Chapter 50: The Endgame

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Chapter 50 : The Endgame Part 1

It's been so long...... so yeah. Have you guys read my new novel? What do you guys think of it? Hehehe....

If you read my novel there and think it's pretty okay or so, please leave some nice comments for me in my book ;p

Okay... I know I have been writing so late, forgive me my friends!


Normal P.O.V.

In the end. The group dismantled into smaller groups. Rudy going with Iman, Mia and Viktor, and Alicia with Moon. Though the two females went to another direction.

Unknownst to them the lingering pair of eyes that stared at them from behind. The sensation made the neuro female tense, being on guard.

"Listen to me, Moon. No matter what happens, try to save as many as you can. And save yourself mostly." Alicia mentioned straightforwardly, causing the young inviso to question.

"What do you mean? Of course, I won't leave anyone behind." The young inviso gave out a worrisome expression before the neuro agent stopped in her tracks, she then faced the young girl.

"I'm going to face IRIS. We already lost a great leader; we can't lose another friend. I have a feeling that Roza's team is dealing with the Numeroz by now. Yet Ali is still wondering free, The Numeroz can't control him. But I can snap him out." She adverted her gave from the female and onto the ground, the unspoken danger lingered in the young inviso agent's thoughts.

"I trust that you have your reasons, Alicia. But you cannot engage into something as dangerous as that. You almost got crippled after your last encounter, and forced into bed rest. You should also think about what you're going to face, what would we say to the General if something bad happens?" Moon gave out a worrisome sigh, Alicia did see the reason why her friend acted like so, but she couldn't bare to have another friend in potential danger.

Even worse, she wouldn't want to be forced to initiate "Protocol Gegas" again. Whether it be for the sake of other agents or the protection of the order.

"Trust me, I already have an idea on where he could be. Now I want you to go to the north side and find Viktor for me. Tell him to find me in the laboratories and arena simulations. Then regroup with the others to keep the Numeroz at bay at most. Until we bring Ali back." She mentioned in a strict manner, a way that she rarely uses until she needed so. And Moon knows that, so she could only salute to her superior and run off sending clones her way to protect herself.

She gave a sigh and went to a direction, it seemed that she really did suspect where the boy was from the beginning of all this, yet she couldn't bare to allow anyone else to get involved of the matter. She needed Viktor around at most.

"If my guess is correct, he's near the arena." she mumbled to herself and headed straight away, though she heard 'unpleasant' noises along the corridor. Which made her confident in her decision to not bring Moon along. It's not that she is a hindrance or a burden, it's for her own peaceful state of mind and safety.

"About time you showed up." The neuro tensed at the vivid voice that echoed in the empty arena, as if a critter crawled its way onto her neck, she shuddered. But she didn't show any sign of fear or hesitation. Nor was she afraid to face her lifelong foe and friend.

"I don't cower away from my enemies. If you want to get things settled, then leave the others out of this. I understand your demise but why the Numeroz? Can't you see they're manipulating you?" the female slowly approached the other male on the far end, the boy's face was cynical with arms crossed. His IRIS shone brighter than what it used to.

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