Chapter 26

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school is coming! T^T

question : what do you like about the story? and how do you want it to end?

wanna end it right now? >:3

and who's P.O.V. do you want the next chapter to be in? Ali's? Alicia's? or normal p.o.v.?


(bare with me i'm not good with fight scenes T^T)

Normal p.o.v.

Ali's eyes narrowed towards the direction of whom he proclaimed himself as Quatro. the boy smirked to himself and dodged an incoming attack from the neuro agent.

"so you work for that team? so much time you wasted" Alicia stammered out while making a triple back flip to dodge incoming arrows being shot towards her, each arrow has it's own function.

"thats none of your business" Quatro managed to shot an arrow towards the neuro while she was loading a bullet, however it was countered by Ali's yoyo shield. as the tekno agent drew back his yoyo and launched it towards the other male, but the male shot an arrow to deflect it back to the tekno. just in time. Alicia intercepted it with a bullet so it wouldn't attack back to the tekno.

Dr. Ghazali was panicking, teens are fighting and sensitive machinery were being destroyed.

from what he knew, M.A.T.A. will only operate when the police enforces have no chance to compromise the situation, and Dr. Ghazali wasn't in proper shape to be stuck there and gain the chance of dying in the teen's hands.

Ali held his hands together as he got on one knee, Alicia running towards him as the tekno boosted her in the air. the female having shot multiple bullets from above while Quatro was busy in attacking the tekno agent. having been annoyed. he threw a certain purple crystal in the air as the surroundings was engulf in a bright light, Dr. Ghazali blocked his eyes from the shine.

Dos appeared in the scene. grabbing her shock stix from her hair bun. Quatro took the chance to his advantage and did a swift kick to knock Alicia off her feet. Dos rushed towards the three and threw her chock stix at Ali's direction. the boy having used his yoyo shield to deflect it. the neuro agent grabbed Quatro's leg and swung him to a random direction, letting him smash into another contraption displayed.

it hurts Dr. Ghazali deep inside to see his comrade's hard works being smashed into pieced. he rushed to protect another one beside it, he will do his best to preserve anything he could.

and he was dumb enough to join the battle.

He didn't even realized that Quatro was rushing towards him aiming an arrow. of course Ali noticed and immediately boosted himself to deflect it. having been expected. Dos threw a shock stix towards Ali. but as always, Alicia had his back and shot a bullet to intercept it.

Ali and Alicia were too busy fighting Dos back, they didn't realize Quatro sneaking behind Dr. Ghazali. a small arrow aimed towards the unsuspecting man..

"Dr. Ghazali!" Alicia yelled out and rushed to push the man out of the way, but she was too slow. the needle like arrow stabbed itself to his shoulder as a shock released and rendered the man paralyzed, Alicia snarled at the other boy and shot a bullet in lightning speed. managing to hit his mask and break it, but only one side of it cracked, pearl black eyes glanced back with an angered expression.

"how dare you!" He yelled out and charged towards the female. Dos had kept Ali at bay for Quatro to attack, one swift kick sent the female flying across the room and into a set of contraptions, the impact created a dent on the metallic walls, and the momentum rendered her unconscious, Ali's eyes widened and yelled out to her but she never responded to his yells.

{COMPLETED} The More You Hate, The More You Love {Ejen Ali Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now