Chapter 16

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"Do we have to leave," I whined as I leaned into Danny's arms and watched our final sunrise in Hawaii. It was amazing that we were so far away from home, yet I never felt so at home.

The hand that Danny had on my thigh rubbed it as he nodded against me. "Unfortunately we do, babe. I don't want to go back to reality either," he whispered. He let out a sigh, holding me closer to him.

I leaned further into his arms and let my eyes shut. We only had two more hours before we'd need to pack up and head to the airport. All I wanted to do was remember the wonderful Hawaiian air.

"Hey," he whispered in my ear. My eyes snapped open, and thank god that beautiful view of the sun rising was still in front of me. "Just think, we get to go home... See our friends... Snuggle with Clay again, too."

"I guess," I replied in a flat voice. "You know Gisele texted me yesterday? She said 'I don't think you're getting your dog back' and then sent a picture, like 10 minutes later. Vivi dressed Clay as a unicorn and got glitter all over him. The poor pup is gonna have that in his coat for weeks," I said and let out a sigh.

"See? That's something for you to look forward to, grooming your dog," Danny shot back, I could hear the smirk that was in his voice.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "He's your dog too, babe. Your his Daddy now... So you're stuck with it as much as I am! And! You snuggle with him more than I do," I shot at Danny and let out a giggle. "You're gonna have glitter all over you!"

"Ugh, that's no fun." He mumbled as she shook his head against me. "Jules is so watching Clay next time."

I kept my eyes on the rising sun and let out a massive sigh. "Couldn't it have been a shitty day that we had to leave? It wouldn't be so hard if that were the case." The end of vacation blues were hitting so hard, much harder than they ever did.

Then again, the only real vacation I ever got was going home... And there was a reason why I left in the first place. It's just not where I belong.

"I'll tell you what," Danny whispered in my ear as he brought his hands up and placed them flat on my stomach, pulling me further into him. "We'll come back here one day." His breath tickled my skin and I let out a small giggle.

I sucked in a shaky breath and pulled from his arms a bit so I could look back at him. "Really," I asked, meeting his big brown eyes.

There was a small smile on his face as he nodded. "Yes, babe. I promise you, we will come back. And we'll do so much more... Go for hikes... Go Pineapple picking... a few more tours," he said, his voice full of seriousness. "I've loved being here with you. And I love spending every minute of every day with you, too."

A blush made its way to my cheeks as I smiled and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I love you, Danny."

"I love you, too... Now unfortunately, we've gotta go back," he said the smile falling off his face.

Ugh, why?


I leaned against Danny as we waited for the plane to take off. A sick feeling was rising in my stomach. I didn't want to leave.

Danny brought his arm up and draped it over my shoulder, holding me close. His warm lips met my forehead. "I know babe, I'm going to miss it too," he whispered, knowing exactly what I was thinking. "You know," he started, "for someone who got mad at me and didn't want to come here in the first place, I must say I'm quite surprised."

"Surprised about what," I asked, pulling away so I could look into his eyes. What on earth was this man even talking about?

"Surprised that you took some time to relax and forget about life for a while. You're always so on your game, trying to figure out your next move, but this week you just kinda went with the flow," he said and shrugged. "I'm proud of you." There was a small smile on his face now as he leaned in to place a kiss on my forehead.

I shrugged and leaned back into his arms. "I like to think about the future," I mumbled as I let my eyes fall shut. "I guess thinking about it is what keeps me going, ya know? While it's great to live in the moment, it's also great to always have a game plan."

Danny nodded against me. "I know where you're coming from, babe. There is no need to explain," He whispered.

"I'm gonna," I let out a yawn and shook my head. "I'm gonna take a little nap."

"Alright, babe, I'll wake you up if anything happens," he said and placed a kiss in my hair. "You'll need to catch up on your sleep after all the busy nights we've had."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that.

** Danny's POV **

Jamie began letting our soft snores and I smiled as I rubbed her arm lightly. I loved everything about her, especially those little snores. They were one of my favorite things to fall asleep to.

I let out a sigh as I turned my attention to the window of the plane. We were currently flying over the ocean, which was as blue as could be. My mind began to drift to what she said.

So she did think about the future? How far into the future? Did she see a future with me? Clearly she saw something, she moved in with me after all.

My heart raced thinking of marrying her. I'd be crushed if she said no. She's perfect, and I want her to be mine. Anytime I want to mention the future to her, I would get cold feet and not ask.

I was torn out of my thoughts by her shuffling against me. She moved so her head was resting on my lap. I chuckled and ran a hand through her hair, only she would find that comfortable on a plane.

I smiled to myself as I looked back out the window to see that we were currently flying over big, fluffy clouds.

"Mmm, Danny," her sweet voice said.

"Yeah, babe," I asked, still looking out the window. No matter what I saw, it was absolutely beautiful. After a few seconds, I didn't get a reply, so I looked back down at her.

She was still fast asleep, but she had a small smile on her face as she slept... But who could blame her if she really was dreaming of me.

I'm a catch, or so my mom says.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now