Chapter 20

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Surprise!! Here's a surprise update for all you lovely people! :)

"Happy August 23rd," Danny said as he moved into the bathroom where I was tying my hair up into a bun. He was shirtless, in just a pair of boxers, and his hair was sticking up in different directions.

I looked at him through the mirror with an eyebrow raised. "What's with the good mood this morning? You never wake up in this good of a mood," I told him with a small giggle.

Those big brown eyes looked up at me through the mirror as he moved up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Don't you know what today is," he asked, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Uh... Thursday," I said, quite confused. "Another day of work. One more day until the weekend."

Danny's fingers dipped down in between my tucked in shirt and skirt, just resting there. I let out a long breath-- we couldn't be doing this now. I had to be out the door and headed to work in the next twenty minutes.

I let out a huff and shook my head at him. "D-Danny, please don't I gotta get going to work," I told him. "But could you please tell me why you're in such a good mood? And why you're up so early on your day off?"

He pulled his fingers from my waist line and pulled me back against him. His lips met my neck. "How do you not remember? It's our one year, Jame."

My eyes went wide. "Our one year? Babe," I said and turned around. "You realize... One... We broke up... And Two... We started dating in like Mid september. What are you talking about," I asked as I looked up to meet his eyes. I placed my hands on his bare chest.

His hands grasped my hips as he continued to look down at me. "Don't you realize that today is the day we met?" He asked, those precious brown eyes looking down into mine.

"And you call that our one year," I asked with a small giggle. He smiled back at me and nodded.

"Of course. It was the day my upside down world was turned right side up, even though I didn't realize it at the time," he said softly. "You and Pen were stood in the lobby... You were wearing your only floral blouse and black pencil skirt... The one that hugs your bottom half perfectly."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What are you talking about? I remember that day like the back of my hand. I was definitely wearing that pink blouse that you always try to tear off of me, and a simple pair of black dress pants," I told him, wanting to prove him wrong.

Now it was his turn to furrow his eyebrows at me. "No you weren't! I-I remember that day perfectly! You were hiding behind Pen, then I met your eyes..." His grip on my waist got a little tighter.

"Clearly you don't remember it very well," I told him. "I still remember it, too! Penny and I were talking and she asked me where my love life was going--which, I know, totally ironic-- and that's when I mentioned the guy I went on a few dates with and how it didn't work out. Then you came through the doors, wearing your usual black vneck and black skinny jeans that show off your ass perfectly... You made me so nervous that day. And... Ugh... And the way you said my name, it had me wanting to hear you say it over and over again."

He squinted down at me in confusion. "W-Who was this guy that you were dating? Why have I never heard of him before? Why'd you guys break up? This is the first I'm hearing him," Danny said, concerned all of the sudden. 

I scratched my fingers lightly down his bare chest. "It was no big deal... It was just a few times... There's no need to be concerned about him, Danny. We're talking about how we met right now, not about our past relationships... Even though I know plenty about your ex," I told him with pursed lips.

He rolled his eyes at me and scoffed, but quickly threw a pout on his face. "What are you hiding from me," he asked, his brown eyes wide.

"Nothing! It just wasn't going to work out! He was a big cowboys fan, so I didn't see things working out with him," I said. "Growing up in Wisconsin I learned to hate them!"

Surprise quickly took over Danny's face. "But Jamie! You're dating a Born and Raised Dallas fan," he shot back, completely shocked.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Quit your pouting. I'm with you, aren't I?" I told him as I pulled from his grip. "If you're done pouting by noon, then meet me for lunch." I shot him a wink, and backed out of the bathroom-- leaving him there completely dumbfounded.


"Jamie Wells," a voice shook me out of my concentration. I looked up from the contract that I was proofing to find Danny walking toward me with a big smile on his face and a bouquet of white roses in his hand.    

"Hi Danny," I said with a smile. "Are you done pouting now?" I giggled as I stood from my spot and took the flowers in my hand. I brought them up to my nose and smiled. "They smell so good. You know how much I love my white roses."

"I know, they're so innocent... And you're so not," he said with a cheeky smile displayed on his face.

I rolled my eyes and put the flowers down on my desk. "Are you ready for lunch? I am so hungry! Someone made me run late this morning, so I was unable to eat breakfast," I told him as I leaned over to grab my purse from the ground.

"Well, I'm sorry! One year ago today I met the most beautiful woman ever, and I had to let her know," he said as the two of us made our way toward the elevator hand in hand.

"Oh shut up. Where do you want to go for lunch," I asked, raising both of my eyebrows. We moved into the elevator, and I looked up at him.

Those brown eyes let mine, and he shrugged. "I don't know. What are you in the mood for? It can be anything you'd like. Cheap, expensive, I don't care," he said as the elevator descended.

"You know I'm not going to pick a place that is too expensive, Danny," I replied. "Can we just go to that cafe down the street? I'm going to need some coffee to get me through the rest of the day," I told him.

He nodded. "Of course. By the way, I am taking you to dinner tonight, too," he informed. "Then we're having a cuddling session with Clay. Sounds like the perfect night, huh?" The grin on his face said it all-- I really did love this man.


Feel free to let me know what ya think! :)

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