Chapter 43 + SHOUT OUT

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Chapter 43

Sorry on my part, finally vacation came and I'll try to type at the speed of Zass!

So sorry if it's bad I mean, I don't really have in mind on how this story flows but I'm tryingggg!

shout out to.... @JANUS MASUCOL!!


Normal P.O.V.

"Ack!" Rizwan clenched his chest, where the impact took place as he landed on his feet, in front of him stood a certain boy, once innocent, now a monstrous being, Rizwan immediately recovered and got back into his stance, fear of being caught off guard.

This is something someone once said, the one you trained will soon use their training against you. But Rizwan didn't knew that things like this would happen. To him... of all people.

"What? Scared? Never knew the 'oh-so-great' Agent Rizwan would have this kind of fears, fear of me? This would be very easy for both of us, if you could keep out of my way." IRIS stayed on his stance, Rizwan managed to find IRIS before he completely fled the base after receiving a call from Bakar. He has finish what he needed to finish, and all he needs now is to keep IRIS still for just a few moments.

"Make me. Ghazali" he bit on his lollipop crushing it to bits before throwing the stick towards the boy, which IRIS easily dodged for having sharp agility and lunged forth to his mentor, Rizwan evaded the incoming attack and attempted to hit the boy's pressure point, where in turn the boy turned around and yoyo blasted the adult away a few meters. His earpiece beeped a few times sending some kind of signal as Rizwan steadied his stance.

"Catch me if you can then, apprentice." He then sprinted off to a hallway which made the boy feel inferior and dashed after him, though what he doesn't know, Rizwan has something special in mind just for him.

"Bakar, prepare capsule no. 3 on standby, I'm on my way." He quietly spoke on his earpiece, feeling the IRIS boy nearing him bit by bit, he made a sharp turn on the hallways and kept the boy in chasing him, like what he needs him to do.

"Stay still you nuisance!" IRIS kept chasing after the agent, feeling the need to snap his neck apart before he flees. Though Rizwan only led him down to the laboratories and immediately shut the metallic sliding doors of a certain room, IRIS banged his fists on the metal doors and tried blasting it open with his yoyo.

Rizwan on the other side just nodded over at Bakar as they both entered into a stance, an open capsule like chamber was behind them with Geetha by the control module.




"Open up cowards!" he yelled and finally managed to bash the doors open, immediately, IRIS took notice of Bakar and Rizwan as he too took a stance, lunging for an attack as he would, Bakar smashed his fist on the ground sending waves to try and knock the boy off his feet while Rizwan lunged once more for an attack, his pointer fingers attempted to hit the boy in any way possible, but the boy was too agile, Geetha aimed her enhancer over at Bakar and enhanced his physical ability as he took hold of IRIS in a tight bear hug to keep him still as Rizwan delivered a four point his over the boy's pressure points to paralyze him for a few moments then threw him inside the chamber.

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