Chapter 54

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Happy Friday!!!

"Danny!" I exclaimed as I came down the hall. He was sitting on the couch with Clay, having one of their last 'only the men' snuggle. "Today is the day!" A big smile on my face. Today we were going to be picking up our beautiful chocolate little girl— Claire.

We'd only seen her once since we picked her out and I couldn't wait to see her again. I knew she'd be a lot bigger... That was both exciting and quite scary. Danny smiled as he looked up from Clay. "I'm looking forward to having a little girl!" He said as he hugged Clay tighter. "I hope he understands though." He pressed a kiss to Clay's furry head.

I rolled my eyes and plopped down in the couch next to the duo. Clay rolled away from Danny so he was on his back and looking up at me. I rubbed his chest and chuckled. "I'm sure he'll understand," I told him. Clay's golden eyes were looking back toward me. "We have to leave in about 15 minutes." I looked back toward Danny who was scratching Clay's tummy.

"Alright. I gotta go to the bathroom and then we can go get our new baby," he said with a big smile. He moved away from Clay and leaned in to press his lips to mine. "The four of us will he the best fucking family ever!"

I rolled my eyes as he moved toward the half bath off the living room. As the door shut I rested back and Clay crawled practically on top of me. "I love you buddy," I mumbled. I pressed a kiss to his furry little head again. "You'll always be my baby boy."

He rolled back so he was further on me. "I love you."

"Jamie." A voice said, and I looked up to see Danny standing there with something in his hand.

"What's up?" I asked as I sat up and moved Clay to my lap.

"What's this?" He asked in a quiet voice as he moved toward and held it out...

I squinted as he moved closer and my heart began to pound as he moved up to me. Oh shit. "Uh..." I swallowed and looked up to meet a pair of hurt brown eyes. I was speechless as I looked at the negative pregnancy test in his hand  Shit. I forgot to throw the garbage out before I left for Minnesota.

"Danny I-..." I was cut off as his phone alarm went off.

That meant it was time for us to go, otherwise we'd be late.

Danny let out a huff as he shook his head. He began moving toward the kitchen. "We can talk about this later." His voice was stern.

Oh shit. I felt beyond stupid. How could I forget to throw it away? I was going to tell him after we got home, but it didn't come up in the four days we'd been home. It didn't feel right.

I let out a sigh and pushed myself up from the couch. We had to go. We couldn't be late.


I let out a sigh as Danny pulled off the freeway and headed toward his mom's friends house. We had not said a single word to each other since we left the house.

I know it wasn't fair to not tell him. But before the big game was not the time to tell him. I didn't want to be the reason his head was not in the game.

I should have told him. I know I should have. That was one thing I definitely regretted.

Once Danny pulled up to her house, I let out a sigh. "Danny," I mumbled and looked toward him. "I'm sorry."

He yanked the keys out of the ignition and looked toward me with dark brown eyes. "I don't want to talk about it right now, Jamie. This is not the time."  

My shoulders sagged a bit as I watched him get out of the car. He was probably right, this wasn't the best time.

I let out a huff and slid from my seat, following Danny up to Aileen's front door. Danny rang the doorbell and within a matter of seconds, the door was yanked open. "Danny! Jamie! It's so great to see the two of you again! Your little girl is certainly ready to go home with you! Only one of her siblings is left!" She greeted us as she pulled us into a hug at the same time.

"Thank you for keeping her this long. I wish we could've come earlier," Danny thanked her as we pulled away.

She smiled back at us. "Not a problem at all, Hun! Congrats on the Super Bowl win, too! I nearly lost my voice watching!"

"Thank you! And that's great. I'm glad you watched. I think we all enjoyed the outcome," Danny said with a small smile.

Aileen turned to me. "How about you? How are you? You excited to get your little girl today?" She asked with a big smile.

I raised my eyebrows before nodding. "Of course! Our pup Clay is going to love her!"

"That'll be just precious! I've already got her started on potty training. She's just about there and watch this!" She stopped talking and turned away from us. "Claire! Come here girl!"

Within seconds, our girl came tumbling around the corner with her brother. My eyes went wide and I squatted down with my arms open.

"Hey there baby girl!" I squealed as she got to me. She took a huge leap and landed so her paws were on my shoulders and she was licking my face.

I let out a chuckle as I fell back on my butt. "You remember who I am... Huh? How about daddy?" I asked as I moved her so she was cradled in my arms.

I looked over to Danny who was petting her brother. Danny looked up with a small smile. "Hey there little girl! How are you Claire Bear!" Danny greeted as he squatted in front of me and gave her tummy rubs.

The smile on his face was genuine. That felt good.

"Are you ready to go home?" Danny asked as he began to scratch behind her ears. Clay would love when he did that.

She let out a small yap as a yes, causing both of us to laugh. I pulled her collar and leash out of my back pocket and slipped the yellow collar on her. I clipped her leash on next and set her down. "Thank you so much." I told Aileen. She pulled me in for a hug.

"It's not a problem. Any time you two need someone to watch her or your other one, please let me know! I'd be happy to! Thank you for thinking of me when choosing a pup, Danny," she thanked him and pulled him in for a hug.

Before we knew it, we were on our way home. I began to get nervous. Not only because of how Clay would adjust to Claire... but because of how Danny would act.

I'd made a mistake and I knew it.

I silently prayed as we embarked on the journey back home.

Something told me our talk wouldn't be going well.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now