Chapter 9

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Ali's p.o.v. 

Ugh ... what happened?..

Why do i feel like i was strangled?

"Ugh..." huh? Someone else is here with me?

Glancing beside me. I caught glimpse of that one girl who got me insane. Alicia. Why is she here? What happened?.... where the cow am i??

"You're at one of M.A.T.A.'s safe houses. Med bay. How do you feel Ali?" Wait... that voice... it sounds like...

"Jenny?!" I yelped and flinched. Sitting up so suddenly wasn't appreciated by my back. At all. (Jenny, a.k.a. Cinco, was the traitor in M.A.T.A. she originally works as Uno's spy from the inside to leak information about M.A.T.A. and ruin their plans to protect Cyberaja, Alicia hated her greatly for that betrayal. Jenny was formerly the Tekno in their team, providing devices and gadgets.)

"Careful Ali. You're not well yet" she helped me lay back down. I don't understand. Why is Jenny here?!

"You must be wondering why i am here. Dos and Trez... well.... it's a long story. Agent Rizwan recruited me back here at M.A.T.A. and i promise. I'm not double crossing anyone anymore, i thought that, i may be better off here at M.A.T.A." i just narrowed my eyes eerily at her, by the looks of it, she is saying everything from the bottom of her heart, she seemed to be telling the truth, but is she worth our trust?

"why am i here, what happened?" i asked, thats the question i was wanting to ask earlier if not for Jenny's sudden appearance..

"i honestly don't know, Agent Rizwan and Bakar rushed here last night, you and Alicia were unconscious, Agent Rizwan said you went override, so Alicia had to knock you out with a sleep gas bullet, your status is perfectly fine" i checked the status report in her tablet to confirm the information she provided, well i do remember going override, but what else?

"how about Alicia? how is she?" above so many questions i can ask, why did i ask about her?

"she's doing great, she woke up a few minutes before you, she over exerted herself to the point of passing out from energy drain, but right now she's fine, just a fever thats all, although she refused to take in medicine, saying she's fine without them." hays... the same ole' Alicia, she never likes medicine, as much as Ali hates them as well.

"where is she now?" of course my next question has something to do with her, well it's my fault to begin with, i attacked Dos and Trez when i'm supposed to be attacking Komeng.

"she's resting in the bed beside you, if you can stand, follow me and get your breakfast" i glanced again beside me, oh yeah, i just saw her when i woke, why did i ask where she is when i personally saw her myself? ugh Ali you idiot sometimes.

"stop thinking so loud Ali" i glanced to her-again-, she was covering her face with a pillow, was i thinking out loud? did she heard what i said?

"Ali!" ok ok i'll shut my brain up now, sorry.

"follow me Ali, you can have breakfast with Agent Rizwan" i smiled at Jenny, maybe i should give her another chance, she deserves it, i took one last glance towards Alicia, she was laying on her side, i guess she still wants to have some sleep, we stayed up all night last night anyways, i just got on my feet and followed her out.

"what time is it?" i glanced back at her, it was bothering to have everything so silent, so why not hitch up a conversation?

"it's 10 in the morning, we had Agent Karya excuse you from your classes saying, you were sick." wait, what about Comot? my dad?

"what about my dad? and Comot? do they know?" she tapped a few things on a tel pad to get in the room, usual password, Slima. 

"well, your uncle picked Comot up, and we had an Agent tell your dad you'll be staying at a friend's house" ooh... he believed in that?

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