Chapter 30

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** Jamie's POV **

I let out a loud yawn as I stared at the computer screen. It was only 7:04 and I had nearly eight more hours of work ahead of me.

"Jamie," Penny's voice shook me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see her walking in from the elevator with a thick coat on. "What are you doing here so early?"

I shrugged as I ran a hand through my hair. "I-I," I swallowed and let out a shaky breath. "I just couldn't sleep... So I got ready and came in."

She gave me an unamused look and shook her head. "Come on, Jame..." She said. Her green eyes looked back at me, with a knowing look. "When you feel up to it... I'll be in my office." I don't know what gave it away. Was it my red rimmed eyes? The fact that I was in early? Did Danny talk to her?

I shook my head. "Up to what," I asked, dumbly. I didn't want to talk about it... And quite honestly, I didn't even want to think about it, but knowing Penny, she wouldn't let me forget about it.

Penny shook her head. "You know what. Like I said, I'll be in my office. Just knock on the door," Penny repeated as she made her way toward her office, her heels clicking on the floor. It was amazing, she was almost seven months pregnant and she could still rock the heels.

I rolled my eyes and went back to reading the emails that came in from the night before. About half way through, I glanced up and looked at the picture of Danny and I at Jules' and Pen's wedding. God, we were so happy. He was looking spiffy as hell in that tux that showed off his ass perfectly... And that dress I was wearing? It didn't last a minute once we got back to our hotel room that night... Fuck, I was so proud of him that day, he didn't let Olivia get in the way.

Ugh, why did it seem it was always her that jumped in the way of our happiness whether she meant it or not? I rolled my eyes. I know it shouldn't bother me as much as it has, but... next to losing Clay, my biggest fear was not being enough for Danny...

I scoffed at my thoughts and leaned forward, flipping the picture so it was face down. I didn't need more negative thoughts to haunt me while I was at work. That's why I went in early-- I needed a distraction.

When I checked my phone around eight, I noticed a text from Danny.

Alright. Have a good day at work. Don't forget to watch the game tonight. I love you! :*

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back down. I had to stop myself from sending a snarky reply... One that was along the lines of 'Did you mean to send this to Olivia?'. My heart was pounding; what if I actually sent that and he said yes? I felt sick. Why could I never be happy?

"Good morning, Jamie," Nick's voice shook me out of my thoughts. "How are you this morning?" He was smiling at me as he walked toward his office.

"I'm alright! How are you this morning," I replied, my eyes wide at the fact that I was just shaken out of my thoughts.

"I'm great! The little one managed to sleep through the night! That or I slept through the crying," he said with a chuckle. "I have a meeting with Matt at 1:45 today! Can you please just send him in for me?"

I nodded. "Yeah, no problem!"

As soon as Nick disappeared down the hall and into his office, I dove back into my work. The next time I was pulled from my thoughts was when Penny's heels came clicking down the hallway. I looked up to see her making her way toward me.

The minute our eyes connected she stopped where she was, gave me a stern look, then made a 'come with me' motion. And oh god. I was not ready for this. I didn't want to talk about it and I certainly didn't want to think about the fact that he still loved her.

I rolled my eyes and pushed my chair back. I wasn't going to avoid this talk. It's Penny we're talking about here. I followed her to her office and closed the door behind us. She moved over to her side of the desk and sat down. "Sit down, Jame."

I sat down in one of the chairs opposite to her and crossed my arms over my chest. Why did she have to be so persistent?

"Care to explain why I've just gotten off the phone with Julian and he's complaining about a worried Dola?" She asked, her green eyes practically glaring back at me.

"Maybe because they say... 'If you have nothing nice to say, then don't say it at all'," I replied with an eye roll. I sounded bitter, and damn right I was bitter.

"What did Danny do now," she asked, the look in her eyes softening. She leaned forward and folded her hands on her desk. "What happened Jame?"

I shook my head as my nose began to get stuffy and a lump formed in my throat. "I-I..." I shook my head as tears began to form in my eyes. "I think Danny is going to be breaking up with me!"

Penny's jaw dropped. "What do you mean? Why would he be breaking up with you, Jamie?! He loves you," Penny shot back.

"Well he's not around as much anymore! And it's just.... I brought Clay out for the bathroom, then headed into the bedroom. Danny was asleep so I quietly crawled into bed. He pulled me into his arms and said...He-he said... 'I love you, Olivia'... I-I... He's going to leave me to go back to her," I said through tears.

"He-he what?" Penny shot back with wide eyes. "He called you Olivia?! I can't believe he would do that! What the hell! Have you talked to him at all?!"

I shook my head. "He... He still loves her! And he would clearly rather be in bed with her than me! It's clear, Penny," I told her and shook my head. "I-I... We dove into things too fast, didn't we?"

Penny shook her head. "N-No Jame... Was he asleep? Did he know what he was saying?! I can't believe he'd do that!"

"I-I don't know! I just... He said it! That's all it takes! It came from his mouth! He was thinking it! That's bad enough! And now he wants to break up with me!"

Pen took a second, trying to think of what to say. "That's not Danny though, Jamie! That man loves you more than he's ever loved anyone before! I mean, think about it! Olivia... Did he ever ask her to move in with him?! No! He asked you, though!" Penny shot back, trying to make me feel better.

I shook my head again. "I think he just did it because he didn't want to be alone! What if I'm still the prolonged rebound, Pen! I-I'll be made a fool of!"

Penny hopped up and moved around her desk. She sat down in the chair next to me and put a hand on my thigh. "Jame. I-I can't speak for what he said... But I can tell you that that man loves you with everything in his being. He's bound to still have feelings for her... She was his first real girlfriend and firstlove... But the love he has for you... I've never seen him happier. And I think that trumps whatever feelings he has left for Olivia," Penny said. Her green eyes were full of optimism.

I nodded slowly and sucked in a shaky breath. "I-I just... What if I'm not good enough for him," I asked. "I don't want to hold him back."

Penny shook her head. "You're not holding him back, Jamie. You've helped him become a better person than he already was! J has said it himself. He's never seen Danny so happy... So content with life. This is just a small snag. I think you two should just sit down tomorrow when he gets home or Friday and talk about it," Penny advised. "You two will be fine in no time."

My heart was racing. I knew I could trust her... But a sick feeling was sinking in my heart. "You think so," I asked.

Penny nodded. "Yes... Now it's lunch time... We should go get milkshakes! I've been dying for a strawberry shake!"

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