Chapter 34

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480 votes, didn't expected that rather, well i did underestimated the power of the readers.


Normal p.o.v.

"What just happened? Where's Alicia?"

"We don't know, we managed to track Ali from his suit, but Alicia seemed to be offline."

"We better get him for first aid."

"Seriously Moon? First aid? He needs medical attention!"

"That's the same!"

Moon argued with Khai on their way to Rudy's quarters, both of them shocked to find out that Rudy, is Quatro, well somewhat it makes sense but why now? When they were all starting to get along so well.

Moon took the lead and knocked furiously on Rudy's room door. Of course it took a while for Rudy to open it, he looked as if he just woken up from a hibernation. although that wasn't the case, he rubbed his left eye while yawning, extremely annoyed to be waken from his slumber, especially by Ali's friends.

Moon pushed Rudy back in his room as she barged in along with Khai, making Rudy all the more confused. I mean, people don't just barge in and shove people aside for no reason right? Well that's not the case this time.

"Ok. Speak up Rudy. What are your plans? Where's Alicia? What did you do to Ali? Why are you just sitting there looking shocked?" Moon bolted out random questions that came across her mind.

"Why are you even questioning him that way?" Khai face palmed and just directed his attention towards the inviso agent whom looked very confused.

"Guys? I don't know what got into your minds but what the big deal about barging into my humble abode?" Rudy rolled his eyes and finally got up, yet Moon clasped her gloved palms together and made holographic copies of herself to push Rudy back down, the said inviso getting very confused and annoyed at the same time, he's literally not in the mood to play games with then, especially Moon. Anyone but Moon...

"Don't act all innocent Rudy, we know what you're up to, now tell us where you took Alicia." Khai demanded, his demeanor slightly more serious than his usual friendly persona.

But Rudy doesn't get any of this, what mess did Ali dragged Rudy into this time?

Rudy's P.O.V.

The heck is going on? Quatro? Me? And why would I have that dumb guy's girlfriend? Alicia is very much out of my league of taste, I never liked that dumb idiot's taste. Ever.

But what's the big deal? One day they just barge into my room and make another accusation? Not like I'm not used to it really.

"Look. I don't know what kind of drugs you two took but seriously, one question at a time and mind telling why you two idiots think that barging into someone's room is considered legal nowadays?" I got back on my feet and crossed my arms, what's their problem?

Khai visibly narrowed his eyes at me, so I did the same, Khai can never be as intimidating as me.

"well Rudy, Ali got rushed into the med bay this afternoon, surveillances stated as a matter of fact, you my comrade, is Quatro in disguise you traitor." Khai balled his fists, obviously outraged, wait what...?

Quatro in disguise? Where did that idea came from? I mean, I just got the news about Quatro recently, why accuse me as him? I haven't left the academy anyways, so how the heck will I know about these stuff?

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