Chapter 38

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geh mabilisan lang to ha, may gagawin pa ako XD


Normal P.O.V.

Midnight at the harbour, like what Quatro instructed, but Ali thought, how will
Quatro be there if he's in captive at M.A.T.A.? It's impossible, then again he promised to safely give back Alicia if he did right?

Ali gave out a sigh, two days passed and he wouldn't even look at Rudy's direction without having the burning feeling of killing him, or so Ali thought, he couldn't accept the fact that Rudy turned against them.

Like how he couldn't accept when Rizwan betrayed him.

The sky was fairly dark, the busy cars rushed over the bridge nearby, and the boats left the shore not long ago, it was windy, and peaceful out here, he wished he could just relax by the bay, but he couldn't he still has some business to attend to.

The young Tekno gave out an exhausted sigh. Why can't he have a normal life with his friends? Why can't he just continue his days as an agent and student after Djin died?

Light footsteps made his ears perk, his breather became heavy from emotions coursing through his mind, although not showing it, he wants to murder Quatro, make him suffer, kill him, and punish his so called 'ally' with a slow and painful agonizing death.

"Ali..." A voice spoke out, making Ali freeze in his position.

That voice... oh he longed so much to hear that strict but gentle voice.

Without thinking, he immediately lunged towards the female who got out from the dark corners of the harbour and engulfed her in a tight warm hug, he knew she might hit him, but that's not the point right now, the point is, Alicia's face and sound, and she's here. With him.

Alicia on the other hand, gently wrapped her arms around the boy, returning the hug she also longed to have, she has to admit, she missed the trouble maker, she missed telling him what to do and acting like the boss of everything, but right now, she has to make the first move for peace.

Gently, she pulled away from the warm hug, and stared on Ali's features, the poor boy was so close to crying in sheer happiness. Alicia held Ali's shoulders, this is serious matter, and she can't fool around anymore.

"How are you, Ali? Did you miss my bossy perfect self?" Alicia gave out a heartedly laugh, Ali returned the smile and held the neuro female's hands in his, grasping them tightly and affectionately.

"Very, it's so quiet without someone to boss me around all the time. How did you escape? Did they hurt you? Are you alright? Did Quatro did something or—" Ali rambled on and on, Alicia rolled her eyes and placed a finger on his lips, shutting him up temporarily, her eyes turning from soft, to serious stone, there's no time to fool around, she thought.

"They didn't Ali, listen to me, Rudy is not Quatro." She pointed out, Ali's worried face slowly converted into a stunned one, wait... so does that mean...

"Rudy is... innocent?" his mouth slightly left ajar, he processed the information in his mind, thinking. What has he done? He accused and innocent ally, and not only that, he got the whole agency to turn against him.

The young Tekno felt guilt pang its way into his chest, what has he done?

Upon seeing the boy's expression, Alicia immediately grasped his hand in hers, in a rather comforting way, Ali gave out a small blush and looked towards her, their hands intertwined with each other, and it was so comforting.

{COMPLETED} The More You Hate, The More You Love {Ejen Ali Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now