Chapter 23

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"Has Jules laid off a bit," I asked as I sat down on the stool in the Edelman's kitchen. Clay rested at my feet as Winnie curled up next to him.

Penny let out a sigh as she turned from the tea she was making. "Yeah... I mean... He has, but when it's time for bed especially, he's just so clingy. He even gets jealous of Win when she gets more attention than him," Penny said with a chuckle as she brought a hand up and rubbed her newly found bump.

I shook my head. "See, I don't think I could deal with that. I like always need my own personal space. I think it would drive me completely nuts," I commented as she handed me a cup of tea. I sucked in a breath and took a long swig.

Penny sat down next to me and leaned back in the chair, showing off her changing figure a bit more. "J has been driving me nuts, trust me... But at least they're back to practicing, so I don't have to worry about him being around as much," Pen replied. "I still have to think about work..."

I sucked in a breath and ran a hand through my hair. "If you don't work anymore, more power to ya. I love working too much," I told her. "Ugh. I-I don't even want to think about having kids right now." I practically facepalmed myself as I leaned forward and shook my head. When I looked back to Penny, she was giving me a puzzled look.

"W-Why? I thought... Doesn't Danny want kids," she asked. Even her voice was full of shock. Those green eyes looked back at me, and suddenly I felt like I was going to throw up.

"Yeah! He does... And he knows how I feel... It's just... Aren't you nervous? With like what's going to happen to your body? The fact that you might not bounce back right away? Like that's gotta scare you," I said, my eyes wide. I didn't know what to say... My mind was running in millions of directions. "Being responsible for another being?"

Penny let out a sigh, like she was overwhelmed-- which I would be if I were her, too. I just threw a lot of questions at her. "Why... Why don't we head to the living room and sit on the couch? Where it's a bit more comfy?" She offered, her voice soft and understanding.

I let out a shaky sigh and nodded. "O-Okay," I mumbled as I slid off my stool and slowly began shuffling into the living room. The dogs followed us along the way.

Once we were both settled, with our respective dogs in our laps she let out a sigh. "Now what's the matter Jame? How exactly do you feel?"

"I-I..." I looked down at Clay and let out a calming breath. "The day you two told us that you were expecting, Danny and I went home and we had a talk... I was acting weird and he knew it... I just... I want kids... I do, I really do... It's just... I'm terrified."

"Terrified of what exactly," Penny asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she studied me carefully.

I shook my head. "Like what it is gonna go do to my body," I mumbled as I looked down at my lap. "It scares me. I feel like there is a chance that I could never bounce back. The fact that you have to watch after a human being...There is so much you could mess up on."

Penny let out a sigh. "It's totally worth it, though. You're bringing a new life into the world," Penny pointed out. "It's an amazing feeling to know that you're growing a life-- It's actually the best feeling in the world. And it is from the love that you share with your significant other. And taking care of them And watching them grow, that's a true gift. I'm sure there are bumps along the way, but it'll be worth it."

I sucked in a shaky breath. "I-I just... And birth. It's gotta hurt... I-I'm not fond of needles..." I trailed off as I looked back up to meet Pen's soft, caring eyes. "But I don't think I'd be able to handle a natural birth."

"Well, sometimes you've gotta take a gamble with that," she replied. "I'm sure that you can face anything, Jamie. You're one of the strongest people I know."

I shook my head with my eyes wide. "Penny, I-I... You're making it sound so easy, when it isn't it! You have to carry for nine months... You have to take care of them for the next 18 years... And I just..." Tears began to pull from my eyes as I put my face in my hands.

Penny let out a sigh as she scooted over and placed a hand on my back, calming me a bit. "Jamie, if you're not ready, you need to tell Danny. I know you two have talked, but you two need to communicate it all. Engage in little conversations about it," Penny said. "Being a mother is the best thing you'll ever do, sweetie."

I shook my head and pulled my hands from my face. "I-If we ever get there," I mumbled. Clay began to nuzzle his snout against my arm. He knew I needed to be comforted, and I couldn't be any more thankful for him.


"Baby, were home," Julian yelled obnoxiously as him and Danny came crashing through the front door. Julian had a big, goofy, smile on his face. "Oh! Look at you three! Win, you love the baby already don't you?" He instantly took notice in Winnie resting her head on Penny's bump.

I smiled as Danny moved in behind Jules and shuffled toward me. "Hi babe," he said as he walked over and gave me a kiss. He sat down next to me. Clay instantly shifted so his head was resting in Danny's lap. "Hi Buddy."

He put his arm up and wrapped it around my shoulder, pulling me into him. "How has your day been?"

I looked back up at him and his brown eyes were sparkling at me. "It's been good. How about you? Was your workout good?"

He nodded. "Yes, but I hope to get a better one in tonight," he replied and shot me a wink.

Before I could respond, Clay was darting up and out of our laps. He quickly moved over to Julian who was now sitting next to Penny. Julian had a dog treat on his hand, ready to give to Clay.

I rolled my eyes. "Jules. You can't feed him treats whenever the hell you want," I scolded. "You're spoiling him too much!"

Julian rolled his eyes. "The little guy deserves one once in a while! Besides! He's still eating less than Pen!"

That earned Julian a hard whack in the chest. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" Julian cried as he rubbed his chest.

Penny didn't say a work, she just looked at Julian with an unamused look. "I'm sorry," Julian whined. "It's not my fault you're starting to crave more stuff! And the bagels?! Pen! You're starting to eat for two, it's nothing to be ashamed of!"

Danny chuckled from next to me. "You're craving bagels, huh?"

And fuck, I swear I could hear the wheels starting to turn in his head.

This couldn't be good.

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