Chapter 6

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Ali's p.o.v.

(the next day)....


"alright alright i'm coming, jeez can't you wait for a sec?"

i was currently finishing up on putting my shoes on and went downstairs to pour some cat food for Comot, she seems rushy today, or did i forgot to feed her last night? oops i didn't...

"meow!!" i almost fell off the stairs, she's loud when hungry-- scratch that, she's HANGRY at me..

"ok ok be quiet Comot, people are still asleep at this hour" i gave placed down the bowl on the tiled floor as she jumped to it and immediately started eating, come to think of it, i didn't had my dinner too, i'm hungry too, guess i'll stop by Wak Musang's to get breakfast, i immediately wore my bag and took out my trusty kickscooter then ran out.

"i'll go first ok Comot? see ya! don't cause any trouble!" she just rolled her eyes at me as i waved and locked the door, she can go through the window anyways, i rode my kickscooter down the street and even on the stair's railings like always, i only have ten minutes left, looking both ways, i made sure no one was looking as i activated the rocket boosters on the tail of my scooter as it sent me zooming around the street and into Wak Musang's stall (Wak Musang is a food vendor on the street who's always on his little stall, he used to pass secret items to his special customers which is Dos and Trez, he puts them in food containers and hands them out to whoever knows the password, which is why Ali accidentally took iris after accidentally saying the password "Tampoyak Udang") , as always, he protected his stall using his body form, probably thinking ill crash into it and destroy it again, well not today, i promise i'll be extra EXTRA careful..

"stop! not my stall again!!" i stepped and drifted my kickscooter to make it screech  into a stop, just mere inches away from his scurrying form, he sighed in relief and wiped off the sweat building on his forehead...

"jeez be careful kid, my stall is everything i have" he went back behind his stall as i laughed nervously while rubbing the back of my neck, a trait i got from Uncle Bakar...

"eheh... sorry Wak, i'll go slow next time" i folded my kickscooter and placed it in my bag as i went to the stall.

"i want nasi lemak please, side dished with egg as usual" i took out my wallet as he gave me a green food container as i handed him fifteen Ringgit as he took it and even gave me a disposable tumbler, probably my exclusive free beverage, i am his regular customers anyways, i placed both containers on my back pack as he gave me my change.

"feel free to buy again, but i will charge you if you ever destroy my stall again" i just smiled and nodded, of course i didn't mean to hit his stall on the way to school, being fast is just so cool, anywho i walked my way to school, checking the time, it was 5 minutes left before class starts, good i'm pretty early today, i just walked my way into class and slumped my bag on my seat, no sign of Alicia yet, but her bag is here, she must be having one of her rounds for prefect duties, lucky i'm not one, it's just extra work plus homework, in my case, plus missions and training, come to think of it, it's been a while, i wanna go on into missions and meet with uncle, i miss those days when me and Alicia would fight over silly things and even argue on who did it better, time sure flies, but the only time she became nice to me was after i saved her from that azurium reactor, she was nice for a few days until she snapped back into her old angry self.

"Hey Ali. Early today i see. Did you apologise to her?" Viktor asked as he went back to playing detektive jebat. That game never fails to get his attention..

"Well i wasn't able to get in. Mia couldn't either so we just left her bag on the doorstep. By the looks of it she's here already" i took out my own tablet.

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