Chapter 15

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** Danny's POV **

I had to of been sitting on the beach practically tearing my hair out for quite sometime when my phone rang. With a sigh, I slid it out of my pocket to see it was Julian calling.

"Hello," I mumbled as I brought the phone up to my ear. I wasn't in the mood to talk, but Julian would know something was up whether I talked to him or ignored him, so I was best off talking to him. 

"Danny! You're on vacation with the love of your life right now, why do you sound so in the dumps," Julian's cheery voice came through, making me let out a long sigh in frustration.

I ran a hand down my face and shook my head. "I-I don't know man... Jamie is mad at me... I have no clue why... We were completely fine this morning, now she's all mute on me. She flipped me the bird as she walked away from me, too," I grumbled.

It hurt like hell to know she was mad at me. At this point, I didn't care what I did, I just wanted to fix it and make sure I didn't do it again. If there is anything the both of us should know, it is communication is needed. We both learned that lesson the hard way.

"Well," Julian said on his end and let out a sigh. "I mean, I'm not one to give out advice very often, especially on woman... But they can be a handful... I know that one for sure. What did you all do today? And when did she start acting weird?"

I shrugged and looked down at the sand. "I don't know man... We were completely fine, I was teasing about her getting out of the bathroom on time so we could enjoy the day on the beach... Then we headed down, Ella came over and talked to me while Jamie headed over to the bungalow... Then we relaxed on the beach, she went to get something to drink and I playfully asked her why she didn't get me anything... And that's when the sass began!"

"Wait a second, why don't we rewind a bit here? Who the hell is Ella," Julian asked from the other end of the line. His voice was filled with pure confusion.

"Your ex man... She was here for some type of modeling shoot and was with a few friends enjoying the beach," I said with a sigh. "Why man? You think that's what it is?"

Julian let out a huff on his side of the line. It was like I could see him roll his eyes at me. "Oh my god how stupid can you be? Bro, you fucking realize that's my ex... The one who was nearly the reason why Pen and I broke up! Jame and Pen are friends... Chicks before dicks, bro," Julian said. "And don't ask me how I know that saying."

"You think that's why she's mad? I just talked to Ella," I mumbled, thinking back to how we stopped... Or rather I stopped to talk to her... Jamie just let go of my hand, not telling me where she was going... "Nothing more."

"Yeah bro. Think about it. Girls talk. Like I'm sure Pen would let Jamie know the moment you even gave Olivia a look," Julian replied. "I mean man, it's right there. I don't know how you didn't realize it! You may wanna talk to her before she gets even more mad at you!"

I nodded. "Yeah, man, I probably should. Thanks for your help," I said as I got up and made my way across the beach, so I could head back up to the house.

"No prob man... Enjoy the rest of your time there, Tom'll be working both of us extremely hard when you get back here," Julian replied with a small laugh.

I nodded. "Can't wait, man... Alright... I'll see ya in a few days," I said as I got to the steps. I brought the phone away from my ear and made my way up the steps. "Thank god I got Jules," I whispered.

Jamie sitting on the front deck immediately came into view, where she was reading her favorite book: In Cold Blood. I jogged my way up the path and to the Villa. She was either deep into her book, or still ignoring me, because she didn't even flinch as I sat down in the chair next to her.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now