Chapter 13

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I'm sorry it's been so long! Finals were a struggle but we made it through! Enjoy!!

I leaned back into the soft sheets and let out a soft sigh. It was three in the morning and I was wide awake. It was currently nine in Boston, which would mean I would just normally be getting to work. After a few minutes, I had enough of lying around and slid out of bed, not forgetting to look back at the beautiful man asleep beside me.

The sheets were resting low on his delicious abs, just below his belly button, revealing one of my favorite parts about him. By far, my favorite part about him had to be his eyes. The content, loving, look that was always in them made my heart race.

I slid on the robe that was folded on the bedside table and looked back to him one last time, giggling quietly at the state of his sex hair. It was in every single direction. Why did he have to look so damn adorable with sex hair and mouth slightly open?

When I got to the kitchen, I meandered through the fridge, looking for juice, or milk... But came up short. In one of the cabinets, there were cups for the keurig, so I fired it up, and began brewing myself some coffee.

Once my coffee was done, I picked it up and moved over to the two person table that was facing the windows. It was pitch black, but I knew the ocean was there. It was calming to hear the sound of the waves crashing down upon the beach.

I still couldn't believe Danny had done this. I'd never experienced anything like it in my entire life. I was a girl from a small town in Wisconsin who took the gamble of moving to Boston for college... It was a familiar city, one of the only big ones I'd ever been to. I'd never expected to go out and see the ocean like this, let alone be dating someone like Danny. It was heartwarming that someone wanted to take me here, wanted to give me as much as they already had.

Two cups of coffee, and a couple hours later, the sound of someone walking out of the bedroom and yawning pulled me from my thoughts. The sky was just beginning to turn a deep purple, a sign of the sun making its appearance.

"Good morning," I said, as I turned around to see a still tired Danny making his way into the kitchen.

He was in just a pair of black mesh shorts as he shuffled in. I couldn't help but giggle at his hair once again. "Mornin', babe," he replied and let out another loud yawn. "How long have you been up?"

"Since three," I mumbled. "I couldn't sleep... So I made some coffee and came here. I don't want to miss the sunrise." I smiled at him as he sat down beside me.

"Man, you rise too early, its vacation... You're supposed to sleep in," he said as he reached over and grabbed my hand on the table.

I shook my head and giggled. "I did sleep in... Three was like nine back home... You woke up at what would be eleven! Coach would get so mad if he knew you slept in so late," I replied, and shot a wink at him.

He playfully rolled his eyes. "Well, I did a lot more work than you last night. I think I deserved the sleep. It's not every day that we get to make love in Hawaii," he shot back as a smile broke out on his face. God, that smile looked so good on him.

It was now my turn to roll my eyes. "Well, we can for the next seven days," I replied. "Oh! Look! There's the sun," I said. My eyes went wide as I watched the tip of the sun make its appearance. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen!" The sky was turning oranges and yellows now. 

Danny slid his chair out and stood up, grabbing my hand. "Come with me," he whispered.

"Danny! I'm only in a robe!" I complained with wide eyes. No way in hell was I going to go anywhere.

"Who cares? We have a private beach... Come with me," he repeated. I held onto his hand and let him pull me out of the house, down the path and stairs, then to the beach. "Let's sit right here, and we can see the beginning again."

He sat down on the sand and pulled me down with him so I was sitting between his legs. His muscular arms wrapped around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. I leaned back into him and let out a content sigh. "This is so amazing, Danny." 

"It is. Sunrises are so amazing," he whispered. "A good sunrise is the perfect way to start your day. That's one thing I've learned from waking up early so much. It's so nice to start your day because it's one of the finer things in life."

I nodded against him. "That's true. When I was little, I'd make my cousin wake me up really early so I could watch the sunrise on nice days. Somehow, the winter sunrises were always the best," I whispered.

Danny's arms tightened around me. "I always found them the best during football season because then I knew I'd be on my way to doing what I love," he replied, tilting his head a bit so his stubble tickled my neck.

I nodded against him and smiled. "It's just so orange... and beautiful," I said, keeping my eyes on the sun. "And the ocean looks like it goes on forever."

"It does. Hey, why don't we head up and get ready for our day? I was thinking we could go snorkeling at the beach down the way," he said as he moved to the side so he could look at me.

I looked back at him and nodded. "Sure... But we really need to make sure we take showers," I told him. "Your hair is kinda crazy right now." 

"How about you help me with my hair in the shower? Ya know, just to make sure its clean," he said, those big brown eyes sparkling again.

"I suppose we can do that," I joked. "I really shouldn't just be out in public in a bathrobe... Especially if the wind picks up."

Danny slightly growled at that. "No, you shouldn't be. We're lucky it isn't windy," he said. "How about we head up before that happens... And we can get you out of that bathrobe?"

I nodded. "I'd very much like to get out of it," I replied with a giggle.

In one quick movement, the two of us were on our feet and making our ways toward the stairs.


"When did you have time to pack all of my stuff? And how did I not notice," I asked as I slid a tank top on.

"I packed it all on Monday night," he said. "I wanted to make sure it all got delivered on time."

I nodded. "Are you ready? Is this beach in walking distance," I asked as I sat down on the end of the bed and watched him put his wallet, phone and keys into a ziplock bag.

He nodded. "Ugh yeah, we just gotta walk around the few palm trees to our right and then there's a resort. We've got bungalow four for the next three days," he said.

"You got a freaking bungalow for us," I asked, my eyes wide. "Really Danny?! I swear you like to throw your money around!"

"Hey, it's no big deal... it was only a little extra because we got a private Villa," he said as he moved over and squatted in front of me. He placed a hand on my left thigh.

I shook my head. "Ugh. When we go to Wisconsin you're letting me do everything. You won't be spending a single penny," I told him as I grabbed his hand. "I'm not completely broke! Especially since you're not letting me pay rent!"

"Ugh, I guess you're right," he said and stood up. "But in the meantime, why don't we head to the beach? Get a nice tan that we can't get in the city?"

I nodded. The thought of that beautiful skin of his being even more tan made my mouth water. He really was a beautiful human being... And quite frankly, I could not wait for him to get his shirt off again.

Hope y'all enjoyed! :)

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