Chapter 44 :)

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Chapter 44

Yep, I am outta here XD

sorry it is very rushed!


Normal P.O.V.

"What?!" a loud voice echoed in the cavern area, as an oh so familiar boy kept his eyes glued on the monitors in front of him, sighing as he did so, a redheaded female right behind him, in pure confusion and annoyance.

"What's what?" was the only reply the boy gave as he continued to spectate the monitors, images of the security cameras in the tactical base was all it showed, one specially focused on Alicia. The redheaded female furious.

"You are wasting everything we have worked hard for!" she slammed her fist down on the module, shutting down some of the monitors which got the boy exceptionally pissed. Sighing, he turned to face the said female.

"Did you not hear what I just said? I said. 'We are surrendering to M.A.T.A. and offer aid in dealing with I.R.I.S.'. Did I stutter?" he shifted his weight from leg to another, not really amused nor bewildered, yes he is risking so much, but what's it worth to see so many suffering, just because of one suffering, they didn't deserve anything about it. Ali was his best friend, a boy who just got tangled up in this mess, an innocent boy, Viktor knew what Ali has been through, about how his father didn't have time for him, how he was lonely, being a bully victim, and losing his mother at a very young age, he promised to be the person that would fulfil those empty soles that Ali still bore, yet he only caused much, much more of them.

Especially Alicia, the girl had nothing to do with this, but she was the most affected.

Jenny gave out a snarl, her hands balled into fists as they trembled, all the pretending and hard work she worked exceptionally hard for, the risks and sacrifices she made just for the Numeroz, all wasted just because their so called young leader decided to surrender?! That is unacceptable!

"Quatro I hope you understand the risks you are making! We need to continue the legacy of your grandfather and Uno, to give justice to those, poor people that continuous to suffer outside of Cyberaja, can't you understand that? You were once like them, don't you want to help them?! The children who are fighting, just to live another day, you are wasting everything we-they! Have done!" Jenny's hands started to shake, as a knot in her throat started to make itself visible, though Viktor understands her point, one wrong fault will never be resolved by another. Viktor believes in that.

"Cinco, there are other ways to attain justice and help for them, we don't need violence, I learned from Alicia once, Violence is never the solution to peace." He gave out a sigh, Alicia... how is she doing right now?

"Unbelievable! You may have brought down on us, but we are not putting all this hard work to waste, we are continuing what we have started, with, or without you." She turned on her heel and left, disappointment evident on her face, with a hint of anger, of how someone changed him in such short notice, this isn't the Quatro they fought with. This is not Quatro at all.

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