Chapter 44

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Updating a whole 9 min early!

I flipped the light in the bathroom off and made my way down the hall, toward my room. When I closed the door, I turned toward the bed, where Danny was lying back, propped up on his elbows.

The sheets were resting at the mid of his abdomen and those big brown eyes of his were looking back at me. It was unbelievable. I never thought I'd see Danny in my childhood bedroom, waiting for me to come to bed. "Can I help you?" I asked. I was stopped dead in my tracks.

A small smirk made its way to his face. "Why do you have to look so good in that oversized T-shirt?" His voice was low, almost a growl.

I rolled my eyes as I moved toward the bed and slid in next to him. "Thank you for coming home with me," I whispered as I placed a hand on his chest. The bruises were finally gone, and he was just about ready to be named as active on the Patriots' roster.

When I looked up, I met hungry brown eyes. "God, you're so beautiful," he whispered as he dipped down and pressed his plump lips to mine.

I leaned into the kiss, sliding my hands down the soft skin of his abdomen and to the waistband of his briefs. His large hands moved down to my waist, expecting to find my panties-- but there were none. His fingers tightened on my hips-- leaving bruises in the process and instantly broke the kiss. I opened my eyes and was faced with him looking back at me with wide brown eyes. "N-No panties?" His low voice was full of shock.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "Just keep it down, I don't want my parents to hear..." Then I leaned in and attached my lips back to his. His rough hands slid up my sides, and to my breasts, where he cupped them— giving them a soft but firm squeeze. I let out a soft moan but quickly stopped myself.

My hands fumbled to grab ahold of his waistband. I managed to hook my fingers and slide them down. As I did so, he slowly brought my shirt up.

I moved my hands up and broke the kiss, letting him pull the shirt over my head, then moved back down to his trapped, but growing, erection. His lips instantly found my neck, placing soft kisses down as I pulled his briefs down his thick, juicy thighs.

His erection sprung loose. My breath hitched. As I reached down to wrap my fingers around it, a large hand intercepted mine. When I looked up, dark brown eyes were looking right at me with a threatening look. "Let me take control." His voice was full of seduction.

I didn't say a word, just watched as he moved in closer. His hands grabbed my hips again, pushing me back into my pillows. His lips pressed against mine as one of his skilled hands slid down a bit further and in between my legs.

A finger dipped down into my wet heat. "Mmm, you're so wet, Babe." His voice was just above a whisper. "All for me."

My breath hitched as I leaned further back, and thrusted my hips up a bit. I let my eyes fall shut. His skilled finger slid in, then out, then back in and curled up. "D-Danny..." I let out quietly. I sucked in a long breath and opened my eyes. I grabbed ahold of his strong bicep. My eyes snapped back open.

A mischievous grin was plastered on his face. "You want more?" He questioned.

Before I could even answer, there was a second finger, then a third. They were curled perfectly, causing a low burning to begin in my lower stomach. "Ugh," I grumbled as my eyes fell shut again. He continued that in and out motion as I began to tighten around him even more.

"You like that? Huh?" He said. He knew he was bringing me closer to my edge. His voice was so silky and so smooth. "Oh. You feel good, but I bet you taste even better."

"I-I doubt tha-," I was cut off by a cold hitting my nether region. I let out a shocked gasp. I watched as he brought those skilled fingers up to his mouth. His eyes never left mine.

As he pushed those fingers into his mouth, he let out a long, soft moan. Oh shit. I was getting closer to the edge. Once they were out, he moved in closer. "You taste so good, babe," he whispered. I could feel his breath on my face— not only was I excited, but he clearly was as well.

He brought up one hand and tangled it through my hair. With his other hand, he grabbed his thick member and lined it up with my entrance.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and tensed as he slid into me. "Y-You're so big." I mumbled into the crook of his neck. He was already sweaty— I could taste the saltiness in his skin.

"I-It's been a while," he whispered. "Y-You feel so fucking good right now. I've missed being inside you." He brought his other hand up and began pulling my hair so I was looking back into those beautiful eyes of his. "R-Ready? I don't know how long I'm gonna last tonight."

I nodded. "I'm always ready," I mumbled.

At that, his lips met mine, and he pulled out a bit. He slammed in with such force I let out a long groan. "D-Danny," I grumbled as my nails began to scratch down his back. "I-I... Holy shit."

He continued at a consistent pace, bringing both of us closer to our edge. "You're so perfect," he grumbled. "I-I... I love this... I love you. Y-You're amazing. I love you, Jamie."

My heart was pumping. I felt every word he said with every thrust he sent my way. I was inches from my edge. I tensed around him as I rode my high. "Ah... Ah... Oh th-Thats it. D-Danny! D-D... Oh yes!" I let out.

"Oh what you do to me, babe," he let out as he began to slow. "I-I can't anymore..."

We both were officially at our edge. "Oh yes, Jamie! Yes!" I tensed around him as he released, filling me up to my heart's content.

He nearly collapsed on top of me as he desperately tried to get his voice back. "That was... One of the best times we've ever had." He said as he found the strength to pull out— the wet suction sound, and feeling was a welcomed one. His cum slowly coming out felt so good, yet so... discouraging.

He was right, that was one of our best times— and it was over. My nose began to burn...

"God, Jame," he whispered as he pulled me to him. "I fucking love you so much."

I moved closer to him as tears began pulling from my eyes. "I-I love you, too, Danny."

"It's alright babe," he whispered. "I'm here... Sleep..."

I slowly began to drift off to the sound of his heartbeat... the one I hadn't been able to hear for over a month.


"Good morning, beautiful," Danny's deep voice mumbled as I opened my eyes. He had a small smile on his face.

"Merry Christmas Eve," I replied. There was a smile of my own on my face. I moved to sit up, and that was when I felt the wear and tear on my body from our previous activities.. "Oh man... Last night did me in."

Danny chuckled as he dipped down and pressed his lips to mine. "You were perfect last night," he told me as he pulled away. "I'd do it over and over again."

I blushed as I leaned into Danny and let out a soft sigh. "I don't wanna go down stairs. Do you think they heard us last night?" I questioned as I turned my head into his bare chest.

"Nah," he mumbled as he held me to him. "I think we're in the all clear."

"Thank god," I whispered. "Now we should probably get up and ready." I pulled from Danny, ready to slide out of bed.

"What do you guys normally do on Christmas Eve?" Danny asked as he leaned over the side of the bed to grab his briefs.

"You and I are probably gonna head to town to get the cookies from my moms friend... Then I was going to take you out on the snowmobile." I replied as I reached over to grab my shirt.

"That sounds good to me! Ya know, I really like it here?"

My heart began to melt. How could I possibly love this man more than I already did?

I really hope you enjoyed! Please let me know what you think. This is usually a harder time of the year to write, any type of feedback is helpful!

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