Chapter 60

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I was yanked back toward Danny, where I crashed right into his chest. Both of my hands were firmly planted in his chest. "God, you're so fucking hot when you're mad at me," he grumbled.

Before I could get a chance to respond, he was smashing his lips into mine. He let go of my wrist and slowly dragged both of his hands down my sides, and to my back, where he firmly cupped my ass.

His erection was pushed up against me, and I couldn't help but reach down. I needed him. And I needed him now. My hand slid down into his pants, where I grabbed a hold of his hard member. His hands on my ass gripped harder.

He growled as his lips pulled from mine. "I wanna see your beautiful body on that bed." His hands dragged up to the waistband of my shorts, where he began to drag them down my thighs. I did the same to his shorts. They slipped past his thick thighs and his member popped out. I nearly lost my breath.

I needed him inside me. My hands moved to his hips, grabbing a hold of them and began to push him back toward the bed. His knees hit the back of the bed, and he fell back, pulling me with him. I landed on him, placing my hands on his chest. "I love you," I whispered as I pressed my lips back to his.

"God, Jame, I love you so much more," he mumbled as he flipped us back over so he was looking down at me. He reached down to the hem of my shirt and began to pull it up my body. He leaned down, pressing kisses up my body every few inches. When he got the shirt above my head, his hands moved to my bare breasts. "Still haven't put a bar on?" He questioned.

He licked a line up the valley of my breasts and began kissing a line up my neck before meeting my lips. My hands moved up, lacing through his black hair as my hips trusted up-- wanting him... Needing him.

His hands moved back down to my hips, lightly pressing me back into the mattress. I dragged my hands from his hair and brought them down to the hem of his shirt, and pulled it up his beautiful tanned, muscular body.  We broke the kiss as I pulled it over his head. When I looked up, his hungry brown eyes were looking back down at me. He teasingly pressed his hips against mine.

I pulled his lips to mine again, nibbling at his bottom lip. "I want you," I whispered as my nails dug into his muscular back. "Please..." I thrust my hips up into his again. "Danny... I need you..."

My thighs were tingling as his hands trailed down my sides. His left hand opened my thighs and his right hand dipped into my heat. Only one finger teasing me as electricity rushed through my body. "N-Not like that!" I complained as I threw my head back. "I need more... Danny... More!"

He let out a chuckle before his lips met my collarbone and another finger was added to my dripping wet heat. I let out a long moan. "Jesus Danny! Please!" He lightly nibbled my skin before he added a third and curled his fingers-- Just the way he always got me to my edge.

I was getting antsy as he hit my g spot each time. "You want more... What do you want?" he teased as his nails practically scratched my spot.

"Y-Your... Ugh!" I let out a moan as he really hit my spot. "Danny!" After spitting his name out, he pulled his fingers and sat back as he looked down at me with a smirk.

"You smell so good. So sweet," Danny mumbled. His brown eyes were still on fire. He put his index finger in his mouth and let out a long groan. "You taste so good, Jame. So fucking good. You wanna taste?"

My chest was heaving in anticipation as I reached up, running my fingers down his smooth chest and to his abs. "I just need you!" 

A smirk made its way into his face as his left hand grabbed both of my wrists to stop me from grabbing his member. With his other hand, he wiped his wet fingers in his lips before swooping down to press them to mine.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now