Chapter 43

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Thought I forgot, huh? Happy Turkey Day!!!

"I'm sorry about my Dad," I mumbled as we made our way up the steps with our bags. "Oh... And well... My mom. I didn't think she's greet you like that. I should have scolded her before we came." We got to the top of the steps and I turned to look at him with an apologetic face.

Danny shrugged. "I'm still alive, aren't I?" He asked. A small smirk was on his face as he looked back at me with anxious brown eyes. It was adorable, but I could tell he was trying to cover up the nervousness he was still feeling. "Your parents seem great."

I rolled my eyes as we continued down the hall. Once we got to my room, I turned in and placed my stuff on my bed. "Welcome to my room," I told Danny. He put his stuff down and looked around for a second.  

As he continued to look around I sat down on the bed and followed his gaze-- Right up to the lone poster in my room. Suddenly, my heart was racing. Shit, I forgot to have my mom take it down.

"Really, Babe?" Danny asked, his voice small. When he turned around, those big brown eyes of his were full of amusement. "Jordy Nelson and Aaron Rodgers' butts?" He arched an eyebrow in surprise.

I let out a sarcastic offended gasp. "They both have wonderful asses. Why wouldn't I have them in my room?" I questioned. "I mean look at them! They're perfect!"

A small pout made its way to his face as he began to move toward me. Once he was within arms reach, his large hands grabbed my hips and his lips met mine. When his lips parted from mine, there was a smirk on them. "Mine is better though, isn't it?"

I brought my hands up to his chest and lightly grasped his shirt. After pressing my lips to his one more time, I smiled back at him. "Well, when I saw Aaron's up close at Jules' wedding..."

"You did not just say that," he exclaimed as he pushed me back into the bed and landed next to me. He then pulled me over so I was straddling his waist. "You're gonna pay for that one day."

"Are you sure about that?" I asked as I leaned forward a bit and ran a hand through his dark hair.

"I'm pretty damn sure," he replied, his voice full of flirtiness. "Cuz I c-..."

"Jamie! Danny!" My moms voice called from down stairs. Based on the creaking steps down the hallway, she was clearly making her way up the steps.

I let out a huff, pressed a kiss to Danny's lips and rolled off him. After a second, I moved over to my bag so I could pull some of my clothes out.

"Hey kids! James, Grandma and Grandpa are almost here," she said. Her voice was much closer now. Next thing we knew was she popped her head in. "They were saying how excited they were to see you. And they're bringing your favorite!"

"Alright!" I said with a small smile. "Thanks for letting us know! We're gonna get settled and then we'll head on down."

"Alright honey!" My mom was off and headed back down the steps.

I turned to look at Danny with a small smile. "First night here and you already get to meet Grandpa Dorn," I said with a small smile.

Danny sat up and looked at me with wide brown eyes. "Do I have to?" He asked. Fright was apparent on his face and in his voice. "He's gonna hate me!"

I giggled as I pushed my bag to the side and sat down. Danny slowly sat up and looked at me with those scared brown eyes. I reached over and grabbed his right hand with both of mine. "You'll be fine. He's gonna be rough, but you'll be fine. Just don't be wearing anything Patriots."

Danny rolled his eyes as he squeezed my hands. "That's not reassuring, babe."

"You'll be fine. I'll be there." I pressed another kiss to his lips.

Can't Get Enough | Danny AmendolaWhere stories live. Discover now