slight sneak peak of the events~

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cliffhanger is still on~~))






"Ali... Quatro is.."

Sometimes, not everything you believe is what is real..

"how could you! you were my friend!"

"what are you talking about? i am not Quatro!"

Friendship is everything... isn't it? 

"Ali calm down--"

"how can I?! he betrayed us!"

trust will not be found in everyone, trust will always find your darkest foe..


"Ali! i'm so sorry i--"

Sometimes... the person who shot the bullet to you... is the same person who took the bullet for you....


"Alicia... tell Ali.... i'm sorry..."

Who will save you now? when your own enemy... is yourself...?

"IRIS can't control me forever!"

"Ali, please.. you need to give up IRIS--"

"no! i'm the one entrusted with IRIS! you are just like them Alicia! leave me alone!"

sometimes.... love... can turn into hate....

"I can't let you hurt him Ali! he's your friend! he didn't mean it!"

"you are all traitors!"

will you choose to forgive a foe, or eliminate a friend...?

"Ali! don't!"

"it's over Quatro... and so are you.."

"Ali please, do what you want... just don't hurt Alicia..."

would you do everything to accomplish your goal... even if it will risk your happiness?


"forgive me.. Alicia"


And regret. will always be at the end of everything...

"what have i done..?"

"it's not too late Ali, nothing is ever too late."

how will you heal a scar, that can't be reversed?

"it's over Ali... just leave me alone--"

"no it's not! i love you ok! and i can't change that, please give me a chance--"

"him. give him a chance."

what happens in the end of everything? which path will you choose?

"Quatro how dare you!"

"no, i am not Quatro anymore. i am--"

The More You Hate... The More You Love....


it's just a small sneak peak of what will happen in the future chapters. have fun with the cliffhanger!

{COMPLETED} The More You Hate, The More You Love {Ejen Ali Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now