Chapter 36

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took me a while i know that. you know high school, homeworks are just as heavy as major tasks.

You can say, i'm already tired but still wanna write to let's get over with this, we done that, we good with that. let's go!!

follow or friend me on mobile legends : Blare Rose

anywho.... anyone here good at math? need major help here!

my teacher said, Quiz tomorrow, open notes, open notebook and references, but closed eyes XD we're currently in sequencing and series


Normal P.O.V.

Hours has passed after Ali stormed away from the facility, Rudy was still held captive, being accused as Quatro's real alter ego. There's nothing he can do actually. It's either he cooperates or get the worse out of the situation. He doesn't want that of course.

It was late at night, probably 1 in the morning, all the lights are out, only some on the halls, and on other parts of the facility. Although not everyone is asleep by now.

Robotic humanoid droids roamed around the hallways, robotic devices on the ceiling, with cameras all active on sight, the place fully secured, and nowhere to run out.

Keeping a certain former inviso in the underground cells. The cells we used to see, the cells Rizwan and Bakar used to visit, and the cells where the held captives are kept. A figure sulking on the corner of one of the cells, his leg slightly angled as the other flat on the ground, his arms resting on top of his raised knees, and his head dropped down.

He was currently sulking on his own shadow. What did he do wrong to get falsely accused? He knows deep inside, he is innocent. And he is not a traitor, never will he. He will never be like his former idol. He will never betray M.A.T.A. to even sulk as low as to attack Ali, and to steal his girl? Heck no!

But his silence wasn't lasting for the night...




Light footsteps were heard, he perked up at this, but indisputably ignored it, it's probably another agent came to interrogate him, for the hundredth time this night, but he judged too soon.


A voice muttered, Rudy perked at that, it wasn't those pesky agents. It wasn't those annoying bots...

He slowly glanced up at the holographic sliding door. He could clearly see a figure, although it was dark, only a lowly dim light by his cell. But it was enough for him to see the figure was a female. But who is this now? Moon? Iman? Geetha?

(hehe took a while for an info input, Iman is a female agent, under Kombat pillar, she's very nice and quiet, but beware of her temper, she's fierce when using her shawl that's connected to a dart.)

"Rudy... are you awake?" the voice spoke out, soft as it is, it reminded him of someone, the first person who ever saw the good in him ever since he entered the academy. But is it her?

"Why are you here... shouldn't you be asleep?" Rudy spoke out, having figured out who the female is, and he is deemed correct. The female was none other than the ever so kind and gentle, Iman.

"I couldn't sleep... I couldn't believe that you're an enemy, Rudy, is it true?" the female spoke softly, even though they're the only ones in the area, she doesn't want to be heard over the camera recordings, she should be asleep by now. But only had the chance to escape just now to sneak and talk to Rudy. Everyone was forbidden to see him until further notice.

"heh... what do you think?" was Rudy's only subtle response, nevertheless he was being rude, in honour of his name. Or he doesn't have any hope of being justified. Yet Iman thinks otherwise. She went over to the control module and swiped a card on the card slot, she kind of stole that from a certain mentor nearby, but nonetheless, she will do anything to help a friend, especially if they really are innocent.

"No... I don't believe them, you're a good person." She tapped on a few commands and managed to unlock Rudy's cell door, Rudy was surprised she'll stoop out to disobey and betray them just to help him. She really is his friend. He now wished he never acted very subtle towards her, Rudy regrets how mean he is to her, and how he would treat her.

She acts like how Ali acted when he believed in him, but now, Ali felt betrayed for something he didn't do, but then again, he would want to find out whoever Quatro is, in a very, very painful way. He lost a best friend because of him.

"Can you tell me everything you know? I won't tell anyone, you can trust me, but if you don't feel comfortable in doing so, and feel I'm still buoyant to understand, I will respect that, just know that I'm here to help you." Iman smiled, even though it was dark around, he could visibly see her warm smile, amidst the darkness, and he could feel the comfort of the female Kombat agent, it gave him enough hope to prove his innocence, two voices are louder than one alone, that's all he could say.

Sighing, he just patted a spot beside him, gesturing for the female to sit down, which the Kombat agent reluctantly did so and sat down, patiently waiting for Rudy to continue. She won't push him into telling if he's not comfortable.

"days ago I met with this guy, he asked me if I still hate Ali, I said I wasn't, but some still think so, he left and didn't come back, days later this happens, I'm being accused of being this Quatro guy, I don't even know him, I'm innocent, I'm not like Djin, I'm not a traitor, I just don't know why these things happen, I bet it has something to do with that guy." Rudy mumbled out, loud enough for Iman to hear, she listened carefully and processed every bit of information she can process, clearly Rudy is innocent, he seldom leaves the academy too, he can't be at two places at once right? That sounds absurd so to say.

Iman stood up and held out a hand towards the former inviso, who looked up confused at the action, but gradually took her hand in his as she helped him up, smiling warmly, it was the only thing that Rudy sees as warm, and everything else feels cold.

Metal is cold .-.

Her hand feels warm, it was comforting, like he wants to hold it all through the cold night. But he shouldn't be this silly, he still has something he needs to fix.

"Come on, I'll let you rest by a comfortable place tonight, I'll help you clear your name." she smiled and left the underground prisonry, Rudy feels warm and happy with tickles on the inside. And he likes it. Is this the feeling of finding someone you love? And having them by your side on times you needed them?

In that case, he'll definitely get a girlfriend after this is over.


yeah Rudy, get a girl and have a happy ever after, so yeah i rushed this, theres so many ships oh my gawd!

Question, Do you guys want me to make Quatro, Alicia and Ali be in a love triangle??

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