Chapter 57

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I rested my head against the window and watched as the ocean shimmered in the sun beneath us. It was beautiful, but all I wanted to do was sleep.

The stress from work and school were killing me. I only had about two semesters left and I was ready to be done.

"Hey," Danny's voice brought me back to reality. His hand grasped mine. "Are you okay? Don't be stressing about work or school. It's your spring break. It's your time to recharge."

I rolled my eyes but nodded. "I'm fine." I looked over to him to see those worried brown eyes looking back at me. "I'm just missing the pups." I told him.

He gave me a look, telling me he knew that that wasn't all that was wrong. "Come on, Jame. What's up?"

"I'm still stressed from school and work," I admitted. "I just can't shake the feeling of running around to get shit done. Especially since Pen is still on maternity leave at work."

Danny's hand grabbed mine to calm me down. "Hey, that's what this week is for. You and I are going to relax," he reminded me. "We get to decompress and enjoy each other's company."

I nodded. "I know. It's just..." I rolled my eyes at myself. "I'm so stupid. I really need to stop thinking about school."

"No need to think about any of that for a week. We're on vacation now!" Danny told me. "We'll have a damn good time. Trust you and me."

We spent the last bit of our flight not talking to each other, but relaxing and enjoying each other's presence.

Before I knew it, we were on the boat, headed to the house we'd be staying at. This time around, Danny wanted more than just a little villa, so we got a slightly bigger house. This one didn't face the East, so we couldn't watch the sun rise; however, it did face west.

Perfect for the sunsets.

I was thankful Danny said he wanted to take me somewhere for spring break... Even after we had our arguments. This was going to be some much needed us time. And no matter how much I wanted the dogs to be around, Danny was right. We needed some us time so we could be in the right headspace for life in General.

As the boat made a turn toward land, my jaw damn near dropped to the floor. "Danny! That is not the place you got us for the week!" I practically yelled.

When I looked at him he had a shit eating grin displayed on his face

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When I looked at him he had a shit eating grin displayed on his face. Those brown eyes of his sparkled in the Hawaiian sun. "You like it?" He asked as he leaned against the railing and admired the view.

I let out a sigh. He was spending more than he told me... But as we got closer, I couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach. "I do. But it's too big for just the two of us," I told him as I leaned forward as well.

He moved so his arms were wrapped around me and his chin was hooked over my shoulder. "No it's not. We can fuck in every room. And the hot tub... Maybe even work with the motion of the ocean," he whispered in my ear.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now