Chapter 37

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I'm so terrible! I forgot to post last week! Hope you enjoy!

"I'm home," I called out as I pushed my way into the house. It was almost silent. No TV. No music. No obnoxious singing. It was nice.

It was nice because Danny was finally out of the house... Finally at Gillette. He was finally cleared to do some light workouts with the team.

He was over the moon, and quite frankly, I was too. I was finally seeing some of the old Danny again. The day he found out he was able to do some light lifting and certain workouts, you couldn't knock the smile off his face.

While he could only do them twice a week to start out with, he was still extremely excited as that meant he was that much closer to making it on the field again.

"Jame, I'm home," Danny called out, not realizing that I was on the couch

I sat up to see him standing there with his duffel bag draped over his shoulder. "Hi babe, how was your workout?" I questioned as I pulled the black fluffy blanket closer to me.

I was beginning to come down with a cold, and only wanted to sleep.

A smile was present on Danny's face, but you could tell he was exhausted. "It went well. It's good to be back," he replied as he moved over to the couch and lifted my feet from the couch. He sat down and placed them on his lap. A look of concern flashed across his face "Are you feeling okay? You don't look too hot." His big brown eyes had a caring look swimming in them.

I shrugged as I rested back into my pillow. "I'm okay. I feel a cold coming on. Had the chills earlier this morning," I mumbled as I held my blanket closer to me.

Danny rubbed his hand over my thigh. A look of displeasure was now on his face. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Would you like me to make you some soup for dinner?" Those big brown eyes looked toward me.

Of course he was being selfless. He wasn't feeling his best, but he still wanted to do stuff for me.

I eyed him for a second before shaking my head. "No, I'm okay. What'd you do at your workout today?" I questioned, trying to change the topic from myself.

"Not much," he shrugged as be began massaging his fingers into my feet. "Just ran a bit... Used the training ropes, a few balance exercises."

"What?" I asked, surprised at what he said. "Training ropes? But I thought you were only cleared for light workouts! You could hurt yourself, Danny!"

"But I'm fine, Jamie," he shot back. His brown eyes were wide. He wasn't expecting me to react the way I did. "The trainers are monitoring me. I'm not doing more than I can take."

I sat up and looked at him with wide eyes. "Danny, I don't want you hurting yourself again. I-I mean you're slowly healing, but you're not 100% yet. You can't push yourself," I whispered as I put a hand on his thigh.

"I won't, though, that's why we have trainers there, Jame. To make sure we don't do something we shouldn't," Danny reasoned. He put his hand on top of mine. "And look!" He pulled away and slid his shirt off.

His skin was still insanely bruised and beginning to turn that ugly yellow, which meant it was healing, but it still looked nasty. "Just because the outside is looking better it doesn't mean everything internally is!"

Danny grabbed both of my hands. "Please, Jame, trust me." Those big brown eyes were looking back at me, full of hope, and yes— that underlying pain that had been there for three weeks straight.


I flipped my body so I was lying on my side, looking toward Danny. His chest was rising and falling at a steady pace and for the first time in nearly a month I got a glimpse of the Danny that he used to be— damn near pain free.

The calming sound of his breathing slowly lulled me to sleep. It was nice to hear him breathing healthily again— and on two lungs.

When I woke up, it was to a coughing— like a hauking up a lung coughing. I sat up and noticed Danny was no longer by my side.

A sick feeling began to rise in my chest. I slid from the covers and began to make my way toward the bathroom. As I pushed the door open, I was nearly blinded by the light, but then I noticed Danny. He was sitting on the floor with his back to the toilet, coughing into a towel.

He had yet to notice I walked in. "Danny?" I asked as I pulled my oversized shirt closer to my body.

After a few seconds, the coughing stopped and he looked up at me. Distress was swimming in his dark eyes. He didn't say a word, just kept looking up at me with watery eyes as sweat beaded on his forehead.

He sucked in a sharp breath, about to say something, but was cut off when he began coughing again. He pushed the white towel up to his mouth as he rode out the coughing fit.

I shuffled up to him and squatted down, rubbing his back up and down. "Hey, it's okay..." I whispered, trying to get him to calm down.

Once he calmed down, he pulled the towel from his mouth— and that was when I got a view of what was in the towel.

There was blood—strings of clots of blood. The hand I had on his shoulder got extremely tight. "Danny?" I asked. My eyes were wide and panic was beginning to take over my entire body. "I-Is that blood?" I asked in disbelief.

I didn't get a response. He let out a groan, an obvious shaky breath, and then slowly moved so he was rested on his side, curling into a ball as his breath began to even out. It was only a few seconds afterwards that I also noticed, his breathing had slowed down quite a bit.

"D-Danny?" I questioned. I squeezed his shoulder a bit harder. No response. "Danny! Stop playing with me! Get up!" I almost shouted as tears began to roll down my face. "Danny!" I screamed as I began shaking him.

I dipped down, hoping to hear him breathing— but nothing.

"D-Danny!!! Please!" I sobbed as I hit his shoulder. "Stop messing with me! Th-That's not your blood! This is a prank!" I cried. I fumbled as I moved to my knees and pulled him out of his ball, so I could check his pulse.

It was there, but fading.

I couldn't do CPR. His ribs were already broke. I couldn't hurt him more.

"Danny!" I screamed as I jumped up. I needed to call 91— that was my only option. "Danny," I mumbled through tears as I looked back one more time. I turned back and was faced with the dark room— I needed to find my phone.

"Jamie!" Danny's voice screamed. "Jame! Jamie!"

The dark room was suddenly bright as I was being shaken awake in our bed. "Jamie!" Danny's concerned voice said, softer this time.

My eyes snapped open and there he was, dark brown eyes looking back at me. "Danny?" I asked as I sat up, tears pulling from my eyes.

"Hey, hey," he said as he pulled me into him. "I'm right here. You're okay, babe. You're okay."

I shook my head as I leaned into his touch. "Y-you..." I couldn't get a word out; I only continued to cry. As much as I wanted to wrap my arms around him and hold him tight, I knew I couldn't. His left side was still injured, and I couldn't hurt him. "You're okay." I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Shhh," he whispered as he rubbed my back. "It's okay, babe. I'm fine... you're fine..."

My eyes started to feel heavy as his soothing voice and warmth got to me. And in a matter of seconds, I was back asleep.

Next update will probably be in 2 weeks! Gotta wait on Crownofthorns22 ;)

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now