Chapter 41

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like it or not, i'm baaaack!!!

Yeah, I don't feel well today, so I'm absent in class right now, and decided, instead of wasting time playing Mobile Legends, maybe I should continue a chapter? I'm on epic division anyway (yesh!) so yeah? And seriously guys...

Viktor's dead, like what the other readers want.-.

Aaand whoohooo it's exam tomorrow and I know not a thing!


this is chapter 41 or 42?


Normal p.o.v.

"Ugh.... The heck happened..?" the young Tekno Agent slowly stirred awake as he held his head confused, glancing around however, he can barely make out his surroundings, the walls were painted metallic white, and that's all he could probably see at the moment, there's a door though, once again painted white.

Why does everything have to be white?

"Hello? Anyone here?" of course he gained no answer. One thing he did notice however, his leg was cuffed by a chain that is linked to a holder by the bed post.

"You finally woke up Ali, took you hours." His attention turned towards the sliding door that opened to reveal Jenny. Her soft and gentle smile plastered on her face as she held a medical kit, Ali could just give her a stare, clearly overflowed with questions.

Jenny took a seat on a wheeled chair which was beside the bed which also, one of the things Ali failed to take note.

"I know you have questions, which I can't answer right now, but just so you know, Quatro is dead, you don't have to get so fueled up anymore, and Alicia? You almost killed her. That's all I have to let you know." She gave that sickening bittersweet smile and stood up, opening her medical kit and taking a few bottles out, Ali was frozen in thought..

He glanced down on his hands, they were uncontrollably shaking, his lips started trembling as his eyes became unfocused.

'He nearly killed Alicia'

His eyes glanced up as a hand was placed down on his shoulder, Jenny just gave him that smile, that smile that always used on him, that smile that makes his stomach churn in so many directions.

"It's alright Ali, isn't that what you wanted days ago? To eliminate Quatro? And Alicia isn't dead yet, why so down?" she took out a small syringe and wiped the needle part before getting some type of liquid into its container, Ali simply ignored her, his mind was being overflown by thoughts.

"Where's... IRIS?" he glanced around and saw no signs of the circular item. Jenny merely sighed and slowly injected the substance on a vein on his wrist.

"IRIS was destroyed during your battle, yet based from the data I received... IRIS is clinging on your cerebrum membrane and your nervous system. Which in turn took control of your motor skills and the way you think, in short, IRIS is in you, and influencing your mind on high rates of your brain signatures." Jenny explained, pulling the needle out and placing it carefully back in the kit, Ali could only give her a face that clearly say 'I don't understand anything you said' which got her to roll her eyes and sigh.

{COMPLETED} The More You Hate, The More You Love {Ejen Ali Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now