Chapter 55

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When we walked through the front door, I had Claire in my arms and Clay jumped up to see what was going on and who was with us. Danny moved in front of me to calm him and keep him from jumping.

I sat down on the couch and let Claire look around. She instantly caught sight of Clay as Danny slowly lead him toward us. "Clay," Danny said. "This is your little sister, Claire."

Clay began sniffing her as she looked down at him with wide eyes. "Claire... This is Clay... he will be your partner in crime," I told her.

She leaned in closer to Clay, kind of frightening him, but she regained his interest by licking his snout. "Awe!" I practically squealed. "You like him already!"

Clay leaned into her and began to lick her back. Danny let out a chuckle. "You two are gonna be best friends. Aren't you?" He scratches behind Clay's ears. "You're such a good boy. You wanna play with her?"

Clay tilted his head to the side and looked at Danny with those precious golden eyes. "Put her down so they can interact," Danny told me.

I did as he said and placed her on the floor in front of Clay. The two of them sat there for a second, having a stare off before she got up and began to circle him, sniffing every inch.

"You recognize the smell from our clothes, Claire?" Danny asked as she made her way to the side of Clay that Danny was on.

When she heard her name, she plopped down on her butt and looked up at Danny with her cute blue eyes. Danny laughed. "Don't stop cuz of me!" He told her.

At that, she seemed to lose interest in Clay and moved up to Danny's feet where she went for his left sock. "No Claire! No bite!" He lightly scolded as he leaned down and swept her up into his arms.

She began to tumble around in his arms until she had her snout in his face. Danny held her there as if they were having a staring contest. After a few seconds, she began licking at his face, and more specifically his stubble.

Just like Clay.

I shook my head. I stood up and made my way toward the kitchen to begin making dinner, like I'd promised. But now Danny wasn't even talking to me, so I didn't know if I was still in charge. I did it anyway. Because he was too engulfed in Claire. And he was clearly still mad at me.

After a few minutes, Clay came trotting in. He rested at my feet as I continued cutting the veggies. Once I'd finished my carrots, I cut a small piece and squatted to give it to him.

Pouty golden eyes were looking back at me. "She'll just be a small adjustment," I told him as I scratched his neck. "For the first few weeks when we're not monitoring her she'll be in the kitchen in case she has accidents. The rest of the house is still yours. And Daddy will still give you plenty of loving." I pressed a kiss to his head and stood back up to finish preparing our meal.


I finished washing my face and looked up into the mirror in front of me. I was stressed. I'd been working on school during most of my free time and since Danny found the test, he hadn't spoken to me. That's nearly seven hours of the silent treatment.

That hurt like a motherfucker.

I let out a sigh and shook my head at myself. I should've told him the first moment I could. After a few seconds of looking in the mirror, I pulled my gaze away from myself and turned to leave the bathroom.

When I got to the bedroom, Danny was lying in bed as he read something on his phone. He smiled and typed something before letting out a huff and putting it on the charging station.

I slid into the bed and looked toward him as he moved so he could lie on his stomach. My heart was pounding— but I needed to talk to him. The last thing I needed was a full day of distraction at work.

"Danny..." I said in a small voice. I got nothing. "Danny." I said much louder.

He moved again, this time so he was sitting up. His dark brown eyes looked back at me. "What?" He practically snapped.

"I'm sorry about earlier," I told him as I leaned over to grab his hand. He instantly dodged it and shook his head. "I was going to tell you. I just didn't want to tell you before the game. And when we got back... I didn't want to put a damper on your mood."

His face screwed up into a look of confusion. "So? That's no reason not to tell me! Were you just not going to tell me at all?!  Cuz that's sure as hell the way it seemed! Is that why you were freaked out when Leo was born?! Or why you wouldn't have sex for the past fucking week and a half?"

I flinched. He hadn't raised his voice like that almost ever. "I was going to tell you," I repeated. My eyes were beginning to get wet.

"Were you? It sure as hell didn't seem like it, Jamie! You clearly wanted to hide it from me! And what for? It was fucking negative! If it was positive would you have waited longer? I don't fucking get it!"

Tears were now pulling from my eyes. "I'm sorry! Okay! I was fucking scared," I practically yelled at him. I wiped my tears away. "You were gone! I was alone! I don't want kids right now! You're just so fucking enthused about wanting to have kids that you haven't seemed to care about how I feel!"

"I've told you time and time again, Jamie. We don't have to have kids right now! Everything takes time," he instantly shot back. "I'm mad about the fact that you didn't even feel the need to tell me when it happened!" His voice was still raised and there was a fire in his dark eyes. "If that were me I would've called the second I suspected that I was pregnant!"

I sucked in a shaky breath. "You'll never have to be in that situation! Now will you!? You don't know what it's like! And you never will! And I don't know how many times I need to say it! I. Was. Going. To. Fucking. Tell. You."

He scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest as he rolled his eyes. "In what?! Two years?"

"You know what?" I spat back as I grabbed my pillow and slid out of bed. "Right now is not the time for your sarcasm, Daniel!"

He looked back at me, clearly still heated as I marched out of the room with my pillow. I shot him one last look over the shoulder and I slammed the door behind me.

When I got to the living room, I sat down on the couch and sucked in a shaky breath. Tears were still pulling from my eyes. I knew he was hurting, but it was like he wasn't putting how I've felt about the whole situation into consideration.

Clay and Claire, who were barricaded into the kitchen moved around, but after a few seconds there was no more movement. Danny didn't want Claire to be lonely, so he insisted big brother Clay stay with her.

I grabbed the blanket from the foot of the couch and unfolded it so I was covered. As I rested back I tried to calm myself down. My heart was broken. I couldn't help but feel that this was a turning point for Danny and me— and not in a good way.

Within minutes, I drifted off and let the dark room close around me.

When I woke up, it was to the bedroom door opening and a shuffling sound. I rolled away so my face was stuffed into the couch and continued to try and sleep, but footsteps were moving down the hall, toward me.

After a second they stopped and Danny let out a sigh. I could picture him standing there with his hands on his hips while looking at me.

"Jamie?" He asked, still about five feet from me.

I didn't answer. I was too close to the point of sleep to wake up.

He let out another sigh and stepped closer to me. The next thing I knew was that I was being lifted into his big strong arms. I was being cradled against his chest as he began his way toward what I assumed was the bedroom.

I was proven right when I was rested on the mattress and the cozy covers were pulled up to my chin. He'd given me his pillow based on the strong scent of him on it.

"Goodnight babe," he whispered. A soft kiss was pressed to my forehead. "I'm sorry. I love you."

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now