Chapter 5

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Normal p.o.v.

"Oi Ali!" Viktor called out as he ran towards his best friend Ali. On the other hand. Ali was currently feeding Comot (Comot is an intelligent cat with modified genes that Ali once saved in one of his missions. She can turn invisible and understand what humans are saying. Yep she sometimes hold grudges on Ali whenever he forget to feed her before going to class. Or left her in places) some banana cues he ordered a while ago. Sometimes. Ali forgets to feed the poor cat.

"Viktor? Sup. Have you found Alicia yet?" He asked as he picked the feline up in his arms. Comot however. Jumped back down to continue her meal. Much to Ali's dismay. The cat still hates him for some reason...

"No. She never went back to class. but Mia took her bag and said to bring it to her place. We should come along with so you can talk to her" Viktor smiled as Ali thought for a moment....

"Thanks for the help Viktor. You should head home. You're mom is probably waiting by now. I'll come with Mia myself" Ali pats his best friend's back as they both laughed. Viktor picked his bag up and waved goodbye before running out the school cafeteria. Ali however. Had other plans.....

"Ready Comot?" He asked as the feline jumped into his bag and turned invisible as Ali went to a janitors closet and went in. By the time he went out. He was already wearing his M.A.T.A. suit. Iris ready for action..

"Wait a minute. Where's Mia?"


"Huh. Alicia open up!" Mia had been knocking in Alicia's doorstep for an hour by now. Ali caught up 30 minutes ago and is now hiding on a neighbor's rooftop with Comot...

"Aw come on Alicia. It's still raining bad!" She just scoffed and dropped the bag at the doorstep before opening her umbrella and walking back towards her own home. Which is a few blocks away from Alicia. Ali thought of this a good time to break in...

"Comot. Guard the place around me will ya? Ill try finding an opening. Tell me when her dad is home please" Ali begged not wanting to be questioned by the oh so great General Rama.

"Meow!" Comot jumped down from branch to branch until she was on the ground. Ali got up and did the same. Almost slipping on the way. Trees in this neighborhood are slippery..

Ali tapped his temple twice to activate iris as the device scanned the area. It gave him a 3D holographic image than only he can see. It indicated that the kitchen window wasn't locked. Knowing so. He quietly sneaked towards the window. The rain making it easier to hide his pressence. He used a special ring looking object that Dos once dropped. The diamond tipped glass cutter easilly made it easier to get in without having so much trouble as to pull it back and keep it locked. Well they wont know it was him who made that anyways...

"Comot im in. Get her back for me can you?" Ali whispered out the window as the feline did as told. With a bit of dificulty carrying it but she managed to get it in Ali's reached as she got in herself...

"Check upstairs. I'll check downstairs" the feline nodded and quietly crawled up the stairs. Quiet tapping can be heard admist to the rain. Her paws weren't that silent.

Ali however. He checked the kitchen. The bathrooms-- knocking first btw-- and the living room. Even the garden but still none. He checked the garage. It was guarded by trigger lazers. Ali chose not to go in. There were buster droids that are 5x stronger than the usual droids he fight...

"Alicia where are you?" Ali asked himself and went to check on the basement...

With Comot. She checked every room. All except the one in the end of the hall saying "keep out". Yep. Thats Alicia's. Comot went in another vent to easilly access the rooms. She can't reach doors. Left. Right. Right. Right...... bingo!

"Meow?" She quietly kicked the vent screen open as she looks around. It was a normal decent bedroom for a girl. Although had a few pictures of her M.A.T.A. commrades but Comot though. Wheres Ali in them? She was there being held by iman. Even Dos when she was caught. Why not Ali?

The cat drew her multi colored eyes towards the room around. Things smashed. Flower vases smashed. Broken to pieces. Closet brought down. In short it is a mess. Even her Blastique. Her M.A.T.A. weapon is scattered on the ground. Broken. Just what happened?

Comot knew better that Alicia will kill her if she sees her here. She was in her bed with her blanket drapped all over her figure. Comot went back to the vent and downstairs to look for the dummy teckno. Who got stuck in the basement.

Of course Ali was dumb enough to lock himself up in the basement without him realizing so. Comot rolled her multi colored eyes and went to where he is. Using her claws. To rip the lock off and help Ali get free. Alicia's place has its ups and downs alright. Ali sighed in relief as he smiled at the feline...

"Thanks Comot, i dunno what i'd do without you" the feline merely rolled her eyes and walks off letting Ali follow along..

"So Comot, have you found Alicia yet?" The feline nodded as she ran off up the flight of stairs with ali trailing close behind-- of course almost tripping on the stairs. Typical Ali-- Comot pointed to the door as Ali walked up to it and quietly opened it walking in...

He had almost the same reaction as Comot earlier when she first stumbled inside. And Ali even thought that his room was far worst than that...

"What happened here... did a typhoon visit or something?" He mumbled to himself as Comot only meowed in response. Ali slowly approached to Alicia's sleeping form on the bed. Her figure easilly seen in the moonlight that was gleaming from the window near her bed. Alicia herself although was covered in her blanket wholly. Ali carefully moved her blanket so he could at least see her head.

"Who sleeps with their headbands on?" He asked himself again as he gently removed it for her and placed the green headband on the drawer nearby. He was surprised though. Alicia didn't wake. Normally the agent would've strangled him to death by now

"Get her bag Comot" Ali whispered as the feline quietly went out to fetch the item requested..

"Why do you feel oddly hot?" Ali asked as he gently placed the back of his hand in Alicia's forehead. She grumbled and shifted causing Ali to draw his hand back. Thinking she would wake but she didn't. She faced him even but still asleep. Ali noticed she had tear stains on her cheeks. He touched her forehead again. This time to be very gentle to not stir her awake.

"You must have a fever with a temperature like that" Ali mumbled as Comot returned with the item requested as Ali brought it next to her bed. He dusted it free from dirt since he knows Alicia wouldn't like her stuff filthy--well even the room is but he decided not to think about it-- but he left it be as he went to the bathroom to get a cool clean towel for her fever...

Ali's p.o.v.

Was that really Alicia's room? The 'oh so perfect and so organized' Alicia Kheng's room? I can't believe this. It looks more like mine. I admit. I'm messy and all but that was way worse than i've ever imagined. Is this really her room? It's a mess. Glass shards everywhere. Broken wood and stuff. Her blasting littered on the wooden former posished flooring underneath the rubble. Did she got robbed or something? But Alicia looks like she only has a fever. Geez what happened to her?

As i came back i folded the towel neatly and placed it on her forehead. She once again shifted and moved to another position. I didn't minded it. The towel didn't fall from her forehead anyways. I brought her blanket up to her chin and sighed and sat on the side of her bed as i glanced at her...

"Alicia.. i'm sorry for what happened earlier. I didn't mean it. I was stubborn and all. You know me. I don't like it when i'm wrong or being humiliated. Again. Well i didn't know it will come to this. I don't really know much what happened. I'll go now. General wont like it if he found out i broke in your place. See you tomorrow at classes"

I got up as i nodded at Comot. She ran out of the room to get out of here. I was about to leave the room then took one last glance towards her over my shoulder before going out. Fixing whatever we damaged. Even the window we entered and exited. Then headed home where dad is probably still waiting for me...

but he might be asleep already. Take care Alicia. Don't stress yourself too much and take care always...

cause i care.....

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