Chapter 40

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Happy Thursday!

"Bye G. Thank you for helping me out today," I thanked as I leaned over and wrapped my arms around her in a hug. "I really appreciate it."

"It's not a problem, hun. I'll see you on Sunday," she replied. "And please, just think about what I said." She pulled away from me and gave me a meaningful look.

"I will. Thank you." I whispered. "I'll see you on at the game on Sunday." I moved to push the car door open. "Drive home safe!" I looked back with a small nod and slammed the door shut.

As I made my way up to the house, I couldn't help the heavy feeling in my heart. I couldn't help but think about our conversation. Would I really be good with my own kids? I had his conversation with Penny multiple times, but I didn't know if she was right. She wasn't a mom yet-- But Gisele... She was... And she was a good mom.

A sense of guilt ran over me. Was I depriving Danny of one of the things he wanted most? I shook my head as I pushed my way into the house. I didn't need something like that looming over my head and ruining my night.

When I got inside, I kicked off my shoes, put down Vivian's art and pulled off my hoodie. "Guys! I'm home," I called out as I slowly shuffled to the couch.

In a matter of seconds, the sound of Clay's nails on the floor echoed through the house, and then both of my boys emerged from the hall. "Hey babe," Danny greeted with a big smile on his face. He was in sweats, a hoodie and some comfy looking socks. "How was shopping with G?" He asked as he sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders.

I leaned into his warmth as Clay jumped up onto the couch at my feet. "It was good," I mumbled as I turned my face into his soft hoodie, still careful of his left side. "It was exhausting." I wasn't one for shopping, and I thought going without Penny for once would make me feel better about it-- but Gisele was just as picky.

Danny let out a soft chuckle as he rubbed his hand up and down my arm. "Babe, that's what you get for going with Gisele. Her and Pen are some of the craziest shoppers I know," he replied. He dipped down and placed a kiss at my temple.

I let out a sigh and pulled away to meet those soft brown eyes. "You could've warned me," I told him and let out a dramatic sigh. "Ugh. And I'm cramping."

"I'm sorry babe," Danny whispered. "On the bright side you won't have your period for christmas." Danny held me a bit closer, knowing how I craved to be in his arms whenever I had my period.

"Ugh," I grumbled as I took in his scent and willed myself to relax just a little bit. I pulled from him to meet his eyes again. "How was practice today? Tom seemed to be in a good mood when he got home today."

"It was okay," Danny mumbled. "Really missing having Jules there. Especially when most of the day is team meetings and you've actually gotta listen to every single word coach is saying." Danny shook his head and let out a sigh. "I wish he didn't have to leave during the season."

I nodded in agreement. "I agree. This is a small taste of what it will be like to not have Penny at work," I whispered. "And I don't know if I like it."

Danny chuckled as he shook his head. "Thank god that it won't keep Julian away too long," Danny replied. "It's so rough without him."

I giggled as I let my eyes fall shut. "Ugh. Do I have to work tomorrow?" I questioned. "All I wanna do is sleep lately. This cold weather is killing me right now." I let out a sigh.

He began rubbing up and down my arm. "Well maybe if you wore more layers outside," he teased, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. He let out a small chuckle as I shook my head against him. "Don't worry babe. Christmas is coming soon. Two weeks and you'll be able to have a few days off."

I nodded as I pulled back a bit to meet those chocolatey eyes again. "Ugh. That seems way too far away," I whined.

A cute little smirk made its way to his face. He dipped down and pressed his lips to mine. "You don't have too much longer. You can hang in there, I know you can," he replied. He paused for a second, letting out an unexpected chuckle.

I scrunched my eyebrows together and looked up at him in confusion. "Nothing good ever comes out of that little chuckle," I stated. Upon seeing that smirk twist a bit more I rolled my eyes. "Oh god, what is is Danny?"

Why was the smirk on his face so cute? "Ya know," he began, "you went Christmas shopping with Gisele..." Those big brown eyes continued to look down at me.

"Yeah?" I responded, trying to figure out what the hell he was getting at.

"What'd you get me? I see that you didn't come home with anything," he mumbled. There was a sparkle in those big brown eyes of his. "I think you definitely should've gotten me something. You know... The love of your life?" He began batting his eyelashes.

I rolled my eyes again. "Danny," I began as I shook my head. "This is the exact reason that I did not bring any of the things I bought home! You'd be searching for what I've bought you until Christmas!"

A small pout made its way onto Danny's face. "So you didn't get me anything then?" He really did sound like a little kid.

"I did," I said. "But, Gisele has everything that I bought because she has a deal on shipping. So, we wrapped the stuff at her place and she'll be sending them to Wisconsin for me."

"Ugh," Danny whined. "That's not fair! I wanna be able to go to the stuff and shake it and try to figure out what it is!"

"Only you," I whispered and shook my eyes. "So today Vivian made me something. She made you one, too, but she wanted to give it to you in person."

"Oh, what did she make you," he asked. I pulled away a bit and got up, being careful of the now sleeping Clay at my feet. I shuffled over to the front door where I put down the piece of paper.

"Here," I said as I sat down and thrust it toward him. "Yes, there is a lot of glitter."

Danny grabbed it and looked over it, studying it carefully. "That's a lot of glitter and hearts."

I placed a hand on Danny's thigh and rested my head on his shoulder so I could look at it as well. "You know what she said about it?"

"What'd she say?" Danny questioned as he moved his head so it was resting on top of mine.

"I'm the red hearts," I whispered as I pointed toward the smaller red ones. "And you're the blue ones..." I then pointed toward them. "And the center purple heart represents the love that we have for each other."

"That's so cute." Danny's voice was soft as he continued to look down at it.

"She told me that I make you so happy," I mumbled. "She likes to see you so happy, Danny."

Danny pulled away and grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. "It's true, Jame. I'm happier than I ever have been. You make me a better man every day," his voice was silky. "I love you."

He pressed his lips to mine.

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Also, would y'all rather have one update a week or two?

Let me know!

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