shut as I leaned back, ready to fall asleep. "Jules could've just picked you up and take you with him to the airport. Besides, do you normally meet at the stadium?"

I could practically hear Danny roll his eyes as he slid into the passenger's seat. "Because he claims he's getting all the valuable sleep while he still can," Danny replied. I opened my eyes when his large hand moved to my thigh.

When I looked back over to him, he was looking at me with the same tired look that I had. "Ugh. Why are you guys leaving so early, anyway? Your game isn't until tomorrow night," I told him. "You never leave this early."

A smirk made its way to his face as he grabbed my hand and brought it up to his mouth. "What's with all the questions today?"

I rolled my eyes and let out an overly dramatic huff. "Ugh," I grumbled. I swiped his hand off my thigh and shifted the car into drive. "We better go before you're late. Don't want coach yelling at you."

He let out a soft sigh from next to me. "Yeah... Wouldn't be good."

Before I pulled off I looked to the dash, 6:34— on my day off. Only him.

The drive to the airport went pretty smooth. There was little traffic and we only got stopped at two lights.

"Okay, now I always forget where to go. Is it to the right or left for drop off?" I questioned as we got stopped at the main light to Logan International.

Danny was silent. I looked over to him to see him looking down at his phone typing away. "Danny? Right or left?"

"Huh?" He said his big brown eyes wide as he looked over at me in surprise. "Oh... uh... Go right."

"Okay," I said as I looked back to the road. "Who the hell are you texting this early? Isn't Jules sleeping?"

He sounded deep in thought. "Uh yeah... he is."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Then who the hell are you texting? Penny? Wanting to figure out what you'll be making as soon as you land back in Boston?" I rolled my eyes— because he so would.

Before he could respond I was driving forward again, going right like he told me to. As we approached where I thought the drop off was, I noticed the sign.

"Jesus Danny. How many times do you come here? I was supposed to go to the left! This is pick up," I complained. My tiredness was beginning to turn into annoyed-ness.

"N-no! Uh... the team goes here for meetings! Just pull over at Gate C," he told me. He let out a sigh. "You need to relax."

I rolled my eyes again. "I'm overtired, Danny. I wanna slide back into bed with Clay and cuddle since I can't with you." I pulled over at Gate C and shifted the car into park.

He slowly got out of the passenger's seat and made his way to the back, pulling the hatch open. "Are you gonna come and give me some Lovin?" He called playfully.

I let out a sarcastic moan and unbuckled. "I'm coming, I'm coming." Once I got up to him, I cupped his stubbly cheeks in my hands and pressed my lips to his. "Play safe, babe. I love you."

He smiled back and pressed his lips to mine again. "I will. I love you, too."

I was so caught up in the brown eyes before me that I didn't even notice the person moving up to us. It wasn't until hands were pressed on my shoulders that I got freaked out.

"What the fu-," I began, but was turned around to meet the green eyes of my best friend— Katie. "Oh my god! Katie!? Is that you?!"

She lunged forward and wrapped her arms around me. "James! I've missed you so fucking much!" She squealed as she hugged me so tight I could've stopped breathing.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now