Chapter 3

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"Jesus dude! How the fuck are you still going?! You've been going for like an hour," Julian said as he dropped to the ground, so he was lying on his back. His hands rested on his stomach as he desperately tried to get his breath back.

I shrugged as I continued my run on the treadmill. "I don't know, I just feel like I'm ready to go," I replied. "Too bad it's the off season right now."

Julian sat up and smirked at me. "You got that extra pep in your step cuz you got your girl back, right?" he asked. He had a knowing look on his face. 

I leaned forward to turn the treadmill off and picked the towel up off of it, wiping away the sweat on my face. "What do you think, Jules? I just spent two nights next to Jamie... That's two more times than I've been alloted in the past four months!"

Julian rolled his eyes. "Man, you're worse than me. How didn't you realize you were in love earlier," he asked as he stood up, putting his hands on his hips.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "The thing is, is, I knew it. I did... I just... You know... It just took me by surprise when you told me Olivia was here," I said as I moved over to grab my water from the bench I left it on.

Julian let out a sigh. "Of course I know that... We all knew that... You went totally mute man! And what for? If you loved Jamie, then you should've told her right away," Julian said, sitting down on the bench.

I shook my head again. "It wasn't that easy, Jules... I just... It terrified me. It made me realize how quick I got over Olivia," I said, sitting down next to Julian. I looked up and met his blue eyes. "It made me realize it... I thought about when you said 'when it's scary, you know it's real'."

"I said that? Damn, I don't remember that... I must be good at giving advice," Julian said with a small smile. "But what made you so scared? What was scary about it?"

"Well," I started and let out a long sigh. "When you told me about Olivia... I began to panic on the inside. I just... Olivia was always the type to make the first moves when we were in a relationship... And I feared that her being back may have meant that she'd contact me again. I just... I thought about it and the fear of her coming back in-- I couldn't... I didn't want to forget about Jamie," I whispered and shook my head.

"I realized that I'd completely forgotten about Olivia in such a short time. I just remember, you went off to get coffee when we got to the park, and I sat there, watching Clay. The only thing going through my head was the fact that Jamie... and Clay... They both became such an important part of my life. That was when the 'L word' came to mind, and fuck, I almost shit my pants man," I told him, chuckling at my thoughts.

Julian smiled back at me. "Bro, I can't believe it. And it took you how long to say it? I mean jesus..."

I shook my head and smiled back. "I know. I was stupid," I replied and let out a sigh. "Man, what time is it? Don't we have to go meet the girls at the dog park?"

Julian rolled his eyes and nodded. "Yeah, man, I suppose we do."

*** Jamie's POV ***

"You were a good boy at the park today," I said as I squatted down and unclipped Clay's leash. He let out a yap and licked my hand. "Thank you," I said and stood up so I could hang the leash on the hook.

Clay trotted off to his water bowl and began drinking his water. I moved into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea as there was a knock on the door. Clay perked up from where he was standing and ran over to the door, pawing at it.

"Chill bud, I'm coming," I said as I moved over to the door. "Move back a bit, bud..." Clay moved back and continued to bark as I pulled the door open to reveal a disheveled looking Danny standing there.

Clay jumped over my leg and moved right to Danny, jumping up so his front paws were on Danny's thighs. "Down buddy! You're not supposed to jump on people!"

"Its okay," Danny said as he leaned down to rub around Clay's ears. "Hi Buddy! How are you? You good? Oh yeah... I know... It's been so long!"

I rolled my eyes as I proceeded back to the kitchen. "Do you want any tea," I asked as I pulled a mug out. "You must be parched... You were stuck in a tree all afternoon."

"Yes please," he said as he made his way in and shut the door behind him. He moved over to the couch and let Clay crawl up with him, where he settled on Danny's lap and snuggled.

"When did you and Jules finally get outta that tree," I asked as I started the water to get it hot. I moved over and sat down next to the two of them. "Since when does my dog like to sit in your lap rather than mine?" I giggled.

Danny rubbed behind Clay's ears and let out a sigh. "About twenty minutes ago. I dropped Jules off at his, then came back here. You said you were cooking dinner tonight, right," he asked, big eyes looking at me from across the room.

I nodded. "Of course. Salsa Chicken and rice still okay?" I asked as I made my way over to him and sat down next to a very content Clay, and a very tired looking Danny.

He nodded slowly. "Yeah. Sounds good to me. How was your time with Pen and Winnie," he asked and let out a long sigh.

"It was good," I said, then paused. "What's wrong? You seem so down right now, Babe." I placed my hand on top of his and looked into his eyes.

This brown eyes became softer as he shook his head. "I mean... It's stupid... but like, was what Jules said today true? Like do I really repel women?"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You're both idiots. Of course he didn't. I mean, you've got me," I said with a small giggle. I brought a hand up and cupped his cheek.

A soft smile made its way to his face as he brought his hand up so it was over mine. He took it from his cheek and brought it to his mouth. "That's all that matters to me," he said. "I'm so happy to have you."

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now