Chapter 12

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"Are we going to the middle of nowhere?" I asked, as I leaned over Danny, who once again took the window seat on the plane. "All I've seen is ocean for what seems like the past ten hours," I complained.

Danny nudged me back into my head and looked at his watch. "It shouldn't be that much longer. And we've only seen the ocean for like the past seven hours," he said with a slight chuckle. "You're like a kid on christmas eve, right now! Go to bed, you can open your gift in the morning." 

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as I leaned back in my seat. "You're no fun," I said with a big pout. "And you won't even let me ask anyone where we are going."

"It'll only be like thir-," Danny began, but was cut off by the flight attendant speaking over the intercom.

"Attention passengers, we are about to begin our descent... Please fasten your seatbelts at this time," she said.

I looked at Danny with wide eyes. "Where are we going? We're still over the ocean! Danny! Please," I begged, throwing a big pout on my face.

Danny reached over and grabbed my hand. "You'll find out soon enough. Now, please put on your seatbelt," he said. I fastened my seatbelt and leaned into him. He bought his arm up and draped it over my shoulder. "Alright, now just relax... We'll be there any second."

I let out a huff and didn't reply.


My eyes went wide as I picked up my purse and began walking toward the stairs of the plane... Were we-- I was able to see outside the plane where two women and two men were greeting everyone, with beautifully colored leis.

I stopped dead in my tracks, and Danny grasped my hips from behind me. "Are we in Hawaii?" I asked, looking back at him with wide eyes.

He smiled back at me and nodded. "We sure are... Are you still mad at me, Jame?" he asked, grasping my hips a little tighter.

I leaned back into his touch, practically melting, then remembered that he wasn't going to let me pay for a cent of the vacation. I pulled away from him, and looked up into those big brown eyes, lightly whacked in him the chest and nodded. "Yes! We're here and you won't be letting me pay for anything, Danny! That's not fair," I told him as I made my way down the steps.

Danny let out a sigh from behind me as we made our way to the ground. Once we did we were welcomed by the hula girls and men. "Aloha! Welcome to hawaii," one said as she held up a lei for me. I bowed my head so she could slip it on.

"Thank you," I said as I looked down at the beautiful purple and white lei around my neck. Danny then grabbed my hand and began directing me toward the entrance to the rest of the airport.

"I know you're mad at me," he whispered softly, still holding my hand. "But let's have a good time while we are here, okay?"

I gripped his hand a little tighter as he directed us toward the taxi area of the airport. "Are we on the big island," I asked, looking up at him. 

His brown eyes met mine as he nodded. "Yes, we're going to grab a taxi, then jump on a boat and boat to Maui... It should be about 45 minutes," he said, giving me a careful look.

I nodded. I couldn't believe he was spending all of this money on me. No one had ever spent that type of money on me... Not even myself. What could have been going through his head when he planned all of it? It was quite shocking thinking that he was willing to do this, and never asked for a cent of my earnings in return.

An hour and a half after we landed, we were finally docking on the beautiful island of Maui. We made our ways off the boat, and onto the dock, thanking the workers aboard. Danny and I stood there for a second, taking in our surroundings. "It's so beautiful," I mumbled as I looked down the beautiful beach.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now