Chapter 38

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Small back story: After the baby shower, Jules and Pen went to England so they could make it there before the baby was around. This chapter about 10 days before Christmas.

"Hey girl!" Gisele's cheery voice greeted me as I slid into her car.

I slammed the car door shut and smiled at her as I put my purse down at my feet. "I'm doing okay. How about yourself?" I questioned. I buckled up and looked over to her.

She wasn't wearing much makeup— maybe none at all. And I couldn't help but feel a small pang in my heart. She had so much natural beauty that I was admittedly kind of jealous. I couldn't help but feel a bit smaller when I was with her.

"I'm pretty good. I'm ready to finally get some shopping done for Tom. He's always one of the hardest people to shop for," she complained. She pulled onto the road and let out a huff as she shook her head. "How do you know what to buy a man who already has everything?!"

I shrugged. "You're asking the wrong person, G! I have no clue where to even start in finding something for Danny. I don't have the money he does, so it's not like it'll be some present that's thousands of dollars," I shot back. "He always spends way too much on me."

Gisele smiled and let out a small giggle. "Oh honey. You'll get used to it. I'm sure we'll find something today. Danny will love anything you get him," she told me. "And that's a promise. You two have some type of connection you don't see too often."

I blushed a bit and shook my head. "You think so? This is the most serious relationship I've had. So I wouldn't know how it compares to others," I confessed.

Gisele continued to smile. "I know so, Hun. You two are made for each other. You two crossed paths at the right time," she informed.

Olivia popped into my head. Some days I didn't know whether to be thankful of her or to dislike her. She's the only reason I had Danny. If he  wasn't trying to get over a broken heart, I don't think he and I would've come together.

But on the flip side, I was so freaking frustrated with her. She broke Danny's heart. She made him not know how to trust for a while. Her actions ruined him. And that broke my heart. Even prior to getting to truly know Danny, I could tell that he wasn't in the right mind— that he'd been hurt beyond belief.

In fact, one of the first things that ever went through my mind when meeting him was 'whoever he ends up with will have to be special'. His precious heart was shattered— cleaning up those pieces would be a massive challenge for anyone— and it was.

I let out a sigh. We've made it way further than I originally thought we would. It scared me. With every day, my love grows for him— and that means if we ever do end what we have, it'll be that much harder.

"Jamie?" Gisele's voice shook me out of my thoughts. I looked over to her with wide eyes. "I thought I lost ya for a second!" She giggled.

"Sorry, I was just thinking," I mumbled as I shook my head. "What were you saying?"

"It's alright, Hun!" Her voice was always so soft and so soothing— completely full of understanding. "As I was saying; What do you think Tom would like?" Her big blue eyes were looking back at me, fully expecting an answer.


"What about this?" Gisele asked as she held up a graphite colored overcoat with black buttons. She was looking at me with a content look-- trying to study my reaction. 

"I think Tom would like it," I said with a shrug. I put down a pair of dress shoes I was looking at and moved up to it, feeling the wool. "But doesn't he already have one like it?" I met her eyes.

Gisele made a face. "Not for Tom! For Danny! Do you think he'd like it?" She asked as a smile took over her face. "I think this color would look good on him."

"You wanna get that for Danny?" I asked. I raised both eyebrows and looked at her with a surprised look. "I mean I'm sure he'd like it."

"No!" Gisele began laughing as she shook her head. "I mean for you to get him! I'm trying to help you here! I think he'd like it!" She held it up a little higher. "The inside is soft and it looks like it would be pretty warm."

I reached out to touch it again and nodded. "It does look pretty warm. Do I dare ask how much it is?" I questioned as I studied it a little closer... It was definitely something Danny would wear when he had to dress up for football and it was cold out. I moved up to the part of the sleeve where the price tag was.

I made a face. "Oh. Yeah... It was nice until I saw the price tag," I mumbled as I shook my head. "I think this one is gonna be a no. I was thinking about a pair of dress shoes."

"Are you sure?" Gisele asked-- disappointment clear in her voice. "I think it'd be a great gift for him. He's always hearing hoodies instead of jackets."

I shook my head. "G, I just can't afford something that's 1,000 dollars," I told her. "I'm going back to school and need money for everyday living."

Gisele let out a small sigh. She put the coat back on the rack. "Are you sure, Jame? I think it would look really good on him. Grey looks good with his eye color."

I couldn't help but wish that I had money. I knew shopping with someone like Gisele would be hard, but I didn't expect it to be that hard. Danny deserves the whole world, but I couldn't afford the whole world-- or even a small segment of it.

A sick feeling began to bubble in my stomach. I would never be able to keep up with Penny or Gisele... It scared me that I would be the odd one out... Maybe Danny would be better off with Olivia...

She could buy him all that he deserves...

"I-I was actually looking at some shoes over there," I mumbled, my voice small. I pointed over to the shoe section where I'd just come from.

"Oh," Gisele said, seeing my change in mood. "Why don't we go check those out? Once we're done here we can go back to mine to wrap the gifts we've gotten today. The Kids are looking forward to seeing you again."

I nodded as she followed me. I grabbed the same pair that I was just looking at and opened the box. "I think he'd like these," I mumbled as I pulled the right shoe out and held it up. They were beautiful black shoes, and definitely within my price range— 85 dollars.

Gisele pulled the other shoe out and observed them

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Gisele pulled the other shoe out and observed them. "Wow." A small smile made its way to her face. "You've got a good taste in shoes."

A bit of relief washed over me.

Thank you all for sticking around. I hope you enjoy! :)

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