Chapter 52: The Endgame Part 2 (The End?)

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Chapter 52 : The End?

Still working on that novel in Sofanovel, if you guys have time. Can you guys please check it out?? Since I need to focus more on that novel (Since I'm getting paid xD) it might take a few while... in order to continue my life here on wattpad, sometimes it might take days, weeks... or even months to update now that online classes are ongoing. Hope you'll wait for me!  Tehehe 💓💓💓❤❤




Normal P.O.V.

"Faster Ali!" The female yelled out as they pumped their footsteps faster. They received news from the earpiece that Rudy and the others were caught, and it's only a short matter of time before they are being caught as well. They need to move faster and faster before it's far too late!

Ali started panting from all the running, since his back ached from his previous injury, it's only a matter of time before he loses control back to IRIS and deal with this once and for all. It all started from IRIS getting out of control, yet still. His friends are his main priority to secure this place. How come Rizwan and the mentors aren't around when they most needed them?!

"This is Alicia-one, can anyone her me? Hello, this is Alicia-one, Roza, Jet, are you there?" Alicia tried to contact them in their earpieces yet to no avail, only static was the only thing they heard, who knows what jammed the signal or... what happened to them...?

"It's no use, we need to take the Numeroz down if we want to save them." Ali huffed under his breath and ran faster as so did the neuro female, pumping their legs faster to get a faster sprint.

"If he ever lays another finger on our comrades, blame me not for using evasive extents!" The female snarled to herself and searched every area she could, Ali checked everywhere including the laboratories which they passed by yet nothing. There is only one last area where they haven't checked which will be the end of their endless sprint. The Arena.

"Come out, Coward!" Ali yelled out as soon as they step foot in the Arena where they fought not long ago, but it was eerie and still. Tranquil and quiet as if no living creature ever was found on the subtle area, the young Tekno quietly surveyed the area in case of 'surprises' which the Numeroz always had in store, or for his main foe; Viktor Ong.

"I don't think they're here, Ali." Alicia whispered in a low tone, slowly approaching a pillar that has been yet to be destroyed like the others. A small piece of paper pinned on the pillar by a needle like arrow resided, obviously a sign which Viktor should be the one who left it.

The female was hesitant though.

All the trust she embarked on the boy had vanished all in an instant from the spur of events, what good would it be to trust him once again?

Having no utter option but to read the note, she took the note and tore it away from the needle arrow. Burrowing her brows together as she read through it.

"What does it say?" Ali questioned, leaning his head over to see what the female had read that caused her to be so silent. The answer unveiled itself as she sighed and passed the note over to the Tekno agent.

"Meet us in the Azurium Powerplant. Bring no backup, just the two of you, unless you want corpses of your comrades." Ali read out loud, memories started flowing onto the female neuro's mind, the incident at the Azurium Powerplant is one of the moments where it scarred her for life. The first time that Rizwan initiated Protocol Gegas on her.

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