Chapter 47

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I am so sorry! I got so busy with finals and projects that I forgot to update Thursday!

"Oh honey. It was so great to have you home again," my mom said. She wrapped her arms around me and held me tight. "We love it when you come home."

I hugged her back and nodded against her. "I love being home. I miss you all so much over the year," I mumbled. Tears were coming on— they always did when I left. "Thank you for a great few days."

"James... You are welcome anytime," she told me. She pulled away so she could look me in the eyes. "So is Danny." A big smile made its way to her face.

It was quite relieving that she liked him. And not only did she, but it seemed the rest of the family did as well. I was quite thankful for that. I wasn't sure how they would feel after being the way I was the Christmas the year before. Thankfully Grandpa managed to warm up to Danny, as well as my dad.

My dad was fond of him playing for the Patriots— afterall, he did love the Pats. Speaking of Dad... Where the hell were he and Danny? They went up to get our bags like twenty minutes ago.

"Thank you Ma," I whispered. "We both really appreciate it. And if he allows it, I'd be happy to keep him around for a while." I small smile made its way to my face. I really hoped he would be around for a while— I loved him so much.

"We love him, James," she told me. "He's probably the best guy you've ever brought home. You two work so well together. Its a connection that I haven't seen in a while. You've found yourself a real good one, hun."

"I hope so," I replied. "I really hope so."

"And," my mom quickly added. "You better be sending tons of pictures of that puppy! I can't believe he got you a puppy!"

The smile on my face turned into a bigger goofy one. "How can I not? Do you remember when I got Clay?! You guys were the only ones I could send pictures to. You guys got at least 10 photos a day!" I giggled as I shook my head and looked toward Clay in the car. He was looking at us with his big golden eyes.

"You used to be cute!" I called with a giggle. His ears perked up and eyes went wider. I could tell by his expression that he was whining at me. I shook my head at him and looked back to my mom. "Okay... Where the hell are th-..." I was cut off by my dad and Danny bursting their ways out of the house.

"Sorry! I had Danny help me bring the dresser up from the dining room," my Dad informed as he came bounding down the steps with my bags in hand.

"It's about damn time," I called to Danny who came out after my dad. "I was thinking you weren't gonna wanna go home!"

"I'm happy here," he replied as he moved up to us and put the bags in the back of the car. "But if we stay here, you won't be getting that puppy you want!" A small smile made its way to his face as he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me to him. "You don't want that... Do you?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "But maybe you wanna become a Packer?" I asked with a small smile— He never liked when I mentioned that.

It was Danny's turn to roll his eyes. "As much as I love you... I'll never understand your love for the Packers," he replied. He shook his head and turned toward my parents. "Thank you for having us for Christmas. I really appreciate you being so welcoming to me."

My mom and Dad moved so they were shoulder to shoulder, looking toward us with arms wrapped around each others waists. "We will welcome you anytime, Danny," my dad said with the hint of a smile on his face. "Thank you for getting up and helping me with the farm this morning."

Danny nodded. "It was my pleasure, Mike," Danny replied as he moved forward and stuck his hand out to shake my Dad's.

"You're a good one, Son."


"It feels so good to be back," I mumbled as I pushed my way into the house and dropped my bag. "It feels like it has been so long!"

"It's only been like four days!" Danny complained as he put his own bags next to mine and let Clay off his leash. "But I totally get you."

I turned to look at him and let out a long sigh. "Thank you for making it such a great Christmas," I thanked. "It was one of the best Christmases that I have had in a long time."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his big hands at the small of my back— pulling me a bit closer. "I can say the same. And you know what? I think it is way better than my last one."

I smiled up at his cute little smirk. "I agree. I was almost miserable last year," I told him. "This year went much better than last. I've only wanted to cry because I've been happy. Not sad and heartbroken."

Danny nodded. "I agree. I feel whole this year. And I'm so excited to welcome someone new to the house in a month." His smirk turned into a smile and I couldn't help but melt.

"Kyler is going to be so adorable. Him and Clay are going to be the best of friends," I said with a big smile. I couldn't wait to welcome a new Pup into our home. It would make it a hell of a lot more homey than it already was.

"Kyler, huh?" Danny asked. His shiny brown eyes looked down at me full of amusement. "You already have a name for him, huh?"

I quickly nodded. "Of course I do! I had a list of names when I was naming Clay. This one was the runner up when I decided that Clay fit him a little better."

Danny rolled his eyes. "It had to be after a Green Bay Packer, too," he replied.

"Well you love him anyway!" I shot back. "And last time I checked it was before you came along. Besides... What was I going to name him? Tommy!?"

Danny rolled his eyes again.

"Oh come on. You love him... Whether he's named after someone who isn't you or not," I told him as I brought a hand up and placed it on his chest.

He brought his hand up and placed it on top of mine as well. "I'll have to agree with that," he whispered as he dipped down and pressed his lips to mine. "I love the both of you."

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now