Chapter 46

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We've got a big one! 3000 words!

** Danny's POV **

I let out a soft sigh as I rolled over and opened my eyes. Jamie was lying with her back to me. It was perfect— one of my favorite ways to wake up—right next to her.

I slid over and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. Her hair smelled of strawberries, it was a smell I could never forget.

The conversation we had the day before scared me— but it cleared things up. It finally made sense why she'd always been afraid of me changing my mind on her. My heart broke for not only her, but her family. They were wonderful people and didn't deserve it.

She moved back so she was nestled perfectly against my chest. "Good morning," I whispered as I placed a light kiss to her neck. "Merry Christmas babe." 

A soft giggle left her mouth as she moved one of her hands up and clasped it with mine. "Merry Christmas, Danny," she mumbled. "I love waking up in your arms. Especially on days like these. We don't have to leave the house... We can just relax all day."

I nodded as I nuzzled my face at the crook for her neck. "Sounds so nice," I whispered. And she let out a small chuckle again. "Best Christmas ever."

She slightly pulled away and turned around so she was facing me. My hand rested at the small of her back as I pulled her closer to me. "Hi beautiful," I mumbled upon meeting my favorite pair of eyes.

"Merry Christmas. I love you," she replied. She brought a hand up and cupped my cheek. She rested her forehead against mine as her hand moved back and threaded through my hair.

"I love you, too." My voice was a low grumble. I leaned in and pressed my lips to hers. "Only thing that would make it better is Clay in here."

She pulled away a bit, but smiled. "I agree. Sasha and Jack have been stealing our boy," she replied. "But that's okay. No one is coming between us right now." She leaned in again so she could press her lips to mine.

In an instant, she pushed me back so I was flat on my back and looking up at her as she straddled my waist. She looked beautiful in her little red and black lingerie. And her shiny brown eyes looked down at me, full of love.

I felt so content. Way more content than I had left in a long time. This was where I belonged— with her.

She tangled both hands in my hair and dipped down to press those plump lips to mine again. "Danny," she whispered. "I think you're the best gift I could ever get for Christmas."

I chuckled and smiled up at her as I brought a hand up and pushed it through her hair. "I could say the same," I whispered right back. I placed a kiss on her neck. "You're the best gift I could have any day."

She let out a giggle, but before she could say anything, the dogs began barking down stairs. "Oh man," she mumbled as she sat up and looked down at me. Her head began shaking. "I guess that's our cue. Breakfast should be close to done because Jack just got here." She rolled off of me and let out a huff as she slid from under the covers.

I let out a small chuckle as I sat up and looked at her with a smirk. "Sometimes the best gifts have to wait to be opened," I shot back.

I sent her a wink and earned a pillow to the face.


"Terry," I said, "That was a phenomenal breakfast."  I sat back in the kitchen chair and rested my hands over my stomach. I ate way too much, but it was just so damn good— to hell with my diet plan.

The rest of the family had already filtered into the living room or to go get into real clothes for the day.

"You're welcome, hun! Would you like some more coffee before we all head into the living room to open presents," she questioned as she stood from the table. She began gathering plates.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now