Chapter 17

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question : should i join this book in wattys? i wanna try opportunities and stuff, plus i tried joining writing competitions, but i'm currently waiting for the romance category, i wish there was a valentines competition, i have a lil plan for our little Ali and Alicia

btw. someone asked who Khai is, well i forgot to put that up, sorry.

Khai is an agent under Academy. Although he first appears in "", his name is revealed in "". He is classified as a TEKNO agent. He, Alicia, Mika and Rudy and are in a team. he's one of Ali's closest friend in the academy since they're both tekno agents.

and who's Mika?

Mika is an agent under Academy. Although she first appears in "MISSION : ACADEMY", her name is revealed in "MISSION : ORIENTATION". She is classified as a KOMBAT agent. she treated Ali harsh, but she's nice, 

Mika was born with nerve disease that causes disability on her legs and the doctor said she cannot walk anymore. (MISSION : ATLAS)


Normal p.o.v.

Alicia made her way to the control room, she was called in by her father to report what happened back at Sunway, and why was Ali acting so... different.

with sweaty cold hands, she arrived at the room, Jenny was working on the holographic controller, and Rizwan leaning against the wall with his usual lollipop in between his lips. Alicia paid no mind to the lollipop loving adult, she doesn't want another unnecessary comment from him. the adult respected the female, and wouldn't dare tease her in front of her father which is the General.

the General glanced over at everyone, then to his dear daughter, whom looked gloomy in the bright day, he had never seen Alicia so gloomy and tense. of course he knew his cocky stubborn daughter very well to know, something wasn't right. but his brows furrowed seeing two certain boys missing from the room, even the cat was early.

"DEY! where is Agent Bakar and Ali?! late again?!" the General complained out loud, making the female twitch, she had enough of yelling for one morning. the General became concerned, his daughter rarely flinch at his yelling, even Jenny was unfazed having used to it, what is wrong with his daughter?

"papa-- i mean General. Agent Bakar is still recovering, and Ali doesn't feel well yet" the female then glanced up at her father, her look turned stoic, hiding the tense behind her. but the General knew her all too well.

"is there something i need to be informed of, Alicia?" the female adverted her gaze, having a mental argument with herself whether to state it or not, but the man wasn't very patient.

"father, i might have said some things that made him act cold, then Dos and Trez attacked us in Sunway, no civilian was hurt badly, but he shut himself out from us ever since then." the female confessed as she felt a hand on her shoulder, turning behind herself, it was Rizwan's hand, as he took out the lollipop from his lips.

"General, Ali was just doing his best to protect Alicia, but got hurt severely during the process, however Alicia was just fine when we came, Dos smashed him to a stall to get propped by glass shards, his condition's stable now, however, he doesn't want to talk to anyone about now, if he did, he gets irritated, nor does he wants to be accompanied by Comot." the inviso adult commented and propped his lollipop back between his lips. the General merely glanced at his daughter then back to Rizwan, silence confirmed his unspoken question.

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