Chapter 18

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I let out a huff and stood up from my desk. It was an extremely long day. The paperwork was beginning to pile up, and there were two big meeting to come in the next two days, and I was close to done. I needed the weekend to come as soon as possible.

"Oh! Hey, Jame, do you think you could do one quick thing for me?" Penny asked as she shuffled out of her office with a four or five papers in her hands.

I sucked in a big breath and nodded. "Sure, what is it? It's already 5:30, I was supposed to leave an hour ago," I pointed out as I fell back in my seat and looked up at her.

Her green eyes read of guilt. "I know, I'm sorry... It's your birthday, you shouldn't be stuck in here later than you have to... But I just need you to scan these into the computer," she said, eyeing my carefully.

"Yeah," I replied and let out a sigh. "Give 'em here. Do you want them automatically put on your drive? Or would you like me to email you?" I took the papers from her.

"Email is fine... Oh shit! My phone is ringing," she exclaimed with wide eyes upon hearing her phone ring from her office. "You can just leave them on the front desk! If I don't see you, have a great night with Dola!"

"Thanks," I whispered as I looked down at the papers in my hands. What the fuck? They were papers that wouldn't need to be put in for another few days. "Ugh," I grumbled, "I'm just ready to go home."

I let out a sigh and grabbed my phone to let Danny know that I was going to be at least another half hour, then moved back to scanning the papers in for Pen. True to my original guess, I was finally done 30 minutes later and was making my way home.

I had no clue what Danny was planning, but I knew I didn't want to go anyone, do anything, or deal with any people. Despite the beautiful weather, the walk home seemed like hell. When the house came into few, I practically jogged there. I needed to get inside where there was air conditioning and I was able to get out of my work clothes.

I made my way up the steps, unlocked the door, and pushed my way through it, revealing Danny sitting on the couch with Clay. "Hey ba-," Danny began, but cut himself off. "Man, today took a lot out of you, huh?"

"Yeah," I practically whispered as I kicked my shoes off and went straight to the bedroom so I could change into some comfier clothes.

My skirt, and shirt were torn off in record timing, so for a second, I sat at the edge of the bed, trying to get myself to relax. I closed my eyes, sucked in a breath, and got up, switching right into my pajamas.

After I was done changing, I shuffled back into the living room. To my surprise Danny was no longer sitting there. Clay just looked up at me with his big puppy eyes. I sat down and leaned back into the pillows, willing my muscles to calm as I closed my eyes.

Clay let out a cry and moved up to me, nudging at my hand on my lap. I opened my eyes and looked down at him, he, too, knew it'd been a bad day. I lifted my arm and let him fully crawl on top of my lap.

"I love you, buddy," I whispered as I leaned down and placed a kiss on his furry little head. In response, he leaned further into me, nuzzling his snout against me.

A minute or two later, Danny came shuffling in with a steaming mug. "Here, babe," he said as he sat down next to me and put the mug in my hands. "I take it you don't want to go out anymore?"

I took a sip of the refreshing, hot, mint tea and rested my head on his shoulder. "No, I really don't. My feet hurt, my back hurts, I've got a headache, and I really don't want to move right now," I whispered as my eyes fell shut. "I'm sorry."

"It ain't no problem, babe," he whispered. My eyes popped back open to see his caring brown eyes looking back at me. "What would you like for dinner then?"

I shrugged and let out a sigh. "I really don't care," I mumbled. "You can choose."

"Babe," Danny said as he leaned over and grabbed my hand. "It is your birthday. You choose what you want. It's your day."

The way his hand grasped mine, put me at ease. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "I-I don't know... Burgers?" I said, but it came out as more of a question than anything.

Danny's hand gripped mine a bit harder as he tilted his head, knowing that that wasn't what I wanted. "Come on babe. I told you, anything you choose," he replied. How could I not melt when those big brown eyes were looking back at me?

"Uh... Maybe stir fry," I asked, this time sounding a lot more sure of myself.

He seemed to know that too because he nodded slowly. "Alright... Steak or Chicken? And Red or White wine?"

I pursed my lips, giving him a look. He really didn't need to do a thing for me. He raised both eyebrows. "Steak," I finally said. "And Red..."

A smile made its way to his face. "Okay! Now..." he got up, leaned forward to place a kiss on my forehead, then looked down at Clay and I. "You stay right here... Don't lift a finger. If you need anything, just call for me."

Before I could protest, he was strutting off to the kitchen to prepare dinner for us.


"I got some cake from that bakery that you love right by Julian and Penny's," Danny said and took a sip of his wine. His brown eyes were studying me carefully. 

I bit my lip and let out a sigh. "Danny, you didn't have to do that," I replied as I pushed my half empty plate away from me. "I shouldn't be eating crap like that... And I can't even finish my dinner, what makes you think I'll be able to eat cake?"

"I'm not letting you not have a cake for your birthday! Who cares about your diet?! It's your ultimate cheat day today! I know you love their carrot cake... So you can't say no to me," Danny shot back with a charming smile on his face. "Plus Clay And I wanna sing happy birthday!"

"Oh shut up," I said with a giggle. This was the first time all day that I felt like I was truly where I belonged. Not only did his home, which was now mine, feel like home... But one look into those eyes, and I knew I was right where I belonged. 

A large smile took over Danny's face, and his eyes sparkled. "It's so good to see that smile on your face," Danny mumbled. "How about I give you a back rub? You look so tense today."

I let out a sigh and nodded in defeat. "That sounds wonderful," I said, letting my shoulders sag. "What'd I do to deserve you?"

"I could ask the same," he said as he leaned forward and grabbed ahold of my hand. "I'm just happy that we've found each other. Now, why don't you head into the bedroom. Just relax in your robe and I'll be right in after I finish putting away the leftovers and doing the dishes."

I nodded, suddenly craving his touch. I slid out of my seat and nodded at him. "Alright... I-I'll go get ready," I whispered, meeting his beautiful brown eyes. I don't think I could've made my way to our bedroom faster.

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