Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Ali's P.O.V.

Today was just great, we defeated Djin, protected agent Zain, and everything was in tip top shape, for a minute there I thought agent Zain died but luckily fate had a twist, I don't know how that happened actually, he just came back...

"Ali! Hello? Hello!!" I snapped out of my thoughts and took a glance on my left, there goes moon, wearing her usual cheery face only managed to smile back...

"Oh uhm.... hi Moon, anything up?" I chuckled nervously

"Oh? You mean the sky? it's blue and cloudy!" she giggled as I laughed, moon is so full of joy nowadays, maybe it's because we finally obliterated the threat that was hiding in the shadows of M.A.T.A , found out everything and all, I turned back to her but she's gone.... weird... Like a phantom ghost thing that people suddenly disappears when you look at them for the second time.


Huh? What's that noise? It hurts my ears! I covered my ears and looks around, it was blank white, nothing around, and where did moon go? Where's everyone? And why am I not in M.A.T.A.??

"Ali!" I turned around, only to find Alicia standing there, angry at me, she was in her school uniform, she started storming towards me in a pissed off manner, wait a minute, I didn't do anything wrong did I?

"Meow!!" she scolded me, wait what? Since when did she meowed?

"A-Alicia?" I stammered backing away, her face is turning red, probably from anger as she then lunged at me hissing...


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