Chapter 17

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Bruins lost the cup... but life goes on. Happy Thursday.

** Jamie's POV **

Danny's brown eyes went wide as his hand grasped mine extremely tight. "Y-You're pregnant?" He questioned, shock displayed on his face. "J-Jules... You... Pen... You... You're having a baby?"

I rolled my eyes at him. He sounded like a complete idiot, and we all knew it would be coming any day. Julian smiled as he leaned over and placed his hand on Pen's stomach. "Yeah man," Julian replied. "Found out on my birthday."

"And you didn't tell me," Danny questioned playfully, brown eyes wide. "I'm gonna be the godfather! I deserve to know these things!" Danny's voice began to falter, so I looked over toward him. His eyes were beginning to get wet. "I-I'm gonna be the best uncle your little one is ever going to have!" He pulled his hand from mine and began wiping his eyes. I never thought he would be getting this emotional. 

I began rubbing Danny's back and looked over toward Julian and Pen. Pen had tears pulling from her eyes, too. Danny quickly pulled back from me and slid his chair out, quickly moving around the table to go behind the couple and pull them both into his arms. "This is going to be so great!" He looked toward me with a bright sparkle in his eyes and a smile on his face. "Jame! This is so great! We're gonna get some practice in!"

I nearly choked on the air. Practice? Already? Did he really want kids in the near future? My appetite was out the door in the matter of seconds.  

"Woah, Danny boy! Y'all aren't taking our kid from us," Julian said with wide blue eyes as he pulled away and looked toward Danny with a fake offended look.

Penny rolled her eyes. "Danny, you'll only be allowed around the baby if I'm there or Jame is there! I certainly do not trust you and Julian alone with a baby! You two would probably corrupt the poor little one!"

Julian fake gasped and looked toward Penny, grabbing ahold of Danny's forearm. "Babe! We will take care of him just fine! I swear! We'd never let anything happen to him!"

Danny boldly nodded, giving Penny a serious look with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. "Yes, Julian is right! We'll take care of him with the best of our ability! He'll be ready for the NFL by age five," Danny jumped in. After a few seconds he paused and stiffened, looking between Penny and Julian. "Wait? He? I'm gonna have a nephew... A godson!?"

Penny rolled her eyes. "It's what Julian wants! We don't know what we're having," Pen informed. "Jame," she turned to me. "For the love of god. Please don't leave Danny alone with her!"

"He will be fine with us if you ever need him to be looked after," I replied. The small smile on my face got larger when she shot me a glare from across the table.

"Of course. I think I'm on the only one that's team girl," she said and let out a huff.

I shook my head as Danny made his way around the table and slid back into the seat next to me. He pulled me into him and kissed my forehead. "I'm so excited babe!"

My stomach began to sink a bit more.

The rest of dinner went by smooth, but Danny couldn't help and talk about the new baby. The only way that I could ever explain it is like a little kid in a candy store. He was extremely excited about baby Edelman. It made me question if he really wanted kids that bad as well. 

As he voiced his excitement, I sat there, awkwardly thinking about it-- about how excited he was to have a baby around... And he wanted practice... And... God... I wasn't ready for a baby. No way was I ready for a baby anytime soon.


"Hi, buddy," I whispered as I sat down on the couch and let Clay jump up to sit with me. "How are you?" Those big brown eyes looked up at me, as he leaned his head against my chest. I scratched behind his ears and smiled softly at him. "I love ya, Bud," I whispered as I dipped down to kiss his cute, wet, little nose.

He began licking at my face, causing me to laugh. "Ugh! Clay!"

I was distracted by Danny shuffling into the room. He'd officially changed from his jeans, and was now in a white V-neck and a pair of sweats. We made eye contact, but I quickly looked away. I looked back to the TV as he moved to sit down next to Clay and I.

After a few minutes of silence, Danny let out a loud breath. "What's wrong, Jamie? You've been quiet since we were done hanging out with Penny and Julian," Danny finally said. His voice was soft, and clearly full of worry.

I looked over at him and shrugged. "Nothing... I'm just tired," I lied, as I turned back to the TV. I really didn't want to talk about it, and I most certainly didn't want to put a damper on his excitement about being an uncle.

"Please Jame... Something is wrong... I-I... Something was bothering one of us, and you know what happened. I don't want that to happen again," Danny said, practically begging. He reached over and grabbed my hand, holding it tight. "You can talk to me, babe." 

I looked down at Clay and let out a long sigh. "I just... Ugh... I'm excited for Julian and Penny... Do not get me wrong," I began, and looked up to meet Danny's eyes.

Those brown eyes I loved so much, were full of nervousness, fright, confusion, and, yes, love. After a second of silence, he nodded, telling me to continue.

"It's clear that you want to have kids," I said in a small voice. "I-I just..." I looked down at Clay, who still had his head resting on my thigh.

After a second, I looked back up to meet Danny's eyes-- now there was a lot more fright swimming in them. "But you don't?" He asked, thinking he was finishing my sentence. I swear I could hear his heart cracking at the thought.

My eyes went wide and I shook my head. "No! God no! Before you, I thought I didn't... But then I met you, and god, I'd love to have kids with you. A little you running around would be perfect," I said in a hurry.

The fright instantly turned to confusion. "Then what's wrong, Jamie," he asked as he clutched my hand a little tighter. His voice was soft and calming. 

I grasped his hand tightly and swallowed the spit in my mouth as I looked down. "I-I... Our relationship isn't that far along... I didn't think we'd be having this conversation already," I mumbled, praying that the tears gathering in my eyes didn't fall.  

I looked back up and let out a sigh. "Just... You were so happy, and that just hit me... I-I want that-- Jules and Pen-- I want what they have one day. It's just... It's terrifying," I admitted, grasping his hand tighter.

Danny didn't say anything, just kept his eyes on me and his hand in mine. "I love you Danny... And one day I want that... But please... Just... I'm scared. I am. I'll admit it. I've been so independent for so long, that I'm still trying to figure it all out. I just... The thought of having a child... A little one to care about... A-And going through the whole process of carrying... What'll happen to my body... I jus- Look at me! We've been together for a combined five months and I'm telling you this! I-I don't mean to spring this on you!"

The grip he had on my hand got tighter. "No. I'm glad you're telling me all of this," he said quietly. "I don't want you feeling that way. If-- When we get to that point, I will be by your side. What is it? D-Do you think you'll be a bad mom," he asked those precious big brown eyes looking back at me.

I shrugged. "I-I don't know... It just... The idea scares me. The thought of creating a life... Being content and happy... I've never had that... And...  Just... Having kids is a lot to think about," I whispered as the tears finally broke free. "I-I love you, Danny. I don't want this to get between us."

Danny nodded. "You shouldn't be feeling this way... You're already an awesome mom to Clay! You know how to balance life, how to live a good life... And you amaze me every single day, Jame. I'll be by your side through anything and everything," he said as he scooted closer to me, pulling me into his chest. "I'm glad we're talking about this. Y-You can tell me anything, you should k-know that... A-And you should know that we're not going to rush things. We'll wait until we're both ready." 

And that was when I realized he was crying, too.

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