Chapter 19

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Tomorrow is a busy day, so this is a day early. Enjoy!

** Danny's POV **

I finished washing the dishes and dried my hands on the towel. When I turned around to head into the bedroom, Clay was sitting there, looking up at me with those big brown eyes of his. "I'm sorry, buddy... You're not going to get all the loving you deserve tonight," I said as I moved up to him and kneeled down so I could scratch behind his ears.

He leaned into my touch and let out a whine. "I know, buddy... But Mama had a bad day... And it's her birthday... I'm going to go make her feel better. Why don't you go relax in your bed for a bit? Then you and I can go for a little walk? Huh? Yeah," I said as he began licking at my arm. "Okay... Sounds like a plan... I'm gonna go cheer mama up now! Off to your bed!"

I followed him out of the kitchen and toward his bed. I stopped dead in my tracks as soon as I saw the package sitting next to it. Shoot. I completely forgot to give Jamie the package that was delivered from her family. I moved over to Clay's bed, scratched him behind the ears, placed a kiss on his fuzzy little head, then picked it up. "Thank you for reminding me, buddy."

Once I stood up, I trailed down the hall and to the bedroom. When I got there, Jamie was doing just as I told her. She was lying back on the bed with her robe on. "Hey Jame," I said, making her open her eyes. "This package for you came today."

Her brown eyes went wide as she sat up and held her robe to her chest. "Really? Who... Who is it from?" She already sounded better than she did when she got home.

"Uh..." It looked down at it. The scribbles were kinda hard to read-- the only thing that was evident right away was that it was from Wisconsin. "Clarence and Michelle Dorn."

"That's my grandparents! My mom must've given them the new address," she said, actually sounding happy. Hearing the smile in her voice put me at ease.

I brought it over to her and placed it on the bed in front of her. "Oh really? It must be a birthday gift then, huh?" I said as I sat down next to her.

I couldn't help but smile at the smile that took over her face as she leaned forward to tear the packing tape off. She quickly opened the flaps and gasped. "Oh my goodness! Look at this," she said, as she pulled the first thing out, a picture of a beautiful sunrise. She held it toward me. "This is the farm! It's taken from the back porch of our house."

"Wow, you're right. That is a beautiful sunrise," I told her as I studied it. There was a silhouette of a barn and a beautiful orange and yellow sun just above the horizon. It made me kinda anxious to head to Wisconsin with her one day.

She quickly began digging further into the box to find some candy. Sour Gummy Worms, which was one of her favorites, sprees, and a big bag of hershey kisses. The next thing in the box was a card; it was over something with wrapping paper. She pulled it out and opened it. After a second she giggled and looked to me. "Grandpa Clarence said there is something in here for you too," she said, giving me an amused look.

My eyes went wide. What? Why me? It was her birthday... And he'd never even met me. Jamie tore me out of my thoughts by pulling the second to last thing out of the box. It was wrapped with happy birthday paper... She tore it away, revealing a red sweatshirt underneath, a UW Madison one. She held it up and smiled. "Ugh! Doesn't this look warm?"

I looked up at it, about to agree, but caught something before I did. "Uh... There is no way in hell you're wearing that," I said, noticing the numbers on the side of it.

"Why not," she asked, her big brown eyes meeting mine. Shock was swimming in them. "It's a Wisconsin sweatshirt, Danny!"

"It's not just a Wisconsin sweatshirt," I shot back at her, grabbing it and flipping it over. "It's a JJ Watt sweatshirt! You can't be wearing that while you're dating me!" I whined and threw a big pout on my face.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now